Peace, Maybe?

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     Peace settled back over the realms.  Bai Xue had come back to his office after a week alone with his wife in Yanhua cave to find Junjie frazzled and his desk in complete disorder.  He stood there staring for a second and shrugged his shoulders.  He dove into his work like a mad man.  He and Junjie had his desk clear in no time.  "Da ge, do you mind if I take off for a few days?  Baishan needs to return home so we can plan our wedding.  Do you mind?"  "No, Didi, I don't.  In fact, I have some things we need to square away on your palace.  Would you and Baishan care to come look it over?"  "I'll go get her and we will meet you there!"  Bai Xue left his office and jumped to the hall in Kunlun to have tea with his Fuqin and mother.  They were not there.  Now he was curious.  He sent feelers out over the mountain to find them.  They were in Baohu's meadow.  Hmmm.  Ok, then.  He jumped over there to find a very heavy session of dragon swimming going on in the lake.  He was teaching the young children how to swim.  He decided on a little mischief.  He cloaked and slid into the water.  He sank to the bottom of the lake.  When Jinlong entered the water, he almost laughed out loud.  He was going to get that Jinlong!  At first, he swam over the surface like a snake to teach top water swimming.  He turned and headed back to the shore.  He was about half way across when Bailong swatted the water with his invisible tail right in front of him.  Water flew in his face and he was caught by surprise.  Bailong lay on the bottom waiting.  Jinlong was searching now.  Bai Qian had the children on the shore.  She knew someone was pranking that overblown Jinlong.  She too waited.  It wasn't long before Jinlong sunk beneath the water and disappeared.  He was swimming along close to the bottom when Bailong tickled his stomach with his talons.  He shot out of the water, transformed and sat down by his mother.  He laughed out loud.  "You pranked him, didn't you, my oldest son?"  He could only nod.  When that golden head broke the water, he saw his son sitting there with absolute carefree abandon.  He eased over to the shore and blew water right on him.  "Huff, huff, huff!"  He transformed and took his seat to raise his brow and tip his cup of tea at him.  "Jinlong, you're such a sore loser!  Even when you get pranked!"  He huffed and grinned.  "I did get the last word!  Now would you care to help me teach these children how to swim?"  "After I meet Junjie and Baishan to discuss his palace.  I just wanted to drink tea with you and mother.  I just wanted you to know that I mated Meili in Yanhua cave for a whole week!!  Maybe I'll get me some girls?"  He grinned, tipped his cup to his Fuqin, gulped his tea and jumped back to Junjie's palace.  Mo Yuan laughed out loud as the children gathered for another lesson.
     Bai Chin Chu was looking for her Fuqin at that very instant.  She had details to work out for her wedding and her Shushu Ye Hua wanted to take her and Tian Shu to their new realm to meet the people there.  The customs were much like Qing Qui.  She was walking toward the mountain behind the peach tree grove when she met Xue, Junjie and Baishan coming toward her.  She waved and waited for them.  "Da ge, have you seen Fuqin?  I've looked everywhere for him!"  "He's in Baohu's meadow teaching the children to swim.  They should be back shortly."  "Oh, ok then.  I'll just wait in the hall.  Are you going there?  I'll walk with you."  "Yes you can tag along.  Junjie, Baishan and I are going to work out the last details on their palace.  Do you think Chang Shan has snacks?"  "Yummy smells were coming from the kitchen.  I think he made apple cake."  "We best hurry!  Shushu can smell cake over a hundred miles away!"  Mo Yuan, Bai Qian and all of the children were getting settled for tea and cake.  Chin Chu came and sat by her Fuqin.  Jiaxiao made a pouty face at her.  "Jiaxiao!  Why so pouty!  Come to me!"  She turned her head and ignored her.  "Fine then!  Don't ask to be part of my wedding then!"  Chin Chu turned her head but cut her eyes to see the reaction.  Jiaxiao was quickly turning her face into a good cry.  Mo Yuan laughed.  "Jiaxiao is just tired and needs a nap.  Isn't that so, my sweet baby?"  He booped her nose with his index finger.  "Taiyang, you and Zhenzhu please take them for a nap after they finish their cake.  They worked hard today.  Long Li, when you get the children settled, please come to my office so we can discuss the people for Chu and Tian Shu."  "I have a list ready, my Taizi."  "Good work!  Their wedding is only two months away.  Now Chu, is there something you need from me?"  "Fuqin, I need to make a trip to Qing Qui to see Rong.  I want a blue hair pin to go with my blue dress.  I can get Bo and Shenshi to go with me.  If that's ok?"  "Where are Bo and Shenshi?  I haven't seen them today."  "I think they went to your little valley, Fuqin.  They go there a lot."  "Very well.  I'll check it then.  Excuse me!"  He handed Jiaxiao to Zhenzhu and jumped to his pavilion.  A Xiao Jin Huli was asleep on the pillows there.  A great stag was feeding in the valley.  When he landed, the stag raised his head, looked at him and ran to the pavilion.  He transformed and bowed.  "High God Mo Yuan."  "Enjoying a quiet day in the valley?"  Shenshi was very nervous but he held his ground.  "We come here often.  It's quiet and peaceful.  My beast can be here in peace and enjoy the company of my beautiful jin huli.  I swear on my honor nothing is going on."  Mo Yuan scanned Bo quickly.  She was just napping as foxes do.  "A question, if you please?"  Shenshi bowed again.  "Do hulis sleep or nap a lot?  We usually walk here and Bo takes a nap. I just graze around the valley to protect her while she naps."  "Yes, they do.  Especially when they are pregnant.  Get ready for that.  Have you discussed a date with your Fuqin yet?  I need to message him soon."  Mo Yuan magicked a long feather into his hand.  He looked at Shenshi and grinned.  He tickled Bo's neck.  He tickled her nose.  He tickled her ear.  She turned and put her paw over her nose.  He tickled her ear again.  She jumped up and transformed right in front of her Fuqin.  "Fuqin!  Were you tickling me?  I was about to blast Shenshi one good one!"  "My lovely Xiao Jin Huli, you looked too comfortable so I decided to interrupt your peaceful slumber.  Chin Chu is looking for you and Shenshi to go with her to Qing Qui.  I came to get you.  Now off with the two of you!"  He laughed as she took Shenshi's arm and they jumped to the hall.  He sent messages that afternoon to Shenshi's Fuqin to come to Kunlun to discuss the wedding.
     Hongse Wang Zhu answered his messages the next morning.  Chu was getting married May 15th.  Two months away.  Junjie was getting married June 2nd.  Bo was now getting married June 30th.  Aiya!!  Back to back to back!  He decided to have Qian'er call her mother to help with all the preparations.  He was just finishing his last message when Long Li knocked on his door.  "Enter."  "Taizi, I have the list of people I think would best be able to serve your daughter and her husband in their new realm.  It's fifty people.  They have families, so all total around one hundred and fifty.  I would ask your permission to bring the rest here to Kunlun.  They number about fifty."  "One moment, Li."  Mo Yuan called Ye Hua to come to his office.  Li was sitting at the desk when he walked in.  When he walked in, Lihua Mao Long Li fell to his knees and kowtowed to the floor.  "Rise, Li.  This is my twin didi, the one who was saved by Fuxi and placed in the golden lotus until he was born.  He is now Tianjun.  Ye Hua, this is Lihua Mao Long Li, mother's gift as my guardian when she left this world.  Fuxi separated us.  He is now in my life to stay.  His people are few, but mother gave them a mandate to guard me forever.  He will also serve you."  Ye Hua sat down by Mo Yuan and Li looked back and forth.  "I see it is indeed true!  Don't you remember me, Tianjun?  Your Fuqin had a lotus pond where you rested until he gave you to Taizi Mo Yuan.  I would come and sit by the pond where you were.  I touched you once, but Fuxi drove me away.  You may remember me like this."  He transformed and jumped into Ye Hua's lap.  Ye Hua looked at him and his brows drew together.  "I do remember!  I do!  I was quite angry because Fuxi drove you away!  Da ge, I do remember!"  He held Long Li close and his dragon sighed a happy sigh.  Mo Yuan broke up the moment.  "Li, if only you could have come to Kunlun.  I'm so sorry you were driven away!  You heard what Mother said though.  You're back to stay!!  Long Li has people who are willing to serve Chu and Tian Shu in their little realm.  He has hand picked them.  I wish to meet with them and get them set in their duties right away.  Does this meet with your approval, Tianjun?"  Ye Hua smiled and nodded.  "Long Li, I'm very glad you have come back into our lives!"
     Ten days later, Long Li had the people arrive at Kunlun that were to serve Tian Shu and Chin Chu.  They were quartered in guest rooms and a meeting was scheduled for them to meet Chu and Tian Shu.  Tian Shu had been studying and was ready to take over the realm.  He was sad that he wouldn't be on Kunlun, but he felt he would be serving the best way he could.  The meeting was called in the great hall.  Long Li sat to the right of Mo Yuan.  Tian Shu and Chin Chu sat to his left.  Mo Yuan had snacks served and started the meeting.  "I have asked Long Li to bring you here for a reason.  I'm Mo Yuan, son of Fuxi and Nuwa, heir of the nine heavens."  He paused as gasps went around amongst them.  "As you may know by now, Long Li had a meeting with my mother and she returned him to his original mandate.  He will be with me and my family.  You will be serving my daughter, Bai Chin Chu.  The mandate stands for her.  She will need you as will her new husband.  We will be sending you to their palace shortly.  I will go with you to introduce you to the people there.  It is my hope that you will be happy there and will find it to your liking.  Long Li has gathered you according to your talents and specialties.  In two weeks we will get you settled there.  Now meet your new rulers.  Tian Shu, Chin Chu, come stand here, please.  Please come by and introduce yourself to them."  After thirty minutes, Tian Shu and Chin Chu had met their new staff.  Tian Shu now had a minister and Chu had a maid.  Things were getting off on the right foot!
     Feeling rather randy, Mo Yuan walked to the kitchen to get a picnic basket.  Chang Shan grinned and fixed his basket with their favorite snacks.  Mo Yuan took the basket and walked to his room.  Bai Qian was going over a list in her hand and counting down each item.  He stepped in the door with the basket and grinned.  Seeing him with his brow raised and that randy dragon grin on his face, she put her list aside and patted the bed.  "Well my dragon, where are we disappearing to, if I may ask?"  "Mount Junji?"  "Why there?"  "We can disappear for three hours here and be there for days!  All of our favorite spots are being occupied.  What do you say, Xiao Bai huli?"  She grabbed his hand and stood.  "Let's go!  Long Li will watch the babies."  "Let me tell him where we will be, then we're off!"  Mo Yuan stepped to the nursery, told Li where they would be and left.  They jumped and landed right outside of the gate.  Smoke was coming out of the kitchen.  Being curious, Mo Yuan put his finger to his lips and used sign language to Bai Qian.  She hid by the gate as he cloaked himself.  He walked to the house and heard voices.  He walked into the house and carefully followed the voices.  They were in the bed, naked, giggling and playing.  It was obvious they had been very engaged earlier.  Mo Yuan was about to grab the young man when the boy turned in alarm.  To say Mo Yuan was surprised was an understatement.  He called Ye Hua.  "Didi, come to the compound on Mount Junji now please.  Cloak yourself.  I will be at the gate."  He watched for a moment as they resumed their session.  He jumped to the gate.  He uncloaked by Bai Qian.  He shushed her just as Ye Hua stepped to the gate.  Using sign language, he told her to stay and Ye Hua to come with him.  They stepped into the bedroom.  Ye Hua was furious.  He uncloaked and spoke just as the young man was fully engaged in love making.  "Manchu Ru!  You have a whole lot of explaining to do!"  Ru jumped up, tried to hide his erection and tried to find his clothes.  "Fuqin!  I'm sorry!  Please forgive me?"  "If you had even one iota of decency, you would be trying to dress that woman!  Who are you?"  "She's a maid in our palace, Fuqin!  It's my fault!  I made her do it."  Ye Hua looked at her with anger written all over him.  Report to Donghua Dijun.  You will be sent elsewhere.  Go now!"  She dressed and left.  Mo Yuan, who was still cloaked, appeared beside Ye Hua.  Ye Hua continued his rant.  "You are hereby confined to your rooms for a month.  You will write 30,000 copies of the History of Mo Yuan, the God of War.  Your Shushu will check it to make sure you are correct.  You will have no more maids.  You will clean your own room.  You will have your food brought to you by your Da ge.  After one month, I will evaluate you to see if you have learned anything.  Your punishment will be this.  You will be put into a dreamscape dream where you will have so much sex you will be tired of it and your phallus will hurt.  You better do what I tell you or Lord Pua will take care of you with at least 30 lightning strikes a day for 20 days.  Now go to your room.  I better find you there when I get there."  "Yes Fuqin!"  He jumped out of the house.  Mo Yuan wanted to laugh but he kept his stern Shifu face on.  "Thank you, Da ge!  I know you didn't want to, but I'm glad you called me.  This is not the first time I've caught him!  I'm seriously thinking about lightning punishment.  Should I?"  "Ye Hua, I think the dreamscape will be enough for now.  Bai Qian could put him in a good one.  No!  Baohu can!  Yes indeed he can charm him and have him so twisted he will be in dire straights.  Or I could have him take him to a flower house and charm him until his phallus falls off!"  "An excellent idea!  Let me go talk to him now.  Are you staying here?"  "Yes, we just need a little time to ourselves.  All of our other spots are occupied, if you know what I mean...."  Ye Hua looked at his randy Da ge and shrugged.  "It seems our children have learned from us very well, very well indeed!"
     Ye Hua called for Baohu to come to his study.  Jia Yun announced him.  "You wanted to see me, Shushu? "  "Yes, it seems I need your help with a matter."  "Oh?  What would that be, if I may ask?"  "It seems your cousin, Manchu Ru, has too much time on his hands.  I've caught him several times with the maids around his palace.  Your Fuqin caught him this morning at Mount Junji fully engaged with his personal maid.  She has been removed from my palace.  Ru, however, is about to pay.  I want you to take him to the flower house.  I want you to charm him and remove any protection so that he will suffer righteously.  I want him to have so much sex, he will be sick of it.  Do you understand?"  "I do, but when I charm someone, it backslashes on me for my desire goes through the roof.  I too, would have to seek relieve.  I'm not sure I'm ready for that yet.  My last charm spell brought death and destruction."  His eyes spoke his pain.  "I wouldn't ask you, but he needs to be taught a lesson.  I want him to be thoroughly used up.  Only you can do it.  Maybe I could get Jinzi to charm him.  He has Mi Shu to relieve him."  Baohu hung his head for a moment before he spoke.  "Ok, Shushu, I'll do it.  Where is he?  We could leave now.  I also need someone with me to keep me on track.  Maybe Da ge would go.  Meili won't mind, especially since he just mated her for a whole week!  Let me call him.  Da ge, come to Shushu's study please."  He was there in fifteen minutes.  "You need me, Shushu?"  "Yes, I do.  I have asked Baohu to help me teach Manchu Ru a lesson.  Your Fuqin caught him this morning on Mount Junji pleasuring himself with one of his palace maids.  This is not the first time he's been caught.  I want Baohu to take him to the flower house, charm him and let him use himself up with no protection.  I want his dragon prick to hurt.  Baohu says he would need you to help him focus since his charm spell causes him to be rather randy himself.  Would you do this for me?"  Bai Xue thought with his head hung for a moment.  "Well, I will help but only after I explain to Meili.  She's rather worn out right now, since we mated for a week non stop.  I'll be right back."  He was back in thirty minutes.  "Well, when do we leave?"
     Ye Hua, Baohu and Bai Xue walked into Ru's room to find him going through his books.  He turned in a huff when his Fuqin entered.  Seeing his demeanor, Ye Hua narrowed his eyes.  "Would you care to tell me why your room is in such a mess?  Hmmm?"  "Fuqin, it seems that maid took my journal with her.  It has very personal entries in it."  "Don't you mean detailed accounts of all your sexual conquests?  I'll get it back.  In the meantime, you are to go with your cousins, Baohu and Xue.  They will see to your punishment.  Xue, you're in charge.  Don't bring him back until he has learned his lesson."  "As you command, Shushu!"  They grabbed Ru and took off for the mortal realm.  Ye Hua sent for that maid.  After two hours, she was brought before him with said journal in hand.  He sent her to Lord Pua for five strikes of lightning and then banished her to the mortal realm never to return.  

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