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     Baohu only had four more days until his wedding.  He was nervous, but he knew the wait would be worth it.  To occupy his mind, he was throwing himself into his duties as God of War and teacher.  As promised, Mo Yuan joined them for breakfast and then went to the training field to help Baohu with Shiba and his animal spirit.  Mo Yuan walked out onto the training field and motioned for Shiba to come to him.  "Baohu tells me you are having trouble with your bear spirit.  I am here to help you.  Bring him forth, please."  Shiba started shaking, but he brought forth his bear.  Mo Yuan looked at the timid bear.  His spirit had been heavily damaged.  He reached forth his hand to soothe him and saw him cringe in terror.  He took back his hand and sent waves of his essence over him to calm his spirit and calm his fear.  Mo Yuan read him and withdrew his essence.  "That is enough for today, Shiba.  I know how we can help you now.  Baohu!  Send a message to Jinzi.  This child needs his spirit realigned.  Those demons somehow disrupted him.  Once he is back in sync, he can recover better."  Shiba, bowed to Mo Yuan and asked him a question.  "Shifu, may I see your dragon?  They had dragons there to fight me.  I told them you would save me.  They have other bears there too."  "Where was this, Shiba?  Was it near the palace training grounds?"  He thought for a minute and shook his head.  "No, not near the palace.  Some training ground near mountains.  There were caves, too.  I wish to be able to save them.  If I'm not too late."  "Do they have a leader?  A ruler?"  "There is one man there that is more dominant than the others.  I would know him.  He beat me with a whip once."  "I see.  Yes, you can see my dragon now."  Mo Yuan jumped into the air, transformed and landed right next to the boy.  He put his head down and looked him right in the eye.  Jinlong showed him compassion and care. He softly sniffed Shiba and nudged him.  Baohu did too.  "He wants you to get on him, Shiba.  Don't be afraid!"  Shiba had heard the tales of the great golden dragon, but he could barely conceive the true sight of him.  He shakily reached his hand forward and touched him.  Mo Yuan put out his leg so he could climb up.  Slowly he made his way to sit behind his horns.  "Hold on, Shiba!  He's going to take you for a spin!"  Mo Yuan leaped up for the skies.  One lap over the whole mountain complex.  He very tenderly landed and put his head down.  Shiba was grinning from ear to ear.  "Shifu!  He's all I heard and more!"  He bowed.  "In the demon lands, they fear him.  They said he tore their prince in half with those talons right there.  They said he destroyed their army all alone.  They said he is the Fuqin of a whole tribe of mighty dragons and foxes.  I'm so blessed to be here!!"  Mo Yuan transformed back to his human form.  "You, Shiba, can be as fearsome as me in your bear form.  We will help you achieve it.  Now, off to your classes!  Later today, Lord Jinzi will come and realign your spirit."  Shiba bowed and almost skipped out to his classes.  Mo Yuan turned to Baohu.  "Baohu, it was a good thing you asked me to help you.  I believe he is heavily damaged by some spell.  Jinzi will be able to tell.  We need to pay the demon lands a visit.  We can't allow them to capture people of the smaller clans and ruin them.  I'll message Ye Hua for a meeting.  Now go message Jinzi."  Baohu looked at his Fuqin and laughed.  "That is if you can get him out of bed long enough to actually do some work!"  Mo Yuan looked Baohu right in the eye.  "It seems I taught all of you well in more ways than one!"  With that comment, he turned and left Baohu guffawing loudly in the background.
     Mo Yuan went to the hall to find Bai Qian sipping tea with Xue and his boys and JinDe and his boys.  When he entered the boys ran to him.  "Zufu!  We want an adventure!  When are you going to take us?"  "How about I make plans for one and then we will go.  It has to be after your Shushu's wedding though.  Agreed?"  "Agreed!"  He sat on the dais by habit.  Everyone looked at him for a moment before he realized old habits die hard.  He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip of tea.  "Xue, I need some information on any activity coming from the demon lands.  Shiba tells me they have many bears captured there.  We must try to rescue them.  Let me know when you have anything.  My dear, I need you to come with me to Qing Qui today.  Are you up for a little outing?"  "When do we leave?"  "Get ready and come here, then we leave."  "Fuqin, are you going to visit Jinzi?  I need him to look over Meili.  She wants another baby.  Who am I to deny her?"  His grin told Mo Yuan all he needed to know.  He raised a brow and grinned himself when Bai Qian came walking in.  She was wearing her favorite turquoise dress.  "I'm ready, dear!"  He stepped off the dais and grabbed her the waist.  "Where are we going exactly?"  "We're going to give Jinzi some of his own medicine.  Let's just say it's his reward for going on the 'dragon thing' quest with Baohu.  Understand now?"  "You wicked man you!  Well, let's go!  I would like to check on Feng Jui anyway."  Mo Yuan cloud jumped to right outside Jinzi and Mi Shu's cabin.  He held his finger up to his lips.  Bai Qian giggled in response.  They walked close but heard no sound from the cabin.  Many flowers and bushes had been planted and two neat little gardens were laid out with new growth.  The gate was open to their hot pool garden.  Mo Yuan could hardly contain himself.  They stealthily walked down the path when they heard voices.  "Jinzi, you terrible foxy man!  Come here to me!"  A seductive fox growl was heard as the water splashed.  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian rounded the corner to find them in the pool together.  Jinzi was very occupied with his tails out and very naked.  Mo Yuan cleared his throat and coughed.  Jinzi threw himself in front of Mi Shu.  Bai Qian was laughing at her naked son trying to shield his wife and hide his own nakedness at the same time.  "Fuqin!  Mother!  Wait just a minute please?  I'll be right out!"  They turned and walked to the gate.  Unable to contain herself, Bai Qian laughed.  "Serves him right, that randy Xiao Jin Huli!"  Mo Yuan just grinned until Jinzi and Mi Shu came out.  His face was beet red.  "Fuqin, I believe you did that on purpose!  The very fact that my own Mother laughed too!  I guess that was payment for Baohu and I trying to find out about the 'dragon thing'!"  "Well, yes and no.  Now you understand, don't you?"  Jinzi nodded.  "Yes, indeed I do!  Now what can I do for you, Fuqin?" 
     They walked along the path into the cabin.  Mi Shu made tea as they sat down at the table.  "Jinzi, Baohu has taken his first disciple.  The child is a bear spirit, but demons captured him and they somehow managed to torture him in bear form to the point of terror.  When he transforms, he is terrified.  I need you to come check him for any spells and realign his spirit.  Do you mind?"  "No, I don't mind.  I've been meaning to come visit anyway."  "Also, Xue wants you to come check Meili.  She wants another baby.  He doesn't want a repeat of her last childbirth."  "I can understand that.  I will be glad to check her over.  I want to see JinDe, too.  I miss my golden Er ge."  "Your mother and I are going to check on Feng Jui and then we will be back at Kunlun this afternoon."  "I'll be there when you get there then.  Tell Feng Jui I said for her to come see me!"  Mo Yuan and Bai Qian walked from the little valley to the fox den.  Mi Gu was sitting on the stairs outside.  An argument was going on inside.  "Xiao Bai, don't you think you have avoided me long enough?  Don't I have a right to see my son?  It's quite obvious Gun Gun is mine!"  "Don't come here to lecture me, Donghua Dijun!  You threw me away!  You told me to leave so I did!  Now get out!"  A sound of broken glass came from the cave.  Bai Qian tapped her fan in her hand and was about to go in when Dijun came out.  "I must have really messed up this time!  Well, I'm not leaving until she will talk to me!" He sat on the steps next to Mi Gu, crossed his arms over his chest and scowled.  Mo Yuan looked at him with total sympathy.  He nodded as he and Bai Qian walked into the den.  Mo Yuan ducked just as a wine jar flew by him and hit the wall.  "Xiao Jui!  Watch where you're throwing things!"  "Gu Gu!  Gufu!  I'm so glad to see you!  Come in and let's have tea!  Gun Gun!  Gu Gu is here!"  Bai Gun Gun came in and bowed.  Mo Yuan called the boy over to him.  "Gun Gun, how have you been?  Would you like to come visit us at Kunlun soon?"  "Could I, Mother?"  "I see no reason why you couldn't.  When would be a good time?"  "I'm planning on taking the younger boys on an adventure.  Maybe you would allow him to go?"  "May I, Mother?  I really want to go on an adventure!"  "I'll let you know when we are going, then you can make plans for him."  "Ok, then.  That's settled!  How about lunch?"
     Jinzi and Mi Shu were waiting in the hall when Mo Yuan and Bai Qian returned.  Mo Yuan sent a message to Xue and Baohu.  They were drinking tea when Baohu came in with Shiba.  He bowed to everyone.  When he saw Jinzi his eyes got as big as saucers.  "Shiba, this is Bai Zhi Jinzi, my twin Didi.  He is a medicine king.  Jinzi, this is Xiong Da Hei, eighteenth disciple of Kunlun.  His spirit needs realignment and I need you to check him for any residual demon spells.  Do you mind?"  "Not at all!  May I have you come to the infirmary and we can check him there."  They stood and made their way there.  Jinzi spoke to Shiba first.  "This won't hurt at all.  I'll check you over and get you back in shape in no time!"  He asked him to lay down on the bed.  He scanned him carefully and slowly.  His own green energy came out of his hand.  His brows knitted together as he worked.  Slowly he finished.  "Baohu, Fuqin, his spirit is being attacked my some kind of demon magic.  We must remove it.  I will call Zhe Yan to come aide me.  Once we remove the bad energy, it will be easier to realign his spirit and get him on the right track."  Jinzi sent a message to Zhe Yan and went to check on Meili.  Xue was just leaving his palace when Jinzi knocked on the door.  "My Xiao Jin Huli!  I'm glad you came so quickly.  I assume Fuqin told you Meili wants another baby?"  "Yes, he did.  And of course you wish to accommodate her thoroughly?  Like 'dragon scales and flower smells'?"  Xue laughed out loud.  "I can see that you are truly a full grown man who understands.  I'm assuming you have a little fox tails of your own?  Hmmm?"  "I'll have you know that Fuqin and Mother interrupted me and Mi Shu just this morning and he laughed!!  I was fully engaged if you know what I mean?"  "You mean to tell me he caught you naked?  In the throws of passion?  Making love?  Oh dear!  Fuqin is still full of tricks I see!"  They walked together to Meili's hall, laughing as they went.
     Meili checked out fine and Jinzi gave the ok for the fun to begin with a big laugh.  He returned to the hall to see Zhe Yan waiting for him.  "Shifu, I'm glad to see you.  When are you coming to visit me and Mi Shu?"  "I was just talking to your Fuqin about a visit.  It seems you have an affinity for a nice hot pool."  Jinzi's face turned beet red.  He looked at his Fuqin and saw the smirk on his face.  *sigh*  "I called you here to help me remove some kind of demon curse from Baohu's new disciple.  When he transforms into his bear, he is terrified.  Baohu and Fuqin asked for me to help, but I needed you here too.  Do you mind?"  "Not at all!  Call him to the infirmary.  We will treat him there."  Mo Yuan called Die Feng to him.  "Die Feng!  Call Shiba to the infirmary.  We will treat him there."  They all left the hall to go there.  Die Feng brought Shiba in with Baohu trailing behind.  "Shiba, lay down here so we can scan you again."  The boy laid back on the bed.  He was scared.  Zhe Yan patted him on the arm.  "No need to be afraid.  We will root this problem out quickly.  Now lay still while we work."  He put him to sleep.  Zhe Yan carefully scanned the boy and looked at Mo Yuan.  "There is some very ancient demon magic going on here.  Did you say he escaped capture or was he let loose?"  "What are you saying Zhe Yan?  Why would Taowu let him in if he was a demon spirit?  Baohu!  Did he have a token?"  "Die Feng brought him to me, Fuqin.  I would have to ask him."  "Go get Die Feng.  I'll be right back!"  Mo Yuan landed at the gate in front of Taowu.  He bowed down to Mo Yuan and waited.  "Taowu, it has come to my attention that someone was let through this gate who might not have a jade token.  Would you know who I am referring to?"  "Master, the young bear spirit was being pursued by demons.  I killed them all and let him pass.  He was in great distress and he asked to see the God of War.  He didn't ask for you by name.  I have failed in my duty.  Kill me now."  "It's alright Taowu.  Next time, no one gets in without permission.  How many demons were chasing him?"  "Twenty."  "Did you notice anything strange about them?"  "No, Master.  They chased him right to the gate and didn't stop until they saw me."  "That is all then.  Next time try to capture at least one."  He nodded and jumped back to the temple.  Die Feng was waiting for him.  "Die Feng, how did Shiba get in the gate without a token?"  "Shifu, Taowu let him in.  I assumed he was cleared by you or Baohu."  "Something is going on.  I don't know what, but something.  Come with me to the infirmary." 
     Mo Yuan returned to the infirmary with Die Feng.  Shiba was awake but not talking.  Mo Yuan came forward and patted him on the shoulder.  "Shiba, tell me how you managed to escape.  I need to know where you were held and exactly how many of your kind are there."  He nodded and for a moment he looked off and his eyes were far away.  He looked at Mo Yuan but he didn't lower his eyes.  He began his story.  "After you killed the demon prince and their ruler killed himself, the demons became like thieves.  They have several marauding bands here and there.  After the snake queen was vanquished, they started raiding the lands close to the borders.  I lived with my parents in a little village close to the border with the mortal realm.  They raided the village one night.  They were looking for the wolf clan.  We didn't know where they were.  They killed the adults and took only the children.  I was one of them.  They took us to a place close to the mountains.  They kept casting spells on us to force us to transform.  When we were in our beast forms, they tortured us to make us fight the dragons.  Their dragons are weak and pathetic, not like you, Shifu.  I told them so every time I broke out of my bear form.  I told them you would save us.  They laughed at me.  One night a guard was taunting me in my cell.  He called me a coward.  I pretended to cry in the corner.  He came in my cell and kicked me and laughed.  When he bent over, I took his sword and killed him.  I left as fast as I could.  I had a good start on them, but they got on my trail.  I ran, I hid, I tried to trick them.  I was running to the gates of Kunlun when they gave pursuit.  They chased me right up to the gate.  That beast killed them.  He asked me for my token, but the demons have mine.  They asked me what it is for.  I refused to tell them.  Only those of the lands of light have one. The beast let me in when I told him I had information for the God of War.  The whole time I was coming to you.  I knew you could save us.  There are maybe a thousand children there.  I must go back for them!  I must!"  Mo Yuan dropped his head for a moment.  "Zhe Yan, is it possible that the spell that is there is meant to suppress his bear spirit and brings terror when he tries to use his bear?"  "Hmmm.  It's possible.  Let's remove it now and give peace to this child.  Jinzi, you and I will do it.  Everyone out!"  Mo Yuan turned to Baohu.  "Baohu, I hate to be the bringer of bad tidings, but we need an expedition to the demon realm right away.  I'm afraid we can't wait much longer.  I hope Li Li will understand.  Right after your wedding, we go.  You, me, Xue, JinDe and Ye Hua, if he can.  He is after all our ruler.  We have to rescue those children.  We must!  I'll get Xue on this right away.  Be prepared. "
     Mo Yuan sent a message to Bai Xue right away.  It just so happened that the stalwart white dragon was occupied with his lovely wife.  He was oblivious to any messages.  After two hours of waiting, his Fuqin grew impatient and went looking for him.  He knocked on the door but got no answer.  He walked through the gate into their lush and beautiful garden.  He heard the giggles and the dragon growling seductively.  He put an invisibility barrier over himself and walked back to the pool.  There he was.  There in all his scaly white glory, pleasuring his lovely little flower.  Mo Yuan could hardly contain himself.  He turned his back to them, dropped his shield and coughed.  *cough*  *cough*  Bai Xue shot up to his full terrifying height in front of Meili and growled loudly.  He brought his head down and looked right at his Fuqin and huffed smoke over him.  A challenge!  Mo Yuan's eyes turned gold and he growled back.  A moment of hesitation.  The white dragon transformed.  He covered his erection with his hands.  "Fuqin!  Couldn't your business wait?  I'm busy, as you can see!"  "Bai Xue!  I sent you a message two hours ago!  It was important!  Finish what you started here and meet me in the great hall!"  When he left, Xue growled.  "I'm so going to get him back for that!"  He turned back to the pool and pounced on a giggling Meili.  One hour later he was in the hall drinking tea.  "You needed me, Fuqin?"  Xue sat down hard and the look on his face was anything but pleasant.  "We have a situation in the demon lands that needs checking out.  I need information as soon as you can get it.  Put your people on it right away."  He told Xue the story behind Shiba and told him he needed people, places and numbers.  "We have to get those children out of there.  Now.  Get me the information as fast as you can."  Xue stood up and bowed.  "I will get people on it right now."  Mo Yuan grinned as he looked at his quiet son.  Xue's eyes turned white and he growled his discontent.  He turned and left to his Fuqin's laughs.

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