I watch as I see smile faces, laughter fill inside the room but I couldn't feel the happiness everyone else felt I felt like I didn't belong
I felt an outsider that was looking inside while everyone else belong
I felt myself laugh when I needed smile when it was appropriate time
But I wasn't happy I felt all alone in that room I felt broken a brokenness that I can't even explain not even if I tried
I felt my heart break every second passing by but no one see to notice bc I was laughing at the not funny jokes I was smiling while someone was talking
but I was there I didn't hear any of the jokes did hear anything they were say I was just there sitting down waiting for this to end
I remember I excused myself bc I couldn't take it any longer once I did that's when the tears began to fall and fall
I couldn't keep myself together anymore
I fell to the ground not caring who saw or if my knees hurt
I cried and I cried what seemed like hours
until I couldn't anymore
I clenched my stomach to pull myself together as I walk back inside no seen to notice my puff red eyes and if they did they didn't care since I was always happy