Your True Self Shines

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     They carried the man into the cabin and set about trying to tend to him.  They removed the spear, removed his robes and Jinzi set out to clean and dress his wound.  Baohu was standing guard while Junjie helped his brother.  Jinzi had the wound cleaned and bandaged when he awakened.  His eyes were soft with gratitude.  "Young master, thank you for your kindness.  I must get home to my family.  May I rest here and leave tomorrow morning?"  Jinzi brought a bowl of medicine he had made and some soup he had made.  "Drink this medicine and eat this soup then you can rest.  You may stay until the morning and be on your way.  Is it far to your home?"  "It is over this mountain on the other side.  Your tender care will see me home.  Thank you."  Baohu came running into the cabin.  "There are people coming.  The traps are all set.  We should stay here for now."  The thieves had come across the barrier they had built and decided it must be good for stealing.  There were five of them.  One by one they were caught in one of the set traps until only one was left.  He was cautious now.  He wasn't sure if his comrades were dead or only injured.  He slowly made his way towards the opening in the bamboo wall.  Junjie saw the man coming into the clearing.  He motioned to his brothers.  Jinzi drew back an arrow and loosed it.  He hit the man right in the heart.  He was killed instantly.
     Mo Yuan and Bai Xue were walking up the pathway when Mo Yuan caught the smell of blood.  Using hand signals, he motioned for Xue to wait where he was.  He walked carefully forward until he came upon a pit full of cut sticks.  A man was dead caught on the sticks.  Going back to Xue, he signaled them forward.  There was one more trap ahead of them, but Mo Yuan knew there were others around the barrier he could see up ahead.  Each trap held a dead man.  They were about to walk into the barrier entrance when they saw the thief fall from an arrow.  It seemed as if they waited an eternity before the three boys came out with daggers drawn.  They saw their surprised father and ran to him.  "Fuqin!  Thieves tried to get us!  We set traps and caught them!  Come quick!  We have a man who was injured by one of our traps trying to flee from the thieves.  Hurry!"  Mo Yuan quickly followed them inside while Xue cleaned up the mess.  He checked the man using his powers.  He was resting.  He motioned for the boys to follow him outside.  "I can see you have done well, but I did not expect thieves to find this place.  I wonder who they were trying to escape from?  Did any of you talk to the man you have inside?"  Jinzi nodded.  "He got caught by our spear trap trying to run away from the thieves.  We brought him in after he asked us to please help him.  He wants to get back to his family.  He said he lives on the other side of the mountain.  I tended his wound and made medicine for him.  He said he would leave in the morning."  "You have done well.  I will talk to him when he wakes up.  Now let me help your brother clean up."
     Xue went to check every trap only to find every dead body gone.  He scanned each trap and caught the smell.  Demons!  They must have smelled the boys and decided to harm them.  He met his father at the gate as he was about to walk out.  "Fuqin, we have a bigger problem here than I first thought.  Every dead body has disappeared.  They left behind the foul stench of demons.  I think we came just in time."  "Are you sure?"  "I'm positive.  I recognize the smell.  My dragon went on high alert.  Now I'm wondering just who this man is that is here.  Why was he being chased by demons?  Who is he?"  "A good question.  Let's help these boys clean up and cook.  Would you catch some fish?  I'll cook it for them."  "Right away!  My dragon will catch us some!"  Mo Yuan prepared the fire and watched as each boy set about their chores and tasks.  He was impressed to say the least.  Xue came back with five nice fish.  Mo Yuan started making grilled fish for dinner.  The smell of food woke their visitor.  When Mo Yuan walked into his room, the man's eyes got big and he tried to rise.  "Forgive me, High God Mo Yuan!  I'm unable to rise!"  "Who are you and why are you being pursued by the demon clan?"  "Demons?!?  I had no clue.  I am Ming Wang.  I come to the mortal realm from time to time.  It's my way of relaxing and trying to get away from a monotonous life.  I am a mere Star Lord under Donghua Dijun.  I apologize for any problems I have caused you.  Are these your sons?"  "The oldest is my first born Bai Xue.  These twins are Bai Zhi Jinzi and Bai Baohu Zhe.  This one is Mo Junjie Jin.  The three younger ones were here as punishment for deeds they did two days ago.  Why don't you let us carry you to your home?"  "High God, I ask your forgiveness now before you kill me.  I must return to my home on the other side of this mountain.  I must.  You see, I have a wife there."  Mo Yuan looked hard at him for a moment and sighed.  "Am I safe to assume this woman is mortal?"  "No, she is not.  I was in a relationship with her when I realized she is immortal, possibly on her trial.  I didn't mean to interfere, but I honestly thought she was mortal until a demon came by her home.  I led them away from her.  I don't know who she is.  Could you take me home?"  "We will leave in the morning."
     That night Mo Yuan sat down with his boys and had a long conversation.  "Tell me why you felt a need to build a wall around your home?"  "Fuqin, we went to forage and when we came back two men were in our home rummaging around.  They were stealing our tools.  Baohu mind talked to them and they started fighting each other.  They left but left our tools behind.  We built the wall in two days."  "You boys have done well.  What have you learned here?"  Jinzi spoke first.  "I learned we can work together and accomplish a lot, or we could fight and do nothing.  We chose to work together.  I also know how to cook.  I tried to improve on what you taught me."  "Baohu, Junjie, do you feel the same way?"  Junjie spoke first.  "Fuqin, at first I was afraid because I've never been without you.  I had to learn that you might not be able to always be where I am.  I learned to be responsible for myself and to be a helper when needed."  "And you, Baohu?"  "I also learned the same lesson.  I learned that you can't always use magic or your powers.  We built the wall using only our bare hands and our own strength.  I think Fuqin wanted us to know we each have our own strengths and weaknesses.  Am I right?"  "Yes Baohu, you are right.  I'm also pleased that you chose to help Ming Wang instead of sending him away.  You have done well and Fuqin is very proud of you.  Tomorrow we are going to help Ming Wang return to his home.  Rest tonight for we have a long journey ahead."
     The next morning they packed all of the supplies they could carry.  Mo Yuan placed a protection spell on the little compound to keep it in perfect condition if they want to come back.  They headed out into the forest to Ming Wang's home.  As they walked, Baohu asked his father why they didn't use their powers.  " As you already know, when you use your powers in the mortal realm you suffer from backlash.  This backlash can sometimes come at an inopportune time.  Ask Xue, he'll tell you."  "What happened to you, Da ge?"  "I was drunk and I forgot I was in the mortal realm.  Four thieves attacked me and I used my powers to kill them.  I got very sick.  Fuqin saved me."  "So we are walking because we don't want to get sick from backlash.  Ok.  We walk."  They had walked for miles when Mo Yuan called a halt.  They made camp for the night.  They gathered wood for a fire.  Jinzi set about cooking for them.  They a hearty soup and Xue scouted around the area.  "Fuqin, the border between the mortal realm and immortal realm is very close by."  "I know.  I just want to see where we are going.  Demons should not be in this area.  I'm wondering why they are here."  "I thought they were leaderless.  Have they regrouped?  I'll have to get my people on it right away."  Ming Wang was listening to the conversation closely.  "Lord Mo Yuan, I think I know why they are here.  I heard they are searching for the soul jade.  It's been told it was in the hands of the Ghost Lord, Li Jing.  I know you killed him.  Someone has that artifact and they want it."  "My question is why do they want it?  We will investigate."
     Mo Yuan sent the boys out one by one to investigate and scout ahead.  Baohu had been sent out.  He came running back with his dagger drawn.  "Fuqin, there is a small troop of demons up ahead.  They didn't see me, but I felt the need to hurry back and report."  Mo Yuan thought only a minute and he unsealed the boys' powers.  "I have unsealed your powers for I feel we are about to be in combat.  You boys are capable and can help.  Only enter the battle if it is to protect someone.  Ming Wang is not able the fight so you can protect him.  If I give an order, you do it with no questions asked.  Am I clear?"  "Yes, Fuqin!"  They proceeded over the hill slowly.  Mo Yuan started using hand signals.  The demons were digging for something.  He turned to the group and smiled.  "I will handle these.  You stay here."  Xue grinned.  "Watch and learn, boys.  You're about to see Fuqin go full God of War!"  Mo Yuan walked over the hill like he was just a traveler going to another place.  He was almost upon the demons when they saw him.  They all attacked.  He called Xuan Yuan and went into full battle mode.  Xue watched the boys as they watched their father.  They had never seen him battle before.  In no time he had wiped out the whole troop.  He signaled for them to come.  Three boys ran up to their father in absolute awe.  Junjie looked at him in slight fear and asked him a question.  "Fuqin, did you use your full power?"  "No, Junjie, I didn't.  We are close to the immortal realm now.  I also found this map.  Here Xue, we need to look it over."  Bai Xue took the map and examined it closely.  "Fuqin, when you fought Li Jing, exactly where were you?  Were you close to this area?  Isn't Kunlun close to this location?"  Mo Yuan looked around the area quickly.  "You are correct, Xue.  We did fight close to this location.  Spread out and search this area.  We might find what they were looking for."  They had been searching when Baohu called them.  "Here, Fuqin, here!  I found something!"  Mo Yuan Ran over to where Baohu was standing.  He bent over and picked up a smooth oval piece of green jade.  It was the Soul Jade.  "Good work, Baohu!  You found it!  Now that we have it, let's leave now.  They will probably come back.  Come, let's get to Ming Wang's house as soon as we possibly can."
    They traveled for the rest of the day when they walked over a rise and Ming Wang pointed out his house.  It was surrounded by demons.  A young woman was valiantly fighting them off.  Mo Yuan called a charge and they all flew into the fray.  Junjie was terrified but he took his dagger and jumped onto the back of a demon.  He slit his throat and ran after another one.  Jinzi ran to the woman.  She was injured.  He threw up a barrier over them so he could tend her.  Baohu was using his mind talking to confuse the enemy.  Xue and Mo Yuan were killing demons with their swords left and right.  The battle was over quickly.  Mo Yuan looked over the field and smirked.  Junjie ran to his father and wrapped his arms around his legs.  "Fuqin!  Fuqin!"  Tears were running out of his eyes.  "Fuqin, I killed that man!  Fuqin I killed him!"  Mo Yuan knelt down and enfolded the scared little boy in his arms.  "It's ok, Junjie.  You did well.  It's ok."  He wiped the tears from his face with his thumbs and held him close again.  "You did very well.  Fuqin is very proud of your bravery.  Now come and let us help these people if we can."  He rose and took Junjie's hand.  Jinzi had lowered his barrier and had healed many of the wounds on the young women.  Mo Yuan scanned her quickly.  He sensed her immortal essence.  He turned her face toward himself and gasped.  He narrowed his eyes and stared at Ming Wang.  "If you are a retainer in Donghua Dijun's palace, surely you know who this young woman is?  You have stepped over a boundary that is about to cost you more than you know.  Even I won't be able to save you if he finds out you are here.  I suggest you explain yourself now."
     Ming Wang looked confused.  "High God Mo Yuan, I don't understand.  I'm hear to protect her.  That's all.  She asked me to.  Who is she?"  "She is Bai Feng Jui, Queen of Qing Qui.  She has been missing for a few years now.  Donghua Dijun has been looking for her.  Surely you knew this?"  "No, I didn't.  She never told me.  I swear she never told me."  "Let's get her inside.  She should come around soon."  Mo Yuan was sitting by the bed when Bai Feng Jui awakened.  "Gufu!  How did you find me?"  "I didn't.  I found you quite by accident.  This man says he is your protector.  Is this true?"  "Yes.  I asked him to pretend to be my husband.  I don't know why the demons attacked us.  Where is Bai Gun Gun?"  "Who is Bai Gun Gun?"  Feng Jui looked into Mo Yuan's eyes.  "He is my son."  "What?!?  I think you need to come with us to Kunlun.  You need to talk to your Gugu.  She has been very depressed lately."  Ming Wang stepped forward.  "I'm sorry I deceived you, High God Mo Yuan, but I was under an oath to the Queen."  "I understand.  Get your things ready.  We return to Kunlun now."  A small boy with white hair came out of the house and ran to his mother.  "Mother!  I was so afraid!  Are we saved now?"  "Yes, Gun Gun, we are saved."  Mo Yuan narrowed his eyes.  You could have knocked him over with a feather!  He stared Feng Jui down.  He turned to his boys and started barking orders.  In an hours time he had them all on a fast cloud to Kunlun.
     Bai Qian was in the hall when they arrived.  Feng Jui hung her head and said nothing.  "Dearest, I would like to introduce someone to you."  He pulled the little boy out from behind Xue.  "This is your great nephew, Bai Gun Gun, son of Feng Jui.  I think you know the father."  Before Bai Qian could say a word, Junjie ran into her arms.  "Mother!  I fought in a battle!  I killed a demon all by myself!"  Caught unawares by too much information, Bai Qian rose from her seat and screamed the loudest Mo Yuan had ever heard in all their years.  "MO YUAN!  YOU MEAN YOU LET THIS CHILD USE A BLADE IN A BATTLE?  AND FENG JUI!  HOW COULD YOU?"  She turned in a huff, knocked over Die Feng and stormed out of the hall.  Bai Xue took one look at his father and saw his eyes turn gold.  "Fuqin, if I may interject?"  Mo Yuan snarled, looked at Xue and cloud jumped behind her.
     He found her at their pavilion.  She was so mad she was crying.  He landed behind her.  His dragon was furious.  "Bai Qian!  You should listen before you storm out of a room.  The circumstances that led to that battle were unforseen by me and even Xue!  The boys were at our cabin on Mount Junji.  Demons attacked them.  I must say I was very proud of the way they handled themselves.  A wounded young man came to them for aide about the time Xue and I arrived.  We followed him to his home and that is where I found Feng Jui.  She was fully engaged in a battle by herself.  We all charged in, even the boys.  I'm very proud of them.  They upheld the honor of Kunlun Mountain today and their places as my sons.  All four of them.  If you find this troublesome, I suggest you sit here and think for a moment just what your position as MY WIFE means!!!  As to Feng Jui, you will have to talk to her when you are of a clear mind."  With that, he turned and jumped back to his office.  He put up a barrier and refused to see anyone. 

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