Chapter 31: Wounded Eros (Part 1)

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You walked as fast as you could through the college's halls, attracting some odd looks. Lateness wasn't the reason for your hurry since you were 15 minutes early for your class, but still, you kept going. Your reason was much more urgent.

After what happened at Adrien's studio yesterday, you had come up with a plan. The first part had been to hide his sinful magazine; you couldn't risk looking at those poses and losing the rest of your feeble sanity. The rest of the plan basically consisted of having as minimal interactions with Adrien as possible, until you got your feelings under control.

That meant you couldn't sit near the blonde today.

Arriving at the entrance of the classroom, you took a deep breath and peeked inside, scanning the room. A relieved sigh left your lips when you saw Adrien wasn't there yet. Good.

You walked in and began to choose where to sit, when you noticed Julien slouching on a chair near the wall, staring at his phone. You thanked the gods for your luck, and made a beeline to the seat by his side, only to see it was occupied by his leather bag.

"Hey, Julien, ça va?" You gave him a strained smile. "Can I sit here?"

You glanced at the door. More students were arriving, but still no Adrien. You had to be quick.

Julien looked up from his phone and blinked at you. "Oh, of course."

He moved his bag to the ground and you sat down, making the chair rattle. Julien arched one brow at you.

A beautiful, hearty laugh came from the entrance, and your stomach lurched. You would recognize that laugh anywhere. You couldn't help glancing at the door as Adrien walked in, talking to someone else. Gulping, you turned back to Julien before your eyes made contact with the model's.

"So, Julien, how are doing after the weekend?" You propped your chin on one hand. "Better?"

Julien stared at you, and then at Adrien. "You're avoiding him?"

Your eyes widened a little, but you managed to control your expression and scoff. "No, I'm not."

"Did something happen?" Julien insisted, his curious gaze now turning serious. It seemed that he was ready to punch Adrien straight in the face if needed.

You tried to give him a reassuring smile. Although you appreciated him worrying about you, the last thing you needed now was Julien making a scene. "Nothing happened, alright? There's no need to get overprotective."

Julien huffed. "If you say so." He threw a glance over his shoulder. "He's staring a whole lot though."

You swallowed dry, fighting the urge to look over your shoulder as well. "He is?"

Julien nodded. "He's probably jealous again." He snickered and you sighed, dropping your head on the table.

Maybe sitting near Julien wasn't a good idea. You should've chosen someone else, to avoid attracting more attention. How were you going to be able to avoid a jealous Adrien?

"Oh, here he comes." Julien nudged you, an amused tone in his voice. "And he doesn't look happy."

You let out a groan. Your plan was already falling apart. I should've just skipped this class today, you said to yourself as you raised your head and got ready to face Adrien.

"Bonjour, everyone." Like an angel coming to your calling, professor Boucher arrived, and the students went to their seats, Adrien included. You sagged in your chair, sighing in relief. Your plan was still up, for now. Boucher continued, "In today's class we're going to draw a live model."

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