Friendship and A Lesson in Love

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      Mo Yuan was thinking about advanced training for Taiyang and Zhenzhu when he climbed into bed.  Bai Qian laid her head on his shoulder and tried to cuddle but her stomach wouldn't let her.  She squirmed around until finally she turned her back to him and snuggled her back into his chest.  He smiled as she wiggled around to get comfortable.  He spooned himself behind her and rubbed her stomach.  He let out a sigh of contentment.  "Jinlong, don't you want me to pleasure you?  It's been a while."  "Qian'er, I am happy right now.  I just want to take care of you.  I know you're tired.  Sleep, my love.  I will hold you in my arms to keep you safe and warm."  He kissed the back of her neck.  She sighed and wrapped his arm around her stomach.  "Qian'er, I watched Taiyang and Zhenzhu do the sword dance today.  Zhenzhu did it with a whip.  Were you aware of it?"  "Yes, I knew he was using a whip, but I couldn't teach him.  I know nothing about a whip."  "I know one person who could teach him."  "Who dearest?"  "Shao Wan."  Her in drawn breath scared him.  "Are you ok?  I didn't mean to scare you!"  "Do you think Shao Wan would help him?  Maybe she would be willing to extend a hand of friendship?"  "To be honest, I don't know.  After we helped her before, she realized that peace is possible.  I'll message her in the morning.  Now let's go to sleep.  I've got to deal with Gaoxing and Xingfu in the morning."  Mo Yuan woke up refreshed.  He covered Bai Qian up and went to his office.  He wrote a message to Shao Wan to meet him on Mount Cangwu later that afternoon.  He stated his intentions were honorable as he wanted to enlist her aid.  He was reading through his correspondence when her message came back.  "I'll see you there."  After he finished his letters and messages, he went to get Gaoxing and Xingfu.  They were sitting at their desks with a totally bored look on their faces.  When they saw their Fuqin, they jumped up to grab him around his legs.  "Fuqin, we been bad.  Please don't hurt us with big bad dragon!"  He sat on the bed and brought them to his lap.  "Fuqin showed you his dragon so you would realize that you can't hurt me right now.  I want you to obey me.  Fuqin only tells you things for your safety and to help you learn.  Do you understand?"  Two pair of big doe eyes looked at him.  Almost, but not quite.  "As punishment for your wrong doing, I want you both to write one hundred copies of 'The History of Kunlun School for Boys'.  You will only come out of your room to eat.  Understood?"  They both frowned but nodded yes.  He waved his hand and ink and bamboo slats and paper appeared on their desks.  "Get to work!  I will have Die Feng check on your progress."  With slumped shoulders they sat down, took up their brushes and started copying.  Satisfied that they would be alright, he left to go the the hall for breakfast.  "Chang Shan!  Would you please have two trays sent to Gaoxing and Xingfu?  They are confined for punishment.  Die Feng!  I will need you to check in on them all during the day."  "Right away, Shifu!"  He drank his tea and ate and listened to the chatter in the room.
     He arose and headed to his classroom.  The Dragon wing was there.  "All of you are aware that I told you that none of you are to be taught how to use dragon fire until after your high god trial.  Some of you have disobeyed me.  I will tell you now, if you choose to disobey me, not only will I punish you, but your Fuqin's will too.  If you don't believe me, take up your complaint with Jinlong."  His eyes turned gold and he growled loudly.  His growl struck fear into them.  The fear was written on their faces.  "Good!  I see you fear me!  The first one of you who tries to use fire will meet me in the arena.  Ask Lord Baohu about me.  He'll tell you.  Any questions?"  They all answered with terrified looks and shakes of their heads.  "Just know that Heilong is as strong as I am.  Today we will have lessons on the Tao."  He kept them there until lunch time.  Feeling like he got his point across, he went to check on Bai Qian.  She was laying in bed reading.  "Qian'er, are you hungry?  I could get you a tray."  "No, I just want tea right now."  He made a cup for her and sat down beside her.  "How are you, my love?  I'm very worried for you!  You look tired."  "My love!"  Her hand cupped his cheek.  "I'm fine but I feel like a big fat melon.  These girls are very large and active.  In fact they kick me hard on a regular basis.  It's only when you come around that they get quiet.  Do you think they are going to be really attached to you?"  "Sadly, yes.  They will either have to keep up with me or be content with their mother!  Now I must find Taiyang and Zhenzhu.  We have an appointment to keep."  He kissed her soft lips, cupped her face and left her to her reading.
     Taiyang and Zhenzhu were waiting in their room for him.  He sat down and explained things to them.  "I know you remember meeting the Demon Queen.  I will expect you boys to be respectful of her at all times.  She is a great warrior and person of honor.  She trained under my Fuqin, Fuxi.  When you address her, show her the respect she is due, understand?"  "Yes."  "Fuqin, should I be afraid of her?"  "No, Zhenzhu, but always respect her, even if she is a demon, understand?  Mother made me understand that all life is sacred, even in the dark lands.  Now let's go meet her."  They arrived at Mount Cangwu.  He brought forth a table, cushions and the implementation to make tea.  He and his boys were enjoying a cup when Shao Wan arrived.  He noticed her attire was that of a warrior and she looked tired.  He rose along with his boys.  When she walked closer, the boys bowed and greeted her.  "Greetings to you, great demon Queen!"  "Why thank you!  Mo Yuan how nice they are!  You have taught them well, I see!  May I?"  She gestured to the tea.  He nodded and they sat down.  "Where is your lovely wife?"  "Qian'er is pregnant again.  She has been ill and it has been very hard on her.  This will probably be our last."  "Are you saying you can't mate anymore?"  "No, I'm saying I don't want to lose my wife or children.  If it is the will of Fate I will accept it."  "Ah, I see.  Send her my good wishes and let her know that I would visit her, but I can't tolerate the divine power on Kunlun anymore.  Now which one of these handsome young boys is it that needs my help?"  Zhenzhu rose and bowed.  "Honorable Queen!  My name is  Mo Baise Zhenzhu.  I have some skill, but Fuqin told me you would be the best teacher as your skill with the whip was unparalleled and there was no match for you.  I wish to learn from you, if you will teach me?"  "I'm humbled, Mo Yuan, that you would be so kind in referring to my abilities.  Very well, young Zhenzhu, show me what you know."
     Zhenzhu walked away from them and began his dance.  She observed him carefully and made mental notes.  When he finished she rose and applauded.  "Very nice!  Very nice!  Now let me show you some better ways to control your whip."  For over two hours she demonstrated and taught the young dragon.  Her joy at teaching brought out an enthusiasm that had been missing from her life.  Satisfied that the boy had learned well, she returned with him to his Fuqin's side.  "Mo Yuan, I want to thank you for letting me teach your son.  I must say it was rather invigorating!  He's strong and very smart.  Just like you were.  Any time he needs more training, just message me.  I must admit that training him has indeed lit a fire under me!  I could train my own young men and women.  By the way, how's that randy little fox son of yours?  I must admit, he totally threw me for a loop.  Next time would you mind bringing him?  I would like to cross swords with him in a friendly fight."  Mo Yuan belly laughed.  "So you were foxed by my Xiao Jin Huli!  I must admit he's rather full of himself, being a Huli and all, but never underestimate his power.  If you can believe it, we are on the same level.  Why do you think I retired?!?"  She laughed, got up and bowed and left.  Zhenzhu turned to his Fuqin.  "Fuqin, I must say she was rather nice to help me!  I've learned a lot!  I'll just need to practice now."  Mo Yuan patted him on his shoulder.  "I'm glad you learned so much.  Now let's return to Kunlun.  I don't like leaving your mother for too long."
     Zhenzhu wasted no time in searching out his Er ge to show him what he had learned.  JinDe watched with great interest as Zhenzhu made his moves.  He had to admit that it's hard to defend against a whip, but there is a way to disarm the person wielding it.  At dinner that night, JinDe brought up the subject to his Fuqin.  "Fuqin, since Zhenzhu has made the whip his weapon, I have come to the conclusion that we have been taught very poor defense against it.  We need training as does the Celestial army.  Do you agree?"  Mo Yuan thought for just a second.  "You are correct, JinDe.  I myself can testify.  Shao Wan wielded a whip with great skill and I have the scars to prove it."  "You mean those scars that wrap around on your back and side?"  "Yes.  As you can see, a whip is indeed a deadly weapon.  I trained for years after her death to learn how to disarm a person wielding a whip.  Tomorrow morning meet me on the practice field.  Zhenzhu, you and Taiyang come too.  We have training to do!"  That night as he lay in bed, Bai Qian asked him a question.  "I wish to speak to Jinlong please."  His eyes turned gold and he purred in her ear.  "You need me, my love?"  "How did it feel for you to see Shao Wan again?  Do you still feel anything for her?"  He felt confused by her question but he answered her as best he could.  "Xiao Bai Huli, I never really knew her.  I was suppressed at that time.  I only came out to make war back then.  You are the only one I care about.  You are the love in my life."  "I see.  Well that is a good thing because I would have to kill her otherwise."  He snorted and blew smoke over her.  "I really love it when you protect me like that!  My Huli loves me very much!!  Hmmm!"  She elbowed him and made him grunt.  "You're my love and I will allow no other.  Understand?"  "I am your devoted slave!  I will always be yours!  Now come let me rub your back for you!"  He knelt beside the bed and massaged her back until he could hear her even breaths.  He slipped in beside her and wrapped his arms around her.  She was still in his arms the next morning.  He got up and dressed and very carefully turned her to her other side.  He gently tucked her in and left to go eat his breakfast.
     After breakfast, he got Taiyang and Zhenzhu to follow him to the celestial training grounds.  JinDe was waiting for them.  "Fuqin, I thought this morning you could have Zhenzhu attack you and you show us how to disarm him.  Does that meet with your approval?"  "Yes!  Zhenzhu, I want you to attack me with everything you have.  Understand?  I mean with your dragon present.  No holding back!  If you wound me don't worry.  Now attack!"  Zhenzhu wrung out his whip and attacked.  He was whirling all over the place and Mo Yuan was hard pressed to hold him off.  Zhenzhu snapped the whip and it caught his Fuqin around his waist and back.  Mo Yuan roared and attacked.  He used Xuan Yuan in a circular pattern.  He managed to get the whip entangled and wrapped around his sword.  One move and he disarmed Zhenzhu.  He took the whip and called Zhenzhu to him.  That stalwart young man saw the blood on his Fuqin and fell down on his knees.  Mo Yuan looked at him and smiled.  "As you can see, it's hard to do.  I suggest that first you all learn to wield it and then learn to disarm.  JinDe, you help them now."  He put his arm around Zhenzhu and hugged him close.  "Well done, my Xiao long.  Now let's return for lessons."   Taiyang looked at his brother and raised his eyebrow and nodded toward his Fuqin's back.  They walked and talked as if nothing happened.  Taiyang reminded Zhenzhu of their class.  "Didi, we have a science class!  We must hurry if we don't want to be late!"  "Right!  I forgot!  Please excuse us Fuqin!"  They bowed and ran toward the classroom halls.  The moment they turned the corner, they held hands and jumped to Jinzi's house.
     Jinzi had a basket over his arm full of herbs he had gathered and Mi Shu had another.  The boys ran to him in a panic.  "San ge!  Please come tend to Fuqin!!  He was showing the army how to disarm someone with a whip when I wounded him!  He never let on but I know he's bleeding and in pain!!  Please?"  Jinzi left his herbs with Mi Shu and grabbed the two boys and jumped to Kunlun.  He ran fingers of his energy over the mountain to find his Fuqin.  He found him in the infirmary taking off his robes alone.  "Here, Fuqin, let me help you!"  Mo Yuan jerked around and saw Taiyang, Zhenzhu and Jinzi.  He turned an evil look to his young sons.  "Did I tell you to go get Jinzi?"  "No, you didn't I'm sure but that wound is serious, Fuqin!  Zhenzhu, what spell is on your whip?"  "I put a spell to make the whip have claws that dig in when it hits.  The claws cut deep.  I'm so sorry, Fuqin!!  Please forgive me!!"  "Anything else, Zhenzhu?  Like poison?"  "San ge, there is a poison that drains your strength.  I'm so sorry!!"  Mo Yuan wavered on his feet.  He sat down hard on the bed.  Jinzi laid him on his side opposite the wound.  It was very raw and ugly.  Jinzi wove a spell with his hands to remove the affects of the poison.  When he finished that, he turned to Taiyang.  "Taiyang, go to Chang Shan and ask him to come here.  Quickly!  Zhenzhu, you get me a basin of water and some rags please."  They left to do his bidding.  "How bad is it, Jinzi?"  "It's bad, but I can clean it and put balm on it to keep it from scarring any further.  Strange, but it wrapped right over your old scar.  I can remove both of them if you want me too."  Mo Yuan thought just a moment.  "I held on to that scar because I didn't want to let go of Shao Wan.  Many millennia ago, I let her go.  Even before I ever met your mother.  It's time for that scar to leave.  Remove it, when you heal this wound."  "Let me clean it good and I will.  One of these days your fortitude is going to get the best of you.  That poison was deadly.  If they hadn't come for me, you would have been in dire straights by nightfall.  Must you be so stoic, Fuqin?"  "Jinzi, it is an old habit.  No one but you, Ye Hua, Xue and JinDe and Zhe Yan have ever seen me really badly wounded until the day I crashed landed in the valley.  I thought it made me look weak for anyone to see me wounded.  How could I, the God of War, appear to be weak?"  "Fuqin, I understand, but you are not the god of war anymore.  I will say no more for I see the anger coming into your eyes!  Just know I love you!  I hear feet coming so you can assume your tough exterior again!"  Jinzi patted his Fuqin on the shoulder when he saw the slight smile on his lips.  Chang Shan came running in with potions and bandages.  "Lord Jinzi, I brought potions you might need, balm and bandages.  Is there anything else you need?"  "No this is just what I needed!  Thank you!  Could you get some tea for Fuqin?  That would be good."  Chang Shan nodded and went to get tea.  Zhenzhu came in with water and soft cloths to clean the wound.  Jinzi grinned and called Zhenzhu forward.  "Here Zhenzhu, you take this cloth and clean the wound very carefully while I mix up this potion.  It will only take a minute!"  Jinzi winked at his Fuqin.  "Zhenzhu was shaking like a leaf in the wind.  Playing his part to the hilt, Mo Yuan sucked in his breath with a sharp hiss when Zhenzhu touched him with the cloth.  Zhenzhu wanted to cry.  Taiyang was leaning over his shoulder watching.  "Fuqin!  I'm sorry!  I can't do it!  I just can't!!"  He threw down the cloth and ran from the room.  Taiyang felt his brother's anguish and fear.  He picked up the cloth and softly dabbed away the blood.  He was not unaffected by the look of pain on his Fuqin's face.  "I'm sorry, Fuqin!  I'll try to be softer."  He wet the cloth and continued.  Tears were streaming down his young face as he carefully tended his Fuqin.  Jinzi came back in carrying a cup of medicine and tea for his Fuqin.  Mo Yuan drank the potion and drank his tea in one gulp.  Jinzi took the cloth and told Taiyang to find Zhenzhu.  "Go now and find your didi.  He needs you."  He turned and ran out the door.  "You did that on purpose, didn't you Jinzi?"  "Yes, if you must know!  This wound is really ugly and I wanted them to see the ugly side of things for once.  You coddle them too much.  You do the same for Gaoxing and Xingfu.  I shudder to think what these girls are going to be like!"  "I know, Jinzi, but I hurt them so much and they suffered because of me!  I just can't stand for them to suffer anymore.  I hope you can understand that."  "Fuqin, I'm well aware of how much they suffered.  They have grown and they are stronger than you think.  I refer to the fact that Zhenzhu just wounded you and he is but a boy.  Now let me tend this wound."  "Just when did you get so sage with wisdom, my Xiao Jin Huli?"  Jinzi grinned.  "Since I have a Fuqin who taught me everything I know and a Shifu who told me every little dirty secret you have.  You have no secrets from me."  He touched a scar that ran down his Fuqin's chest.  "I even know that this scar is from the lightning strike you took for mother!"  Mo Yuan looked up at his grinning Xiao Jin Huli and laughed.  "Jinzi, I love you!  More than you will ever know!  Thank you for keeping my secrets.  Now please heal this so your mother won't panic.  By the way, isn't it getting close to the time for these girls to come?"  "Fuqin, I redid my math to make sure.  Mother is already at least two years and six months.  I was going to come tomorrow prepared to stay until she has them.  It could be any time now."  Panic came into Mo Yuan's eyes.  "Really?  No wonder these girls have been so quiet."  "Quiet!  What do you mean?  Are they ok?  Are they even alive?!?!?  Why didn't you call me?  I must check them right away!"  He healed his Fuqin's wound and took off like a golden streak of lightning. 
     Mo Yuan dressed himself by magic and took off after Jinzi.  Jinzi was outside his door trying to compose himself.  He knocked.  No answer.  Mo Yuan went in and took Jinzi with him.  Bai Qian was asleep.  Jinzi scanned her for problems.  His jiemei were sound asleep.  He knitted his brow and scanned again.  There it was.  A first sign of a labor pain.  Not wanting to alarm his Fuqin, he set him to work.  "Fuqin, I need you to tell Chang Shan to get potions and elixers ready.  Call Baohu and have him get Xue, JinDe and Shushu.  I need their power.  Can you do it?"  His eyes turned gold.  "Will Qian'er be alright, Xiao Jin Huli?"  "No worries!  Just go do what I have asked!  Hurry now!  It won't be long before Mother wakes up looking for you!"  Mo Yuan ran to the kitchen to enlist the aid of Chang Shan.  He already knew his job and set to it.  Mo Yuan ran to the hall.  Baohu was drinking tea.  "Baohu!  Come quickly!"  He turned and ran back toward his room.  Baohu was on his heels.  "What's wrong, Fuqin?"  "Call Xue, JinDe and Ye Hua to come now!  We are about to have some girls today!!"  Baohu grinned and opened up his mind.  "Shushu!!  Please come!  Mother is in labor!!"  "Xue!!  Come quick!!  Mother is in labor!!"  "JinDe!!  Come quick!!  Mother is in labor!!"  He joined his Fuqin in his room.  Bai Qian woke up with a large pain to find Jinzi, Baohu and Mo Yuan staring at her.  "Mother, you are in labor!  It's time for some little girls to make their entrance!!"

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