Chapter 61: The Ninth Wave

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A/N: here it is, my new year gift for you all! I didn't know if I'd be able to post the two chapters on time, but thanks to my darling beta Natasha they're for your reading pleasure. I hope you're prepared for what's to come 👀

also thank you for 7000 kudos! I almost can't believe it! (ノω・、)


Your eyes briefly admired the imposing building of the Gare de Lyon, before walking inside. Luka had told you not to worry, that he'd watch you from afar and intervene if anything happened, but you couldn't help the tremor in your hands and the fast beating of your heart as you made your way to the trains.

You stood on the tip of your toes, trying to spot Julien in the sea of people that filled the railway station. Tension filled the air. Security guards patrolled the place while an announcement on the PA system assured people that even if wire communications were down, the trains would still depart on time.

You gasped when you spotted Julien near a parked train. He had two large briefcases by his side.

You checked your surroundings before approaching him. "Julien."

He turned around swiftly, eyes wide and panicked. His expression melted into a grin when he saw you. "You came!"

You resisted the urge to hug him and motioned to his luggage instead. "You're leaving?"

His happiness seemed to wane at your response. He gave a brief nod. "I'm taking a train to Lisbon, and from there I'll take a plane to Brazil. Luan is waiting for me."

You frowned. "But why now? In the middle of an akuma attack?"

He looked around before saying in a quiet voice, "So Marius won't try to stop me."

You eyed his ragged appearance. A bruise colored his jaw and the dark circles under his eyes made their green color, once so vivid, look dull. "Is he Hawkmoth?"

Julien stepped closer to you. "I'm not sure he is, but I know he's working with him. There's a rehab clinic for akumatized villains. You know where it is, right?"

"I do." You resisted the urge to look around you. Julien's apprehensiveness was making you become even more paranoid. "Louise was there."

He let out a shaky sigh, his face contorting as if it pained him to remember. "I tried to convince her to get out, but she wouldn't listen. Hawkmoth basically runs that place. Marius goes there and talks to the patients. He brainwashes them to feel a specific way so that Hawkmoth can akumatize them and create a specific villain."

Your eyes widened. Louise had said something about a bubble around the city when you went there. Was she brainwashed as well? When would Hawkmoth use her?

You stored those questions for another time. "But the place is empty now."

"The building, yes," said Julien. "But their base is underground, in the catacombs."

"What?" You hissed.

Julien lowered his gaze. "The place's a giant maze. In the clinic, there's a secret door behind a shelf in the supply room." He grabbed your hand and put a crumpled paper in your palm. "I managed to get this week's password. Please put an end to this."

You looked at the paper in your hand. "Why didn't you tell me sooner? Or Chat Noir and Ladybug?"

"I was scared," Julien said with a slight tremor in his voice. "At first Marius only told me to help him expose your relationship with Adrien and I'd have the money he promised me. But when I saw how it was hurting you, I told him I was done. He threatened me. Thankfully my family lives in Lyon and he can't do anything to them."

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