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Tobias was back to his old ways again. For the past few weeks, he hasn't been the same and I don't even know why.

But I have noticed that Ace hasn't been coming around here lately, so I'm thinking they must have gotten into it.

I threw on my hoodie as I passed his room door that was wide open. Empty bottles were all over the bedroom floor as he slept on the bed.

Sighing, I just went to go head out so I can get the rest of my things from my aunt's house.

I walked the chilly streets of the New York's sidewalk to get to her house. I still have the house key, but I was hoping that she wasn't at home, so I don't have to deal with her shit.

I understand she had to do what she had to do. But not seeing my brother and sister is beyond fucked up. I wasn't tryna have no jacked up relationship with them all because I barely get to see them.

My aunt's house wasn't too far. Only just a few blocks away so I got there quick. I took the key out my pocket and went to go unlock the door.

My sister was sitting closely in front of the tv in the living room, watching some type of cartoon. When she heard the front door open, she looked over so quick.

"Kasey!" She practically yells, getting up and running to me. I feel her little arms wrap around my legs, damn near knocking me off my feet.

I put my finger to my lips with a smile displayed on my lips. "Auntie Jane here?"

She shakes her head. "No, she went to the store. Rylos is here." Then she smiles really big, showcasing a few missing teeth. "I miss you! Where have you been? Why did you go?"

Of course she goes to ask me all these questions at once. "I know I miss you too. I left so I can..." I trailed off to think of sumn' quick. There was only so much I can tell her with her having such a naive mind. "Go on a lil adventure."

She tilts her head at me. "Adventure? What kind? Like with the princesses?"

I scrunched my face up but quickly covered it up before she can notice and her little dreams get crushed. "Yeah, with the lil princesses."

She takes my hand and starts dragging me to the living room. "I got so much to tell you! You been missing so much!"

One thing about Jasmine, she can talk someone's ear off by anything.

I can't really say too much because I know I talk a lot too.

I sat there for a few minutes with my sister going on and on about what's been happening at school. That is, until my brother, Rylos comes into the room.

"Hows it going?"

"Does Aunt Jane know you here?" He asked, completely ignoring my question.

"Nah, she doesn't know. I only came here to get my stuff and dip."

I get up to go into my room to get some of my things, leaving Jas to watch tv again. My brother follows behind me. "So... Where you staying at?"

"Away from here," I simply answered as I grabbed a few shirts that I bought some time ago.

My brother doesn't say anything else.

"What about you? How have you been since I been gone?"

A smile came to his face. "Making straight A's."

"What? My bro a genius now? About time we had someone in the family who is smart aside from me."

Just like that, his smile fades away as he gives me a really? expression.

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