I woke up to the sound of a machine beating
Looking around for him
He was nowhere to be seen
A nurse walked in and I asked how long was I out
She responds with
You were gone for a month
I freaked out
The love of my life is out there
While I was in a coma
I ran out of the hospital in the grown
And I ran and ran
Until I came upon a bridge
I stared out into the horizon
Letting the breeze hit my face
The tears string as they roll down my face
And I felt my heart shatter knowing I couldn't see him
I started walking on the bridge
There he was
My boy
Standing at the end of the ledge
I felt my feet moving towards him
But it was taken late
He jumps
I looked down and he saw me
And I felt the tears come down my face
I smile at him for one last time
He whispers into the wind Til Death Do Us Part mi Amor
Til Death Do Us Part my love I said
As I jump off the ledge to be with him
My memories of him flash through my head as I was falling to my death
Then boom, darkness filled me