Green eyes have that mysterious look in their eyes
Getting a soft emerald being hidden just by looking in their eyes
Being described as the color of grass but in reality, it's a gemstone so beautiful and bright
Giving them a vibrant look to their eyes
Getting lost in their vibrant look
Making you feel more alive
Getting a glimpse of their eyes seeing something so magically but wonderfully made
Seeing a reflection of those green eyes
Being captivate by them
Seeing their eyes light up like a gemstone
Wanted to see their eyes smile
Again and again
Feeling the warmth from those crystal green eyes
Feeling a sense of comfort with those green eyes looking at you
Feeling closer to them
Having the color of the sea in their eyes
Flicker off strength from them
Giving them the strength to anyone who looks at them
With just one look
Having a pure looked in those soft elegant eyes
Finding a clove which reminded me of your soft green eye
Staring back at me
Wishing I could stare at those green eyes on all-day
Hoping to never lose those soft green eyes from looking at me