Chapter 41: Wanderer above the Mist

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A/N: Thank you all for the warm welcome back! (*¯ ³¯*)♡

A dear reader of this story asked me if I could post this chapter on their birthday, so here it is! I hope I'm not too late!

Enjoy, everyone!


Silence filled the classroom, with only a few voices bouncing off the walls once in a while. Your mind, on the other hand, was a cacophony of thoughts. You had talked to Alya yesterday and she gave you a task: to keep an eye on Marius Boucher. You were still trying to figure out how you would do that without giving yourself away, but the best way to bump into him was at the university, and since you had to do your Figure Drawing homework, it worked perfectly.

"When is your flight?" One of the students in the classroom asked her friend.

"May 4th," the girl answered.

You swallowed dry, trying to focus on your homework again as their conversation went on. That was another reason why your thoughts were in such a state. Many international students were already preparing to leave, and some, like Luan, had already gone back home. Your time to say goodbye to Paris was right around the corner and you had to do something about it. You couldn't leave Adrien, and due to the new French laws, the only way to stay in Paris was to find a job that would give you a work permit. You had to prepare an up to date portfolio and send it to any companies you could find. God, you had to do so many things...

You put your pen down. You were able to get a lot done, thanks to the inspiration coursing through your veins. Being with Adrien these past days had done wonders for your art. But that was enough for today. You still had to find Marius and it was getting late. When you turned around, your eyes met Mrs. Boucher's light brown ones.

"Have you ever thought about participating in the Paris Art Contest?" She asked.

You blinked a few times. "I'm sorry?"

"Oh, I apologize if this is too sudden." She glanced at your easel. "I've been paying attention to your art style and I think you have a great chance to win."

The Paris Art Contest. It was a big thing in France for artists. The winner got a large amount of money as a prize and... Your eyes widened. They were usually hired to work as an illustrator for magazines.

"The applications are open?" You asked, trying not to sound too eager.

"Yes, until next week." She smiled.

You could feel your heart begin to speed up. This was your chance.

"I have another class with a live model in the afternoon," Mrs. Boucher continued. "If you want to practice for the contest, just appear there. Room 201, at 15pm."

"I will." You grinned. "Thank you, professor." You wanted to give her a big hug. This was something. A flickering light in the dark.

Someone walked by the door, going down the corridor. You were able to recognize the short black hair and the elegant posture. Marius.

"Sorry, professor, I need to go," you said as you gathered your things. You had to be quick before you lost him. "I'll see you soon!"

When you got to the corridor, you looked around. No sign of Marius. You cursed under your breath. Where did he go? You continued down the hallway, checking inside open classrooms for a few minutes. Nothing. He had vanished. When you were about to head back, the ground shook and you leaned on the wall for support. You had been living in Paris for more than a year now, so you knew this wasn't a simple earthquake. And when the screams of 'akuma' reached your ears, you weren't surprised.

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