Don't you ever feel
Like love isn't in your favor
You see
Couples and people being in love
But yet you never experience it
You never felt the connection before
Making you feel as if you are problem
You aren't attractive enough
You aren't good enough
It makes you start to wonder
When has a guy ever looked at me
Making me feel and think he wanted to be more than friends
No guy has
Always have felt so sure that no guy will like me
Maybe I'm not even girlfriend material
Maybe Im unlikeable
I give more than I received
Over and over again
Letting people disappoint me
Of the meaning of love
Letting them tear my heart apart
Loving them unconditionally
But for me
They love me when it's valuable
always put a price on their love for me
Always putting a timer on how long they would love me
Just to leave me behind
Love isn't in my favor
Maybe it even will be
I guess it's for the better