Chapter 16: The Calm Before the Storm (Part 1)

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The restless rain ceased the following week. The sky didn't regain its blue color, light gray clouds still looming over the city, but at least you didn't have to use a coat or bring an umbrella everywhere you went.

With Marinette's help, you found the perfect gift for Chat, and now you only had to wait for him to appear. It was getting quite frustrating that you didn't have a way to communicate with the cat boy, but you couldn't imagine him walking around with a cellphone while transformed, so you waited.

The days passed as you tried to make yourself busy by visiting some of Paris' museums. You went alone since your friends were still busy with their finals, but it was great having some time to yourself, to arrange your thoughts. Thankfully the museums were less crowded than usual because of the season and you could appreciate the paintings and sculptures better without having to fight for a spot with tourist groups. You liked to sit down on one of the wooden benches and spend the day drawing, taking inspiration from the classical artists.

When you weren't tired and the wind wasn't so cold, you enjoyed walking by the Seine on your way back home from the museums, taking in the beautiful scenery. It didn't matter when you passed, be it early afternoon or sunset, there were always couples sitting together along the riverbank. You always averted your eyes, determined to ignore the emptiness in your chest when you passed by them, hearing the sound of their combined laughter.

It irked you that your thoughts always shifted to Chat when you saw affectionate couples. There was no need for you to feel like this. You tried to block the thoughts from entering your mind, but it seemed that the more you tried, the more they came back, and with more force.

You walked by another couple and huffed, putting your cold hands inside your pockets as your thoughts once more betrayed you, deviating to blonde locks and a too familiar smug smile.

Trying to distract yourself, you remembered a painting from Manet that you just saw in a museum. He had used his muse, Victorine, as inspiration, and you wondered if the thought of her haunted him like this. If he had ever tried to prevent his feelings from surfacing or just threw himself into this madness with selfless abandon.

Because this is what it was, madness. Not being able to stop the flashes of what happened the last time you were together, or the ghost of the touch of his hands on your thighs, and missing the comforting heat of his body lying next to yours. Madness.

At the end of the week, when you'd almost given up on giving the present to Chat, Mari sent you a message asking you to meet her at the Seine to celebrate the end of the semester.

Half an hour later, you were sitting by her side, with your feet dangling over the water as the boats filled with tourists took off into the cold late afternoon. Your thoughts insisted on going back to the cat hero, but you made an effort to pay attention to Marinette's words.

Mari took a bite from one of the pastries she brought from her parents' boulangerie before sighing. "I can't believe it's finally over."

You nodded with a smile, grabbing a pastry as well. "But don't you still have your part time job?"

Mari waved a dismissive hand. "I love working there, it doesn't count." She looked at the half eaten food in her hand and sighed. "But I wish I could be like Adrien, off to different countries every month. Now he's in Germany for a photo-shoot."

"He travels a lot, right?" You heard people laughing and turned around to see a group of teenagers arrive, sitting a few meters away from you, wine bottles in their hands.

Marinette nodded. "Yeah, but he should be coming back soon." She gave you a pointed look. "He was really happy that you went to the party. Everyone was, actually."

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