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I cut every girl that I was fucking with off for Ace. Now lastly, all I have to do is cut off Honey. It was great time too because she came over to try and get my dick wet. Little do she know is that I'm about to cut her ass off as well.

I really want him to know how serious I am about him. I've been waiting for too long- five years.

"Tobias, come on," she practically begged, tugging on my belt.

"The fuck is you doing, Honey? I told you I don't want to fuck."

"Then why the fuck am I here then?" She asked, attitude evident in her voice.

"You came here on your own behalf," I shrugged. "But since you here, don't show up here anymore and don't call me."

I ain't have time to hear what she gotta say. I'm a straightforward person, no beating around the bush with me.

She scoffed, folding her arms across her chest. "So you're basically cutting me off? Why?"

Here we go. She's getting cut off like how everybody else is. I don't feel like hearing her whine about 'what we could have been'. She stopped satisfying me a long ass time ago.

"Because I said so."

"But I thought you loved me! Now why all of a sudden you're acting so cold?"

I fucked her a few times and she thinks I'm in love with her. She sounds so delusional, so delusional that I burst out laughing.

"Why are you laughing?" She genuinely sounded hurt but I can give a fuck. It ain't the first time I broke a girl's heart.

"Because you thought I loved you when I only wanted to fuck you. We weren't nothing more." Then I continued to laugh.

"Fuck you, Tobias. You are such a worthless asshole! How do you get enjoyment fucking women and then cutting them off?"

I shrugged my shoulders, not caring too much about her words. I heard much worse than that. I got called a worthless asshole plenty of times.

But Honey keeps on talking. "You sit here and run a gang and kill people, fuck women like it's going to distract you from your current issues, and drink like you're living the best life! How do you sleep so well at night knowing that you're a terrible person?"

I gave her a look, silently telling her to chill out. I just sat back further in my seat, taking a sip from out of my solo cup to calm myself down before I do something I might regret. I hardly lose control.

None of the other women gave me this much of a problem. It's just her.

She gets more mad when I don't do anything. I guess she hates my calm demeanor. She goes over to snatch my bottle from off my table. I watched her smashed it real hard on my coffee table, causing the rest of the liquor to leak out. Some pieces of glass falls on my carpet. She points the half broken glass at me.

Now I was alerted. I quickly put my cup down on the table and shoot up from where I'm sitting at to tend to her crazy ass.

"I will fucking stab you!" She screamed, fury in her eyes. I knew then that this bitch was crazy as hell.

"Honey, imma tell you to gone ahead and put that down," I stated, calmly with my hands out to try and at least take the bottle away from her.

"No, tell me the reason why you are cutting me off? Is it for another bitch, huh?!" Then she goes to attempt to stab me but I jumped back.

"No! I ain't fucking with you like that anymore!" I ignored that she just called Ace a bitch. If she wasn't tryna stab me, I would have laughed.

She went charging at me, still stabbing me. I really wasn't tryna put my hands on this girl but she was really testing me. "Put the damn bottle down!"

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now