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Finale: Part 2

Two hours earlier...

Ace and Gee split up to go to Javier's business. I rode in Tobias's fucked up car that has the bullets holes and shattered glass windows from the other day. Manhattan didn't look like a warzone compared to Jersey and Brooklyn, considering rich niggas just minded their business. The gangs were still beefing but that isn't our main priority at the moment. First, we kill Brooks and Javier then worry about our gangs later.

We were getting closer to this warehouse where Brooks will be at. It was an almost hour drive up there with the radio playing music softly.

"K?" Tobias says after a while of silence.

I looked over at him. "Yeah?"

He sighs before speaking, looking hesitant. "Whatever happens, just know I still got your back no matter what."

"I know you said that whenever I first joined Superiors."

"Yeah, but I'm for real. We in some shit now and you stuck around through it like a real one. You're one of the toughest niggas I know."

"Stop, making a nigga blush," I grinned.

He lightly punched my arm as he chuckled. "But for real though. I told you before if anything happens to me then you're next up for being leader."

"Man, don't talk like that—"

But he shook his head. "I can't stay no leader forever. I'm damn near pushing thirty. I'm getting too old for this."

His words right now were cutting too deep right now.

I had this deep gut feeling that something is going to happen. As much as I didn't want to think negatively into the situation, I just can't help it.

A smirk then came to my face. "I see. You tryna settle down with my lil daddy's brother."

"Can we get out of this first? But maybe. I'm the only one that can put up with his mean ass after all."

"You sure is the only one who can put up with him. I don't be doing anything to his ass and he steady be tryna fight. I ain't so bad, right?"

"K, you mess with everybody."

"Don't lie on me like that."

Tobias shrugged his shoulders and kept on driving until we soon eventually pulled up to some type of abandoned factory.

"You got a blunt?" I straight up ask.

I'm still nervous, legs bouncing up and down. The situation is intense so Imma need something to calm my nerves down.

He chuckled. "Yeah, check the glove compartment."

I opened up the glove compartment and got the baggy that has the blunt already rolled in it. Then I reached into my pocket and pulled out a lighter so I can light up the blunt.

I lit the end of it and was about to put it to my lips.

"Don't smoke up all my shit. Matter of fact..." he damn near almost snatched the blunt from out of my hand before I could take a hit.

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