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I had to get away from Dani. Honestly, I thought she was cool but she can get clingy after a while. I hope she knows I ain't interested in no girls.

I walked over to the dance floor where I knew he was at. While I was walking over there, Gee just had to walk away from where he was. I swear he's so stubborn, I know he seen me.

I lost track of where he went because all of these people in this house. But when I looked over at the staircase, I saw him going up. I quickly started to get past people so I could catch up with him.

Finally, I make it up the stairs and saw him going into a room. When I opened the door it was pitch black. Then, I felt a cold metal get pressed against my temple.

The lights turn on in the room and I met with the sight of Gee. "Damn, you really aiming a gun at my head?"

The gun then clicked. "I knew that you were going to follow me. You just don't give up, don't you?"

"I can't answer that when you got a gun aimed at my head."

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't shoot you?"

"I know you wouldn't shoot me... Right?" I nervously chuckled.

He starts to snicker at how scared I am. He removes the gun away from my dome and tucks it back in his pants.

"I should shoot you for the other night at the rink."

"What did I do-"

"You know what you did. Don't act fucking dumb. You must take me as a joke for real."

I smirked. "Says the one who almost kissed me on that floor in front of everybody. I'm pretty sure you don't care just tryna act hard."

Gee's face hardened at what I said. "I was never about to kiss your gay ass. And because of you, your boys has problems with me."

"See, if you were acting right, I would lay them off of you."

"Kasey, move out of my way. I'm so serious, if you come near me again I'll shoot you for real."

He says this every time but never does it. Gee can't bring himself to shoot me.

"Give me one peck and I'll move." I smiled and started to pucker my lips at him so he could give me a kiss.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Move your ass out of the way."

"Just give me one then."

This takes me back to when we was in the restroom at school. Even that day he was still acting so difficult.

I swear when he's mine, there ain't going to be much of him being the way he is now. Shit, he's gonna learn how to love and respect me. Soon, it won't be too much of that damn attitude.

He just stood there with his arms crossed as he mugged me.

"I'm waiting," I laughed.

"Nigga, fuck you," he spat, shoving me into the door.

I took a deep breath and let it out smoothly. I locked the door and went over to him. I'm tired of fooling with him.

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now