Chapter 2: French Girls and Cat Saliva

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You didn't have a studio, and making Chat Noir appear at the University was risky, so, albeit a little reluctantly, you gave him your address and asked him to meet you at your apartment on the weekend. He didn't seem to mind.

It was Saturday afternoon and you were working on your computer in the living room when you heard a knock from your window. Of course he would come from there. You wondered just how much of a cat he actually was.

Opening the curtain, you saw him leaning over the window frame in what he thought was a seductive pose. You rolled your eyes and unlocked the window.

"Bonjour, ma chérie." He jumped inside the room and kissed your hand. You raised an eyebrow.

"Bonjour ," you said, mocking his flirty tone and retreated your hand. He smirked. "I read this cat transformation is temporary, so we should hurry, right?" You went to your bedroom and grabbed your papers and pencils. Turning around to go back, you saw Chat Noir blocking the passage, leaning with one arm on the doorframe.

"You read about me?" He looked smug, too smug for your liking. You just ignored him and ducked under his arm.

"How long can you stay transformed?" You asked as you made your way to the living room.

He looked at his ring and then back at you. "For about one hour."

You nodded. Sitting on a chair you put in the middle of the room, you asked him to pose for you. "You're going to stay in that pose for at least 20 minutes, so make yourself comfortable."

"Alright," he said and then sprawled himself dramatically on the wooden floor. "Draw me like one of your French girls."

You snorted, trying to contain your laughter, but you couldn't hold it back, so you just put your hand on your face and laughed quietly. Oh, this was going to be difficult.

After 20 minutes of flirty remarks and some cat puns, you were finished. It wasn't the best drawing, but it was far better than the others you had made, so you were happy. You stretched your arms and Chat got up from the pose, stretching his body.

"Do you want water or anything?" You said to him as you made your way to the kitchen.

"Are you an option?" He said, making you roll your eyes.

"No." You heard him chuckle.

Coming back after refreshing yourself, you saw he was already sitting on the floor. "Are you ready?" You asked.


"Alright then." You sat down again and grabbed your paper and pencil. When you looked back at him, he was looking directly at you. You furrowed your brows. "Are you really going to keep staring at me?"

He smirked. "Yes."

You sighed and began to draw. "You suck," you muttered. His smirk only grew.

After some uncomfortable moments, you got into the drawing and forgot he was watching you. This time you focused more on his face, and you saw the little details of it. The way his bottom lip was a bit fuller than the upper one, how his nose looked like a kitty nose with the mask covering part of it – which made you smile – and how he had a little beauty mark on his neck.

Your alarm went off and you blinked. Was the time up already? You didn't even notice. Rubbing your eyes, you looked up at the cat boy and saw him looking back at you with a strange expression.

"Time's up," you said and he blinked, the expression being replaced by his usual flirty one.

"Let me see." He got up and stretched again. Making sure to do it right in front of you so you could see his body.

You fidgeted a little. "Sure."

He got behind you, leaning on the chair and looked at the drawing from over your shoulder. You could feel his breathing on your cheek. "It looks great," he whispered.

"Thank you," you whispered back, your heart speeding up a bit.

After some seconds of silence he leaned back and walked to the window. "Well, I must be off, my lady." You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. "See you next week."

You nodded and began to get up, gathering the drawings. "Thank you for the help- ouch. " You hissed as a paper cut your finger. "Tsk." You went to stick the little injury into your mouth when Chat grabbed your wrist and licked your finger.

"What the-" You looked at him, feeling blood rush to your face. He looked at you through half lidded eyes and sucked on the digit, releasing it with a popping sound.

He licked his lips. "Cat saliva has healing properties." You pulled your hand back hastily.

"Don't you say." You narrowed your eyes at him, holding your hand to your chest. The boy winked as he opened the window. The sun was almost setting and the orange sunset light outlined his body.

"Au revoir, my lady." He bowed and in a matter of seconds, he was gone.

You closed the window and put a hand on your head, sighing. This boy was too much for you. Looking at the streets bathed in the glow of the sunset, you clenched your fist. You had to put up with his flirting, for the sake of art! Your injured finger then throbbed and you hissed, putting it into your mouth.

Your eyes widened when you realized what you had done and you screamed internally. Chat!



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(...) You hissed as a paper cut your finger. "Tsk." You went to stick the little injury into your mouth when Chat grabbed your wrist and licked your finger.

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