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And like clockwork, Gee falls to the ground. My eyebrow raised wondering if he's still alive. I immediately hung up the phone on someone I was talking to and went over to Gee.

"Yo, Gee. You good, man?" I leaned over and snapped my fingers near his face a few times. Hell, I even lightly slapped his cheek.

I squatted down to where he laid and moved his arm over to see that there was blood all over his side where it looks to be a stabbed wound. That's when I also seen the many bruises on his face.

I start to get infuriated thinking who the fuck would do this to him. I quickly shot up and went to pick him up, not caring if I got his blood on me.

Whoever did this is dead to me.

I went to his room and laid him on his bed, lifting up his shirt. The stab went in deep but not too deep. He was going to be alright. I left his room to go into the bathroom to get some things to help with his wound.

Shit, I might know a thing or two about being stabbed or even shot.

His ass was still alive but he's unconscious.

After cleaning and bandaging Gee's wound, I've been checking on him every few times to see if he was still knocked out. Each time he was. I'm not going to lie and say that it didn't worry me when he showed up to the front door in so much pain.

But I'm waiting for him to hurry up and wake up so I can see who did this to him. Any nigga can go after me except for my brother, especially if I wasn't there to protect him. Something tells me it was those Superiors. That nigga from the skating rink was a suspect in my eyes.

I checked one more time in Gee's room to see if he was awake. He was still knocked out. I wasn't about to wait until he woke back up because I was going to go out myself.

Superiors went too far. Tobias gone have to see me.

I hopped into my car and started to speed away all the way to their side. I wish a cop would pull me over.

I pulled up into Superiors side where I knew Tobias stayed at. Everyone knows where this nigga lives at but he never gave a fuck about his enemies to move. Other niggas are scared, but I ain't other niggas. I get out of my car with a slam of my car door and walked up to his house that has a bunch of Superiors hanging out at the front, hanging out and having a good time. When they saw me, their faces immediately went stale and they pulled their guns out.

"Where the hell is Tobias?" They could see how angry I was.

"Why you asking?" One of they hoe asses asked.

"Look, either I see Tobias or we're going to have problems, son."

As leader, anybody can be afraid of you. I just had that kind of power where they can't really do much but do as I say.

He smacked his lips and went to open the front door, but not before patting me down to see if I had any weapons. He signaled for me to follow him into house. There was about two niggas behind me, ready in case I tried to do something.

I get led into a room where there is a fog of smoke that nearly made me cough. On the couch was Tobias, but I couldn't see him because he has a girl over his lap sucking his face off.

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