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Finale: Part 3

I was on my knees with my hands behind my head, waiting for them to handcuff me already.

Guns were aimed at me from all directions from every SWAT team member and cop.

Finally an officer comes up to me and starts to put these cold and tight ass cuffs around my wrist.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court. You have the right to talk to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you..." I heard that familiar line.

After getting read my Miranda rights, I was roughly yanked up by the cops and led out the factory. I didn't like how they was grabbing all up on my arm like this, but what can I really do when I'm the one cuffed?

My mind still couldn't wrap around the fact that Kasey got shot. It didn't look too good... he was losing a lot of blood.

Tears brimmed my eyes as I thought about seeing him in that state over and over again. I can't help but to blame myself.

Believe it or not, he is like a son to me. A son that I never had.

Memories of him joining my gang for the first time flooded my mind. I thought he was the goofiest nigga I knew but he always managed to get the job done.

I didn't want it to be true. I don't want him to die.

I had no idea how far Ace made it out. I just needed them to all go so they won't serve anytime.

I got roughly pushed into the back of the squad car. Before pulling off, two of the cops both looked back at me. I see that they are both black.

Fucking sellouts.

"It's over for you and your little gang. You see all this chaos? No one wins at the end of the day. Your black ass going to be sitting behind that cell for years to come." Then they both get to laughing.

"Fuck you niggas. Fucking sellouts. You see the constant problem with this damn society, but no one chooses to do anything. Niggas sit up here and fucking complain but never do shit! You ain't even here to protect us but bring one of yo own down!"

The one in the passenger seat turned around to look at me. "We didn't tell you to speak up, son. Next time you say something, I will use legal force."

He goes to back away. I'm left with just sitting back here, angry out of my mind. I'm pissed about everything.

But it was either all of us go to prison, or just me. I chose myself because Kasey and Gee still got a full life ahead of them—if Kasey actually makes it. And I didn't want Ace to go. He doesn't need to be spending his life in no prison cell when it can be just me.

I don't got nothing to lose.

His words burned into my head.

"Do you have any idea what they can do to you? Do you know what this means for you—or us, right? Just come with us."

It broke my heart that I had to do that, but it was the best choice.

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