Chapter 49: Fallen Angel (Part 1)

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A/N: Hello, my darlings. It is I, yours truly, with a new chapter for you to enjoy during these unprecedented times (lol I'm sorry I had to). I hope you're all well and safe. So many things have happened, but I've decided not to bore you guys with my problems. I didn't mean to take so long to come back, but I thought I had lost my ability to write. I just couldn't do it anymore. However, I'm back now and I will finish this story. I will, and I hope you guys will be by my side when this journey finally comes to an end. Thank you for your support when I was away. When I was at my lowest, your messages and kind words reminded me of the good in people.

And a big thank you once again to Natasha (, my beta reader.

tl;dr: life sucks sometimes and writing is hard, but you guys make it better. Enjoy the new chapter!


You yawned as you dragged your feet through the University's gravel path.

"You look like hell," Mari helpfully told you as she walked by your side.

You shrugged and let out a mumbled, "Worth it."

Mari stared at you, but you were too focused on not tripping on your own legs to ask her what was wrong. You had no idea how you had been able to wake up on time, but you had done it. Even if each gust of cold wind made you wish you had stayed at your flat, cuddled up by Adrien's warm body, you were happy to be going to your classes again. The blond had tried to distract you with kisses so that you would skip class and stay home with him for the day, and you almost complied. Thankfully, Marinette had come to pick you up and you had an excuse to get away from the temptation in human form.

You glanced back, trying to see if you spotted Adrien in the middle of the mass of students arriving for their morning classes, but you couldn't see him. He probably had taken a different path so you weren't seen together.

"Did you do it?" Mari's voice snapped you out of your thoughts.

"Did what?" You asked, blinking a few times as you tried to focus.

Mari averted her gaze and looked forward with a blank face. "Adrien wanted to talk to you about... something."

"Oh." Your sluggish mind connected the dots. A smirk curled your lips when you remembered last night. "We talked alright."

As soon as Mari saw your expression, she put her hands up. "Alright, cool, I don't need to know the details."

You chuckled. "You're the one who asked."

She sighed and pushed a lock of hair out of her face. Her short hair was getting rather long now. "I'm just asking because he seemed really anxious about your reaction."

"Yeah, he thought I'd break up with him," you said as you remembered Adrien's reactions from the past few days. "I think he doesn't really believe me when I say I won't leave him."

Marinette hummed. "That's a problem."

"I know." You sighed. "And the worst is... What if I have to leave?"

Marinette was quiet for a few seconds. "While I hope that won't happen, Adrien needs to learn to be fine on his own."

You kicked a pebble on the ground. It rolled out of the path and into the grass. "I wish I could help him more."

"You already helped him so much and you're still helping. The rest is up to him to figure out," Mari said.

You nodded. Still, you wished you could do more.

"I'm proud of him. He has come a long way and I think he can feel that too." She smiled. "After the war, I was afraid he wasn't going to recover from it."

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