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"I won't be long, okay?" Kasey said to me as we stood in the hallway by his leader's room number.

He wanted to come here to see how he was doing the very next day before we left to go hangout— or date. It still feels weird to say that but it's whatever.

I just nodded my head at him.


I sighed. "Okay."

He goes to kiss me on my lips before going into the room. I walked away to go get me some chips out the vending machine I saw down the hallway on our way over here.

My mind still lingered on that conversation we had last night. Everything about that whole night was still on my mind between what we did and about him asking about Notorious and Superiors working together.

Honestly, the idea seems bullshit to me. The two colors hate each other too much for that to ever happen. My brother wouldn't be down for no shit like that if I'm being real.

Speaking of my brother, I'm glad he's out. I don't know what I would have done with the gang if he was gone.

I pulled out a crumbled dollar out of my pocket and slid it into the machine. I picked the chips I wanted and it slid down to the slot. I reached my hand down and got it.

When I opened it, I looked down the hall and saw some doctors rushing in some hurt people, probably taking them into emergency surgery. Didn't surprise me because there has been rioting going on in the streets. People were angry, gangs were killing each other, kids were participating, cops weren't doing a thing; it was madness.

I went back to standing next to the door and I heard some loud talking but I didn't think too much of it.

My back leaned against the wall as I was tearing these chips up.

Long after eating my chips, I was still waiting on for Kasey to come out. Growing bored, I pressed my ear up to the door so I can hear more clearly.

"That's why imma tell Gee!"

"If you'll be alive to make it to see him!"

My brows furrowed, recognizing my brother's voice on the other side. My hand went to turn the handle to confirm my suspicion.

And there he was.

Proved that I was right. There was Ace holding a gun in his hand with Kasey standing in front of the door as if he was just about to walk out. Both their reactions to seeing me standing in the doorway read shocked.

My eyes then shift over to Kasey's leader, Tobias laying on the bed with his arm in a sling. He too was shocked to see me here.

So many questions started to circulate in my brain.

What the fuck is going on here?

What is Ace doing here?



Both my brother and Kasey said at the same time. Then Ace goes to give Kasey a mug for calling me that.

"Ace? What are you doing here?" I asked, my eyes falling on him.

"I should be asking you the same. Don't tell me you came here with his ass."

"Damn, everybody just walking in," I heard Kasey's leader, Tobias say.

I go to look back at Kasey. "Of course I did. He said that he had to check in and see if his leader was fine. You said it wouldn't take long, Kasey." Then my eyes shift over back over onto him. "But the question is— what are you doing here?"

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