Chapter 17: The Calm Before the Storm (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

Hey guys, I'm sorry I'm not so active here on Wattpad, but thank you for reading the story!


Your apartment's window made a clicking sound as Chat easily opened the lock with his claws while still holding you behind his back.

"Didn't I tell you to change this lock, chérie?" Chat sighed as he carried you inside.

You huffed, tightening your arms around his neck momentarily as he moved. "The apartment isn't really mine, I can't just make changes like that."

It had taken a few more minutes to get to your flat, since Chat had decided to take a longer path. When you had questioned him about it, he'd said that he was just making sure no one was following you both. With your heart in your throat, you had decided to be quiet for the rest of the trip.

You were relieved to finally be at your place, where the cold wind couldn't cut deep into your bones any longer.

Chat stopped in the middle of the living room and you carefully put one of your feet on the ground, trying to balance yourself. But your muscles seemed to have frozen during the trip to your flat and you grabbed onto Chat as your feet gave out.

"Whoa," Chat gripped your thigh, pulling you up before you collapsed. "You okay, princess?"

He looked back at you with a worried face, but all you could focus on were his claws piercing your skin. The indentations on the flesh were deep, almost as if they could rip the fabric of your clothes.

Before your face could get warm, you nodded and proceeded to try and get up again. "I'm fine."

You kept repeating that to yourself until you were on your feet and at a safe distance from Chat. You shivered at the loss of contact. The cat boy was really warm and all you wanted was to stay close to him.

"So, thank you for bringing me home, but," you resisted the urge to step closer to his inviting warmth, and instead licked your dry lips. "What were you doing alone on the streets on a cold Christmas night?"

"Well, I–" Chat made a funny face, and you arched a brow at him. A moment later he sneezed. That was... the cutest cat sneeze you'd ever heard.

"Alright, I'll make us something warm before you catch a cold." You smiled as you went to the kitchen. Turning on the light you saw various packages on the counter. "Do you have any preference?"

Chat shook his head with a smile. "I'm sure anything you choose will be great, ma belle."

You pursed your lips at his vague answer and tore up a tea package, putting it inside a mug. Chat seemed to be distracted by something and you wondered what the reason was.

You put water to boil into an electric kettle and waited. There was a comfortable silence between you and Chat. He seemed to be deep in his thoughts, staring out of the window, and you couldn't bring yourself to interrupt him, deciding to wash some dirty plates you had left on the sink.

It was strange to believe that some minutes ago you had just made an agreement over some sort of relationship, but thanks to that weird noise the sentimental moment was over far too soon. You let the lukewarm tap water run over a glass, reminiscing about Chat asking you not to have another muse. It made your stomach flutter. Marinette had told you to talk with the cat boy, but what could you say? That you missed him? That you just wanted to grab him and kis–

"What are you thinking about?"

Chat's voice was really close to your right ear and you gasped, almost letting go of the glass in your hands.

Chat Noir X Reader: The MuseWhere stories live. Discover now