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"You are fucking whipped. I thought I would never see the day when you stop drinking," Kasey laughed.

I would be lying if I said that this withdrawal wasn't doing shit to me because it is. This has been the most longest week of my life because of it. Drinking helps me relieve my stress so maybe that's why I do it a lot. Now I catch myself having the worst headaches and snapping so easily.

I laid on the couch with my arm over my eyes, feeling sick. I've been throwing up all morning, could barely eat, and got one of the worst headaches.

"Shut the hell up, K," I groaned, not in the mood for his jokes.

He's been bothering the hell outta me all day. He makes me miss having the house all to myself.

Now I regret telling him that he can stay here as long as he need to.

"I'm just saying. I feel like a proud father."

I removed my arm away from my eyes so I can give him a look that I'm not with it today. "Don't you got something better to be doing like be with your boyfriend or some shit than to bother me?"

I didn't want to be bothered. I already got a terrible headache and I took a few Aspirins earlier and them shits are barely doing anything to me.

"Well can I borrow yo car?"

I looked at this nigga like he's crazy. I never had no one drive my car besides me.

"For what?"

"What you think? So I can go hang with my baby like you suggested."

I almost burst out laughing. "I ain't letting no one drive my shit. Stack up on your own money and cop yourself one."

"Come on, Bias. At least only for the rest of tonight. I'll be out of your hair," he practically begged.

That did sound good but when it came to my baby, I had trust issues. And no telling what Kasey wild ass could do.

"She still going to be looking brand new when I get back."

I thought for a moment before finally coming to a decision so this nigga could leave me the hell alone. "My keys are by the door. Wreck my shit and imma for real kill you. I better not see no scratches on that motherfucker or none of that. Not even a speck."

He nods his head, happily. I didn't plan on going anywhere today. I just want to chill at home without having to be bothered.

He was about to lean down and hug me, but I was quick to cut my eyes at him. He just settled with patting me on the shoulder. "Get well soon, buddy."

He goes to leave out the living room. "You niggas better not fuck in my car either!"

"Who do you think I am? I would never do such a thing! Oh yeah, see you tomorrow! Bye!"



"Hold on, tomorrow?! Kasey-"

I couldn't finish what I had to say before I heard the front door slam shut.

If I had the energy, I would have jumped my ass up so quick and jacked his skinny ass back in this house.

Least I have some peace and quiet.

I was tempted to go into my liquor cabinet and pop me open a bottle, but I just fixed me another glass of water.

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now