Doctor, Doctor, Give Me The News

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     Bai Qian was still out of sorts.  She couldn't regulate her body temperature and she was burning up.  She decided right then it was time to go see Jinzi.  She went looking for Mo Yuan and found him in the arena with the children.  She decided not to disturb him.  She left while he was busy.  Jinzi was looking over some manuscripts he had received.  He saw her walking toward the house.  "Mother!  To what do I owe your always beautiful company?"  "Jinzi, I'm ill.  I haven't told your Fuqin and I don't want to."  "Oh?  Let me check you over real quick."  He took her pulse.  It was ok.  He scanned her quickly.  "Tell me your symptoms, Mother."  "Well, I haven't been able to sleep well because I wake up in a sweat.  I'm hot right now.  I want to jump in a cold lake.  Plus I've had headaches.  I feel all out of whack."  "Mother, I must ask you some personal questions.  Are you ok with that?"  "Alright.  I'll try to remain calm."  "Tell me about your monthly cycle.  Is it normal?  Early?  Late?  Any changes?"  Her face turned red but she sighed and answered him.  "My cycle is off.  I've skipped two.  It's erratic.  It was very predictable, but not now."  "Hmmm.  Well I know your not pregnant.  I checked for that first.  I'm afraid the time has come for your cycle to cease.  Mortals call it menopause.  Your child bearing years are over afterwards, but...there is a warning.  You must use the peaches I sent you.  Your cycle may cease, but until it has stopped all together, you can get pregnant.  I can't stress this enough.  You absolutely cannot have any more children!  You nearly died, Mother!  You can't do it anymore!  There are seventeen of us!  Please be careful!  I will make you some medicine to help with those hot spells you have."  She started crying.  "Your Fuqin will throw me away!  I can't give him anymore children.  I'm ruined!"  "Mother!  Fuqin would never throw you away!  He loves only you!  Now let me get your medicine for you!"  He gave her a little bag of pills.  "Take one everyday.  Let me know if they help.  If they don't, I can change the formula for you."  He took her hand into his and patted it.  "Don't worry now.  Go home and take a nap.  Take a pill before you do.  Is Fuqin in the arena?"  "Yes, you know it!  He's all in the training mode with the younger ones.  There are nine of them!!"  He walked her to the path.  "No worries now!  I love you!"  She jumped back to Kunlun.
     She had just sat down when Mo Yuan came in with his little army.  He was in his element.  That all sat down for a snack.  "Qian'er, I need you to give lessons to these hulis if you will.  Maybe tomorrow?"  "Get Si ge to do it.  I don't feel up to it."  Alarm came across his face.  He ran his knuckles over her cheek.  "Are you ill, Qian'er?  Should I carry you to see Jinzi?"  "No.  I'm just going to go take a nap now."  He stood, picked her up and jumped to their room.  He laid her down and sat beside her.  "Will you tell me what is wrong?"  "I want to speak to Jinlong, please."  His eyes swirled to gold as he held her hand.  He was trembling.  "What is wrong, Qian'er?  Won't you tell me?"  "Jinlong, would you still want me if I can't give you anymore children?"  "Qian'er, my love!!  It's too dangerous for you to have any more!  I'm fine that you can't risk it anymore!  Look at all the wonderful children you have given me!!  I'm a very happy dragon!  You are my only love!  There will never be another woman in my life!"  He held her close and let his essence wash over her.  She felt comfort in his loving embrace.  "I went to see Jinzi this morning."  Alarm covered his face and he gripped her to his chest.  "I've felt out of sorts and I've had some female type problems.  He said it's time for my cycles to cease.  Do you hear what I'm saying?  I won't be able to ever have any more children!  It's over, Jinlong!  We can mate, but it will never produce any more children.  I'm sorry!  Please forgive me!"  She sobbed into his shoulder and cried out all of her misery.  "Qian'er, I'm fine with it!  That means we can mate and not have to worry!"  He squeezed her tight again.  "Don't cry anymore, ok?  For me?"  He kissed her cheek and wrapped his arms around her.  She sighed.  "Jinzi said I would have to keep using the peaches until all of my cycle ceased, then I can throw caution to the wind."  "Hmmm, I like the sound of throwing caution to the wind."  "You're terrible!"  "I know!  That's why you love me so much."  She swatted him with her handkerchief.  "I guess I could help train the boys.  Maybe I would feel better if I did."  "Tomorrow morning then.  When you get up, then we train."  "Mo Yuan, I love you!"  "And I, your golden dragon, love you."
     Jinzi sent a message that afternoon to his Fuqin.  Applicants would be arriving in the morning.  Mo Yuan went to see Bai Xue.  He knocked on the door and waited.  "Enter".  When he saw his Fuqin, he rose to bow.  Mo Yuan waved him to stop.  "What can I do for you, Fuqin?"  "Jinzi will be accepting his students in the morning.  I thought it would be prudent for us to be there to break up any misconduct.  I want you and JinDe to come with your Mother and I.  Bring Junjie too.  He can talk to people in the crowd and get a feel for their skills.  Jinzi wants to teach three levels of students.  Oh no!!  I just thought of something!  We didn't build housing for his students!  Where will they stay?  I must get Taiyang and Zhenzhu right on this!!!"  He turned to go.  Xue stopped him.  "Fuqin, we already handled that.  They built three houses behind the school.  One for men, one for women and one for any servants that are brought along."  "Always a step ahead!  Good!  I will see you in the morning then."  Mo Yuan went to find Bai Qian just to check on her.  She was in the arena helping JinDe.  She was flawless with her moves.  Mo Yuan sat down in the pavilion and put his chin in his hand.  His grin said everything. Baohu came and sat beside him.  "Poetry in motion.  Like a thousand suns shining in the East.  She still is my everything."  "Fuqin, Mother is nothing short of wonderful!  Look at her!  I remember well how she nearly beat the stuffing out of me!"  "That's why I want her to train those hulis!  She will train them to be ruthless, honest, forthright and gracious.  You remember her lessons when you and Jinzi were young, don't you?"  "Indeed I do!  Why not call Zufu Bai Zhi to come help her?"  "Baohu, Bai Zhi has been unwell.  He is resting at their estate in the mortal realm.  I haven't told your mother because she has been unwell herself.  That means keep your big mouth shut or I swear to you I will shut it for you.  Understand?"  He looked into those golden swirling eyes and didn't hesitate to answer.  "I understand."
     The next morning Xue, JinDe and Junjie were waiting in the hall for their Fuqin.  He came in wearing his black robes with the peach blossoms on them.  "Is mother coming with us Fuqin?  If not, I swear we will have to beat the women off of you!  You just look too handsome in those robes."  "You know your mother always sleeps late.  I left her a note with a rose on the pillow next to her.  She will come later."  He ate breakfast and they prepared to leave when Bai Qian walked in with the rose stuck in her hair.  "Am I presentable, dearest?"  She wore a white gown with a lavender over robe.  She had a simple white hair adornment that Rong had given her many years ago.  Mo Yuan took her hand and kissed her palm.  "Your beauty blinds this old dragon!"  Bai Xue stepped up and he too kissed his mother.  JinDe and Junjie followed.  She giggled her pleasure.  "Dearest, the children will be with Baohu and Taiyang and Zhenzhu while we are gone.  I told them to come get us if mayhem ensues.  Are we ready?"  She waved her hand and caught a sweet bun in it.  She walked out to the portico and looked back over her shoulder with a grin.  She took a bite out of the bun and smiled.  "Come, my sons before the huli gets up to mischief and mayhem!"  They jumped to the gate and then to Qing Qui.
     Jinzi had a little table set up with scrolls, ink and brush.  "Good morning!  I have tea for everyone!  Mother!  I didn't expect you to be up so early!  You have come to help?"  "Yes, I'll just sit here at the table and write their names on whichever scroll you tell me.  How many lists will there be, Jinzi?"  "Three, Mother.  I expect them to start coming any minute."  He had just started labeling the lists when the first students came.  Bai Xue welcomed them and led them to the table.  Jinzi introduced himself.  "I am Bai Zhi Jinzi, medicine king and teacher.  Come here, if you will and tell me of your skills."  He was able to sort them out quickly.  When their names were written down, they were given a jade belt token to designate their rank.  A group came in with Queen Yan Zhi.  She had five people from her realm and five from the demon realm.  Mo Yuan stood and held up his hand for attention.  "This school is here to teach the art and craft of medicine.  Lord Jinzi will teach all who come to him to earnestly learn and devote themselves to healing and peace.  If you cannot be at peace with these students, I suggest you leave.  There will be learning here, not fighting.  Do I make myself clear?"  They all nodded and started to shake hands.  After the day was done, their were five hundred students.  Only fifty were female, but two of them were advanced.  JinDe and Xue took them to the back to the housing provided.  Xue asked the students from the dark lands did they want their own accommodations or did they want to room with the others.  They chose to room with the others.  Yan Zhi sat down and drank tea with Bai Qian.  "Si Yin, you look so well!  Your oldest son told me you have seventeen children!  I think it's wonderful!  Thank you for taking care of our people.  We need them desperately to keep sickness at bay.  Please come visit me sometime!  I also need to talk to those architect sons of yours.  I have a project for them."  "I will send them right to you.  They have been dying for another project."  Yan Zhi bowed to her and Mo Yuan and left.  "It seems those boys are making quite the name for themselves as builders. Before you know it, they will be wanted all over the realm."
     The first day of class was basically starting his beginners out on their tasks.  He wanted them to learn the smell of the herbs and plants so they could distinguish them.  Once he set them about identifying plants and herbs, he started with the mediocre ones.  He evaluated their skills quickly and assigned books for them to study.  He showed them the library where they could sit and read and take notes.  His advanced group required little more than a little knowledge.  "You here are the most advanced.  First and foremost, you must devote time everyday or at least once a week to meditate and build your power.  The more power you have, the easier it is to use difficult spells.  For instance, soul chasing or scanning on the molecular level.  I will teach advance medicine to you here.  I will evaluate you by a verbal test to see what you know.  Use the library to read on any subject you feel weak in.  If you need anything, feel free to ask for it.  Now spend the rest of the day in the library."  Food was served three times a day.  The ladies and gentlemen of the mushroom market were happy to help.  The school was already bringing them business.  Two weeks went by without incident until a young woman from the dark lands broke out in a terrible rash and started having trouble breathing.  A young man from the Eastern sea realm carried her to the examination room.  Jinzi could see her distress.  "Calm now.   Deep breaths, even though you feel like you can't.  Tell me what plants or herbs did she touch?"  "Lord Jinzi, we were smelling the herbs to identify them when she sneezed and started getting that rash.  I brought a piece with me."  He held out the herb.  Jinzi nodded and turned to that same young man.  He reeled off a list of things for him to get.  He ran off to get them and went straight to the kitchen to cook the medicine.  In less than ten minutes he had it ready.  He brought it to Jinzi.  He gave it to the girl and watched her recover quickly.  Seeing a teachable moment, he questioned his students on their methods to act fast.  "If this young man hadn't acted quickly, this young woman would have perished.  Some people are known to have reactions to different things.  It causes the throat to close off so you can't breath.  I will have this young man make some tablets for you to keep on your person at all times.  The next time just put one under your tongue.  Now I have a question.  How did you know that I left out one ingredient for her medicine?"  "I know what these herbs are meant to do when mixed together, but the key ingredient that blended them all was missing.  I added it."  "See my students?  Paying attention and knowing the uses and abilities of each herb or plant you use is crucial.  This young man saved this young woman's life because he knew this.  Come now.  Are you able to rise?"  "Yes, Shifu, I feel fine now.  I know to avoid touching or smelling that particular herb in the future."  "Good, now let's continue our lesson."  For the rest of the day, Jinzi taught medicines and their uses, proper use of each plant and herb and how to properly prepare medicine.
     A month went by quickly.  JinDe had been teaching the young children combat skills with practice swords.  Xingfu had decided he was tired of phony blades so he got a dagger out of the armory.  He promptly cut JinDe on the arm.  "Ouch, Xingfu!  Just where did you get a dagger?  Haven't I told you practice blades only?  I should whip you little dragon butt.  Fuqin can handle you!"  He grabbed him up by the scruff of the neck and took him straight to their Fuqin's study.  JinDe didn't even knock but walked in with blood streaming down his arm and Xingfu trying to get loose.  Mo Yuan looked at the arm and then the anger on JinDe's face.  "Fuqin, Xingfu took it upon himself to get a dagger when I have repeatedly told them they will not be using real blades until you or I one deem it time for it.  As you can see, he cut my arm on purpose when I tried to take it away from him."  "Xingfu, where did you get this dagger from?"  "I got it from the armory, Fuqin.  It was hanging from the wall."  Alarm came onto Mo Yuan's face.  "Xingfu, go to your room.  Give me that dagger right now!"  He handed it to his Fuqin.  "Go now!  I'll deal with you later."  He left with his head hung down.  "JinDe, come.  Now!" He grabbed JinDe and jumped straight to the door of Jinzi's school.  "Jinzi!!  Come quick!  Xingfu cut JinDe with a poison dagger!  Hurry!"  The advanced students were in class.  They all gathered around in the examination room.  A young man from the dark lands took one look and nodded.  "Shifu!  I know what this is!  It's a plant grown around the base of the mountains in the far west of our lands.  It causes flesh decay if not caught quickly.  Let me heal it.  He moved his hands like Jinzi had taught them and worked a withdrawal spell.  Blood ran out of his nose when he finished.  He then cleaned and bandaged the cut.  Mo Yuan nodded and thanked him.  Jinzi spoke to all of them.  "Do you all see what we can do for each other?  If this young man had not known this plant or it's effects, my Er ge could have lost his arm.  This is what I want all of you to learn first and foremost.  Treat the patient in your care.  Worry about who or what he is later.  Understand?"  They all nodded.  "Now, tell your patient what he must do to heal."  "Lord JinDe.  Come back tomorrow and let me clean and redress your wound.  Try not to use your arm for anything until then.  Let me get a sling for you to use until then."  He produced a sling and put JinDe's arm into it very carefully.  "Very well done!  What do you think of my students, Fuqin?"  "Jinzi, I am impressed!  Very impressed!  If they keep learning like this, the realms will be a much safer place."  JinDe stood and nodded.  "I shall return in the!"  He grinned at the young man and smiled.  "Come JinDe.  I have to deal with Xingfu now."
     Xingfu was not in his room where he was supposed to be.  Gaoxing was very worried.  "Fuqin!  Xingfu has been very bad to run away!  I can sense that he is still on the mountain.  I just don't know where."  "Gaoxing, tend to your studies and I will find your didi.  Go on."  JinDe was sitting in the hall drinking tea and getting plenty of sympathy from his little siblings.  Jingsi softly patted his arm.  "Er ge, does it hurt?  Should me kiss you to make it all better, hmmm?"  He took her into his lap and hugged her.  "Er ge is all better, thanks to one of San ge's students from the demon lands.  He knew what the poison was and healed me very quickly.  Although Er ge wouldn't turn down a kiss if you wish to give him one, hmmm?"  Jingsi gave him a big kiss right on his cheek.  "Er ge beard tickle!"  Mo Yuan came in and had to laugh.  "Shameless!  Totally shameless!  I guess you will play the sympathy card at home too?"  "Fuqin, it's not every day that I get such sweet Xiao long kisses!  Isn't that right, Jingsi?"  "Hmmm, that right, Er ge!  Fuqin you want kiss too?"  She jumped down from JinDe's lap and ran to Mo Yuan.  He swooped her up and she planted a kiss right on his cheek.  "Sweet girl kisses are always good!  Sadly Fuqin must put you down so I can go find Xingfu.  How about you save those kisses for me, ok?"  "Fuqin always get kisses from Jingsi!"  He sat her down with the others.  "JinDe, when you leave, please take these children to the playroom.  I'll be back."  Mo Yuan shifted when he got out on the portico and swept over the mountain.  He made one last sweep when he found him.  He slowly turned and slipped into the waters of the lake in Baohu's meadow.  He cloaked and sank down to the bottom of the lake.  There Xingfu was, curled up inside the entrance of the cave that was there.  He was trying hard to hold his breath, but bubbles were escaping from his nose.  Not seeing his Fuqin watching him, he uncoiled and slowly rose to the surface.  He took another big breath and was going back to the cave when he ran into something in the water.  Surprised, he swam back only to see Jinlong uncloak in front of him.  He took off for the surface, but before he could get out of the water, huge talons grabbed him and sat down in the meadow with him.  He transformed and waited for his Fuqin. 
     "As you can see, Xingfu, you can't hide from me.  Why did you think it necessary to hide?  Well?"  "Fuqin, please don't hurt me!!"  "Xingfu, I'm not going to hurt you, but know that what you did, nearly cost your Er ge his arm.  Never again take any weapon off the wall of the armory again.  They are there for a reason.  If that young man from the demon realm had not been there studying under Jinzi, your Er ge would be seriously ill right now.  Come and we shall return to the hall so your can apologize."  He took Xingfu next to him and jumped them there.  JinDe was feeling rather green and had decided to go home.  He stood about the time Mo Yuan arrived with Xingfu.  He swayed on his feet and Baohu barely had time to catch him.  Xingfu was beside himself.  For the first time in his young life, he felt honest to goodness fear.  Before Mo Yuan or Baohu could do anything, Xingfu grabbed JinDe and jumped him to Qing Qui.  He was dragging JinDe to the door when Jinzi ran out with his students.  They carried JinDe to the infirmary there.  Jinzi turned to one of his students.  "Go get Wei Guang.  I need him.  Quickly!!"  He left and was back in a few minutes with him.  Wei Guang was concerned as he helped Jinzi remove JinDe's robes.  His hand was turning red.  Wei Guang turned and fired off a list of medicine for a potion.  "Hurry!  Bring it as fast as you can, but don't use magic to make it.  Just use it to make the fire."  He turned to Jinzi.  "Shifu, I am at fault.  I should have used a drawing spell to make sure all of the poison was gone.  We can stop it though.  We just need that potion.  Let me clean this again and put some of that new balm I made on it."  "Alright, no worries.  Er ge is tough, so we will just keep an eye out for him."  Jinzi turned to see Xingfu crouched in the corner being consoled by one of his female students.  Her name was Lang Mei Hei.  "Little one!  Don't cry so!  Your Er ge is strong and will get better.  Come now and see!"  She stood him up and dusted off his robe.  Jinzi came to stand by her.  "Shifu, is this your didi?"  "Yes, and one who is probably in big trouble when Fuqin gets here."  Mo Yuan came running in the door and took in the scene.


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