I have always dream about being in a relationship
but now I'm start to rethink it
Not because of the guys but simply because I'm not ready
Im not ready to open up the bad part about myself
Im not ready to admit I need help
Im not ready to admit when Im in the wrong
Im not ready to talk about my emotions since I can't even understand my own
But mostly because
Im not willing to let myself fall for the bare minimums when I know I deserved to be treated more than that
Since for now I fall for the bare minimums when I shouldn't
I need to work on myself first
Until im ready
But how will I learn if im ready
You will know
By seeing yourself not putting up with the bare minimums
By seeing yourself notice things about other
By start seeing yourself as a person and not an enemy
But watching how everyone reacts to you working on yourself
But for now relationship are on hold