Wishing it was you
Wishing you have walked through the door and comfort me
Wishing it was you that was my boyfriend but it isn't it's someone else
I grown so used to having you around
But now we are just strangers
Living our lives but with the occasionally thought of you saying I hope he is doing okay , I hope he is happy
Happy that's our story is over
We were meant to love each other
But not meant to stay in love with each other
I always thought our story would end differently
But I was wrong
Now I found someone who understands me
Loves me the way I should be love
I mean you did love me but not the way you wish you could
Hating yourself for not being able
Knowing I was okay with you not being able to love me
Just having you around was enough of me
But now it wasn't enough
So we let each other go
Thank you for letting me find the love of my life even though you knew you would loved me when it's too late