Defeat? Never!

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     Mo Yuan had never been so glad to see someone in his long life.  Dijun sat down and poured himself tea.  For a few minutes he was still and silent.  He handed Mo Yuan the two scrolls for him to read.  Mo Yuan looked up and smiled.  He, of course, was not thinking.  He only saw one problem, his own son.  Dijun stood and said, "take me to the child."  Mo Yuan rose and led the way to the infirmary.  They could hear the screams from the door.  Threats, foul language, attempts to get out of the barrier.  All in vain.  Donghua Dijun looked at the child and grinned.  Zhenzhu saw Dijun and stopped his ranting immediately.  "Well if it isn't the old rock himself.  You're still alive?  How quaint!"  Dijun, not bothered at all, lowered the barrier and grabbed the boy.  He produced the soul gathering lamp in one hand and held Zhenzhu in the other.  "Ah, I see you remember this lamp well.  I see fear in your eyes.  Good.  You will come out of this child and you shall be gone forever.  Do I make myself clear?  You're nothing.  NOTHING!  Now you will die and stay dead.  Come, Mo Yuan.  Take me to his room.  We will rid ourselves of this demon spawn once and for all."  Zhenzhu squirmed and wiggled trying to get out of Dijun's hands.  He cursed him the whole way.  When they entered the door to the boy's room, he shook Zhenzhu and laughed.  "You never were that smart, were you?  Now you die!"  He put the child to sleep, lit the lamp and ran everyone out.  "Mo Yuan, get Xiao Bai to make me those green bean cakes.  I'll be here for three days."  He shut the door.
     Mo Yuan turned to Bai Xue.  Xue, go get Bai Feng Jui.  Tell her what's going on.  Bring her quickly though."  "I will, Fuqin.  I'll be back as quickly as I can.  Bai Qian, along with Baohu, Jinzi, JinDe and Taiyang were standing outside the door with Mo Yuan.  Suddenly crashes were heard as if a battle was taking place.  Screams and laughs were heard.  Bai Qian was about to go in when the racket stopped.  Xue returned with Feng Jui.  For ten days a battle ensued in the boys room.  Back and forth.  On the seventh day, silence was heard.  Mo Yuan paced back and forth.  Taiyang was wringing his little hands.  "Fuqin, Zhenzhu is talking to me to help him.  Please stop him.  He's in my head.  Please Fuqin?"  Mo Yuan took the boy into his lap and worked a spell to protect his mind.  "Better?"  Taiyang nodded, laid his head on his Fuqin's shoulder and promptly went to sleep.  He was exhausted.  Mo Yuan took him to his mother who was sitting at a table in their garden.  He conjured a little mattress and quilt and laid him down.  He was breathing slightly out of his open mouth.  "Mo Yuan, is Zhenzhu going to survive?  Is what he said about being one person true?  How would we ever know?"  "Jinzi could tell, I believe.  I'll call him to me."  Mo Yuan opened his mind and called Jinzi.  He jumped right to his Fuqin.  "You need me, Fuqin?"  "Zhenzhu told Taiyang that they were supposed to be one person, but circumstances split them into two.  Would you be able to tell?"  "Maybe.  Let me scan Taiyang while he is asleep."  Jinzi scanned him slowly and carefully.  "Fuqin, from what I can see, Taiyang and Zhenzhu came from one egg.  Baohu and I are like this as are Xue and JinDe.  One egg.  For Xue and JinDe and Baohu and I, we came from one egg, one sperm.  The quads are two eggs, two sperm.  They are actually two sets of twins born at the same time. Taiyang seems to be the same.  I could only confirm this if I could scan Zhenzhu.  If they are one egg, they could be one egg, one sperm, or one egg, two sperm.  I really think they are one egg, one sperm.  The division happens very early on in the pregnancy.  Mother would have been carrying the twins already when Jinlong raped her.  I'm sorry to mention that, Fuqin."  "It's alright, Jinzi.  That is something I must live with forever.  So in your medical opinion, Zhenzhu was basically trying to scare Taiyang.  They are indeed identical twins.  I don't know if you have noticed, but they look just like me.  Xue and JinDe have my eyes and jawline, but the shape of their mouth is like Bai Zhen.  You and Baohu are like Bai Zhen.  Chin Chu and Chen Bo are like Qian Qian but Liang Lei and Junjie are more a mix like Xue and JinDe, but these little boys are exactly like me.  In every detail.  It's just my observation."  Jinzi nodded.  "You're right, Fuqin.  I never paid much attention to all of our features, but you are right." 
     Day eight and everything was quiet.  Feng Jui had made cakes again.  Now Jinzi loved cake as much as Ye Hua did.  He was waiting patiently for Feng Jui to bring out the cakes when Ye Hua walked in.  A stare down begin.  Feng Jui, being prepared, walked out of the kitchen empty handed.  Ye Hua and Jinzi stared her down.  They both spoke at the same time.  "Where's our cakes?"  "If you two would have a little patience, you would each have your own plate full."  They both huffed and crossed their arms.  She smiled and made a plate appear in front of each one of them along with fresh tea.  "Now there!  Eat up!"  Ye Hua, not to be outdone, stuffed cake so fast he looked like a chipmunk with stuffed cheeks.  Jinzi was not far behind.  They both finished their cake and sadly looked at the empty plates.  They looked at her with very sad expressions.  "Alright!  One more plate each but no more!"  She conjured the plates and watched them eat more slowly now.  After much finger licking and lip smacking, they were finished.  "Who knew that you two could eat so much cake!  Now I'll have to make more for tea!"  Mo Yuan walked in to get a plate of snacks to carry to Bai Qian.  There were no snacks.  He frowned when he looked at Ye Hua and Jinzi licking their fingers.  "So you two ate all the cake!  Are their anymore, Feng Jui?  I was going to take a plate to Qian Qian."  She conjured a plate for him.  "Gufu, these two nearly ate all of it, but I saved a plate for you and Gugu."  She grinned when they looked at the plate with longing.  "No more cake!  I'm making grilled sweet and sour fish for dinner!  Now go on!"  They followed Mo Yuan to the garden.  Taiyang was still sleeping.  Bai Qian grinned when she saw the cake.  "You mean you actually got cake away from those two?  I'm surprised!"  "I barely missed getting cake for you, as these two had polished off two plates each!" 
   Day nine passed off quietly.  Day ten, Mo Yuan was on pins and needles.  Taiyang had been peaceful so he knew everything was ok.  Late in the afternoon, Dijun came walking out with a solid red marble in his hand.  It swirled with an internal black fire.  He held the marble in his hand and slowly brought forth blue ice.  The black fire begin to swirl faster as if trying to escape.  The blue ice went into the marble and quickly doused the fire.  The marble turned a deep magenta color.  Dijun tucked it into his sleeve.  He beckoned for Mo Yuan to come into the room with him.  He sat beside the little boy and passed energy over him.  Zhenzhu opened his eyes slowly.  He looked around frantically until he saw his Fuqin.  He held his arms up and begged to be picked up.  Mo Yuan, being the loving Fuqin he is, picked him up and held him tightly.  "Are you alright now, Zhenzhu?"  He nodded but he didn't speak.  He looked at his Fuqin sadly.  "It seems our old enemy, the red demon king, ruined his voice.  He may never speak again, but he can mind talk.  I tried to heal him.  In time, his vocal cords may recover.  He will not remember any of the things done while he was overtaken by the spirit, I don't think.  He just needs you, his mother and siblings to be here for him.  Now I must return to Taichen Palace.  I must store this marble in a safe place.  Ye Hua should take the soul gathering lamp to his palace.  I'll see myself out."
     Taiyang was glad to see his brother but he was still a little afraid of him.  This was understandable, but they had to bond again.  "Taiyang, your Didi may not ever be able to speak out loud again.  He can mind talk.  You can talk for him once you bond with him again."  Mo Yuan removed the mind barrier he had placed so Zhenzhu could talk to his brother.  Their sun discs glowed as they renewed their bond.  "Fuqin, Zhenzhu say he loves me and all of his family.  He wants to see JinDe."  Mo Yuan left and returned quickly with JinDe.  "Fuqin tells me you wanted me Zhenzhu.  What can I do for you?"  Zhenzhu spoke into JinDe's mind.  JinDe nodded, smiled, tickled and hugged him.  Mo Yuan looked puzzled.  "What did he say, JinDe?"  "It's our secret, since we are both golden dragons, right Xiao long?"  Zhenzhu smiled and grinned.  The relief that came over Mo Yuan was heavy and he felt a wave of tiredness pass over him.  "Well if you two must, then keep your secrets!  Now lets go eat that fish that Feng Jui is cooking for dinner.  I'm sure it will be good!"
     In a few days everything was back to normal.  Liang Lei was recovering well with her San ge taking care of her.  Zhenzhu and Taiyang were back in the classroom.  Bai Qian was watching Mo Yuan carefully.  He looked tired.  She decided a little rest and relaxation was in order.  She set up the pavilion for a nice little session of fox tails and dragon scales.  She smiled.  She probed around the mountain for him.  Ye Hua had just returned to the nine heavens so he was walking back to his study.  She hid behind a barrier and waited.  He sat down and started going through his correspondence.  He was on the third one when her pheromone scent hit him.  His eyes turned gold and he growled a low seductive growl.  He had to admit, he wanted her.  It had been a while.  He rose from his seat and grinned.  "I assume the pavilion is waiting?  Meet me there!"  He jumped to find her reclining naked on the pillows.  She drank a pull from a wine jug and grinned.  He threw his clothes off and came to her side.  His hands very tenderly caressed every inch of her.  His soft touch, his tender lips on hers, his moans of want all drove her onward.  She erupted her tails.  Slowly, tenderly they caressed him.  His kiss deepened and he moaned louder.  He descended down her throat to her breast and attacked them.  He went back and forth sucking each nipple and pulling them out with his mouth.  He went down her body placing soft kisses on her stomach.  He softly spread her legs and admired the view.  He blew hot breath on her petals and attacked her with his dragon tongue.  He loved her tenderly with his mouth and licked and sucked her to oblivion.  She came hard for him.  He flipped her onto her stomach and entered her taking in the view as he went.  Slowly and tenderly he loved her.  Jinlong remembered the violence he had wreaked upon her.  Now he was showing her his tender side.  The side that was there all along but was never cultivated.  He tenderly loved her and caressed her.  His thrusts were soft and tender.  He leaned over her back, moved her hair aside and softly kissed her neck.  He sent his essence down his shaft to increase her pleasure.  Her moans of pleasure sent his heart to soaring.  Her peak was building and when the violence of her climax was upon her, he leaned his head back and roared the softest gentlest roar he had ever done.  Spent and sated, he lay on his back taking Bai Qian with him.  He didn't remove himself from her body.  His soft hands came around her body and massaged her breast.  He raised his legs to spread hers out on each side of his.  Lower his hand moved until he skated over her mound and started to pleasure her.  Her head was laid on his shoulder.  She turned her head to kiss him.  His eyes were gold but they were swirling with a different energy.  She could see the sun in his eyes.  His soft passion had lit a fire in his soul.  Jinlong was feeling a new energy and he liked it.  The higher her pleasure went, the more his eyes swirled with tender, loving passion.  He became rock hard inside of her again and they lifted off like a rocket.  She rode him hard and he grunted with each thrust until they broke over the rocks like a tremendous wave.  They were both breathing hard.  Slowly they came down from their passionate high.  He turned on his side and spooned himself behind her.  His head on her shoulder, his arms around her, they drifted off into a passion exhausted sleep. 
     Mo JinDe had been looking for his Fuqin.  He was ready to return home because he felt in his heart that everything would be alright now.  He had looked everywhere except for the pavilion.  When he jumped close he knew they were there.  A feeling of contentment and peace along with a strong unbreakable love washed over him.  He almost sobbed from the love he felt.  When he turned to leave, his Fuqin spoke to his mind.  "I love you JinDe.  I'll see you off to your home tomorrow morning."  JinDe was wiping a tear away when he met Bai Xue in the hallway to the great hall.  "I assume you found Fuqin?"  "Yes.  They are at the pavilion.  Xue, sometimes I'm so thankful that Fate saw fit for Mo Yuan, son of the Father of Gods, God of War and Master of Kunlun to be my Fuqin.  I'm very thankful.  He said he would see us off in the morning."  He put his hand on his Da ge's shoulder.  He looked into his eyes. They both hugged and cried.  That night neither Mo Yuan or Bai Qian came to dinner.  Baohu noticed the empty seats and grinned.  Jinzi, being annoyed, asked him why he was grinning like a fool.  He nodded toward the empty seats.  "Fox tails and dragon scales!"  JinDe burst out laughing.  He laughed so hard the whole dining hall was laughing. 
     The next morning they were both present for breakfast.  Taiyang and Zhenzhu were giggling together.  Zhenzhu giggled but he was silent.  He was sitting on his Er ge's lap.  JinDe tickled him mercilessly.  He had his mouth open wide but no sound came out.  JinDe tickled his side and a grunt came out.  Slowly, surely, the grunts increased until he full out wailed.  "Stahhh Errrr!"  JinDe hugged him close and laughed.  Mo Yuan sat down his cup and ran to the little boy.  He grabbed him up and hugged him tight.  "You talked, Zhenzhu!  You talked!!"  Zhenzhu grinned.  He patted Mo Yuan's face with both hands.  "Fuuuuuugggg ii."  It was a contest to who grinned the most.  Bai Xue got up and took the boy into his arms.  He hugged him close.  "Daaaahhh ggg!"  Xue passed him around to all of his siblings.  When he came close to Liang Lei, he cried.  He patted her face and cried.  "Zhenzhu, don't cry.  I'm ok.  I know you didn't do it!  I'll even teach you how to use the bow.  Ok?"  He patted her face again and nodded.  Finally he turned toward his Fuqin and grunted.  He held out his hands.  Mo Yuan took him and held him close to his neck so he could hear his heart beat.  Jinlong came forward and his eyes were swirling like the brightest sun.  Zhenzhu looked into those eyes and sighed.  He knew then that Jinlong would always love him.  He purred a little dragon purr and whined his little song.  Mo Yuan knew that song and he started singing the lullaby words in a deep baritone voice.  Taiyang grunted until he too was brought to his Fuqin.  The little boys transformed and their tails swayed to the rhythm of his song.  He sang on as long as they hummed along with him and their tails swayed to the beat.  Slowly their eyes closed and they were asleep in no time.  He transformed them back and took them to their bed to sleep.  Peace fell over Kunlun with the deep singing voice and not a soul was left untouched.  They went about their chores with a softer step and joy in their hearts. 
     After he laid the boys down for a nap, Mo Yuan came to see Bai Xue and Mo JinDe return to the nine heavens.  Bai Qian joined him and was by his side.  "Fuqin, I will miss this place.  Since peace has come to the realms, I have actually thought about building a palace here on the second mountain back there by the peach grove.  Would you approve it?"  "Xue, if you want it, I will begin construction immediately!  Just say the word and it will be done."  "Do it!  Build it just like my palace in the nine heavens!"  "And you, JinDe?  Two palaces?  One on each side?"  "Yes!  I've been thinking the same thing.  I actually thought about a training ground here for the celestial army.  Do you approve?"  "I'll work out the details and message both of you.  What about your Shushu?"  "Actually, Fuqin, Shushu has mentioned building a palace on that far mountain back there.  What do you think?"  "Tell him to send me his plans.  I'll start right away!"  They both hugged him and left for their homes.  He turned to Bai Qian and smiled.  "Looks like it's about to be crowded on this mountain!  I better get busy drawing plans!"  In two days, Ye Hua sent his plans.  Mo Yuan smiled.  Mentally he loved a challenge and building three palaces was definitely a challenge.  He met with Die Feng about a training ground big enough for the celestial army.  "Shifu, what if Tianjun Ye Hua decides to move here permanently?  Is there room for a whole new city?  What will happen to the nine heavens then?"  "I don't think it will be permanent.  He could easily go back and forth every day.  We will just have to see!"  Two days later Ye Hua came to see him.  "Da ge, are you busy?"  "Never too busy for you, Didi.  I assume you're here to discuss your new palace?"  "You know me too well!  I'm thinking I can conduct my realm business from both places.  I want my children to know this mountain.  It is my home.  This is where I belong."  Mo Yuan stood and smiled.  "It seems I now have three palaces to build.  I must get busy!  Any instructions, Tianjun?"  Ye Hua laughed and patted his Da ge on his back.  "You know what I like so I'm leaving it in your very capable hands.  Don't forget my garden and hot pool.  I also want an ice pool.  Yu Yu loves the icy cold when my dragon heats her up.  Those are my requests!"  "An ice pool?  Hmmm, interesting.  It shall be done!  Kunlun was busy and Mo Yuan had his disciples busy.  Designs were submitted to him daily.  Finally construction began on three palaces.  Ye Hua's palace would be built near the apex of the back mountain. Xue and JinDe's palaces would be built on opposite sides of the mountain behind the peach grove.  Bai Xue brought Meili along with Fenli and Ali to check progress.  Meili walked into Mo Yuan's garden and clapped her hands.  "Yuefu!  Your garden is wonderful!  May I aide your flowers and plants for you?"  Knowing she would enhance their growth, he nodded.  "My mother planted all of this garden.  These were her favorites."  "I will tend it well!"  She cast her spells and the garden became lush, green and fragrant.  She turned to him to get his approval.  The look on his face spoke volumes.  "Meili, Xiao Hua, it's lovely!  Thank you!"  He walked through the garden and looked at every flower and plant.  Yes, life was good and he was so blessed!

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