Chapter 64: The Judgement of Paris

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Lewd meter: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

A/N: The long-awaited reveal is finally here everyone!! Even if you didn't guess it correctly, thank you for sharing your thoughts and guesses with me, I had a blast seeing your comments lol sorry for not being so active these days, I was working on improving my drawing skills this past month and while it has been rewarding, it was pretty stressful as well. And thank you always for your comments and support! I will try to answer everyone, but if I don't, please know that I really appreciate each one of you ❤

For this chapter I'd like to thank my bestie Kat for being my beta reader as well as a wonderful person who's always supporting me and cheering me on. Thank you Kat, you're awesome ❤


Four people escorted you through the narrow tunnels. Two women and two men, all wearing that dark uniform, like they were part of a cult or an army. Apart from the tall man, the others didn't look like guards, just normal people. They surrounded you but kept a safe distance, trying to look anywhere but at you.

"Where are you taking me?" Your voice cut through the oppressive silence, echoing in the corridor.

The young, skinny guy next to you flinched, holding something close to his chest.

"You'll see," the buff woman behind you replied curtly.

Her tone clearly indicated she didn't want to talk, but you decided to try again. This was a great opportunity to get intel and you couldn't let it pass. "I felt some tremors a few hours back. Do you know what happened?"

"We were instructed not to talk to you," the tall man cut in, putting an end to your attempt at conversation.

You smacked your lips, muttering an 'alright' under your breath, and kept walking down the long corridor, taking in your surroundings.

If it weren't for the skulls and bones decorating the walls, one could doubt these were the catacombs of Paris. The air smelled of dust, like an old stone church or an abandoned library, but there was something else, an underlying tar-like smell that came from somewhere in the labyrinth of tunnels. String lights and lamps illuminated every corridor and almost every wall was covered by graffiti or some kind of decoration. Only the bones were spared, as if in a sign of respect for the dead or fear of their wrath. You didn't think you'd find so much color in such a somber place. It was a stark contrast to the sterile environment of the Wang Fu clinic, but it still managed to be oppressive. The saturated colors and weird designs enhanced the feeling of claustrophobia and hinted at madness.

You had heard about the catacombs before, but being in the endless maze was completely different, and you soon realized that trying to escape on your own would be futile. You already couldn't remember how to get back to the room. Your only chance of getting out would be if Ladybug and the others found you, but Blanc had destroyed your pager, crushing your only hope with it.

Your footsteps echoed louder as you passed by a few shared bathrooms on the way. Even your room had its own bathroom, and it made you wonder how much time Hawkmoth and their minions had spent renovating the catacombs. They probably had used the money from the robberies to be able to transform an underground cemetery into a base like this.

You were about to ask the guards how much longer it would take to get to the dining place when you passed by a large room with no door. Purple light shone from inside and spread out to the corridor, overpowering the colors of the graffiti walls. You peeked inside and saw a young woman sitting cross-legged on a pedestal, still like a statue. Her eyes glowed purple like the light emitting from her upturned hands. Weird runes surrounded her like a bubble.

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