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Working with Kasey is hard because all he would do is flirt with me nonstop after I told his ass to shut the hell up. Every time I cussed him out he would still keep on going and said and I quote, "I like that shit". His dumbass gets on my nerves.

I sat in my normal place in the gym while I did the schoolwork. The gym doors opens up and Kasey walks in. The cheerleaders in the gym smiled and waved at Kasey but he didn't pay attention. For girls liking him so much, he doesn't care.

He climbed up into the bleachers and sat next to me. "Knew I would find you in here. How's it going, lil daddy?"

"What I tell you about calling me that. My name is Gee. Not baby, not lil daddy; just Gee. I swear you so sus."

He just looked at me and blinked. "Damn, it was just a question, baby."

I dropped my pencil on my lap in frustration. I give up. "What do you want?"

"You know it's been weeks since you asked me to help you out and I was wondering when can we go out on that date? I'm tired of waiting."

Him and this damn date.

"You paying?"

"Duh, you know I have to spoil you," he grinned. "So tonight sound cool? I was thinking about trying out that new burger place."

"No, because I don't want to go out with you."

"But you promised since I agreed to help you out. It's only right that you return the favor."

"I know what I said," I snapped.

Kasey just shrugged his shoulders and stood up and started to go back down the bleachers. "Alrighty then, I guess you don't want to go out with me because I'm a Superior!" He called.

My heart dropped when I heard that. The cheerleaders stopped what they were doing to look over at us with raised brows. The embarrassment started to kick in. No did this nigga not.

He continued on as if I haven't been embarrassed enough. "Or we can talk about that night and how you was all over me!"

He was doing this shit on purpose. I shook my head and put my hood over my head, cheeks getting flushed from getting called out.

I glanced up and saw the cheerleaders whispering and giggling as they pointed at us. I didn't want to be the talk of the school, then my gang knows, Kasey's gang will know, and then it gets passed down all the way to my brother because of his stupid ass.

"Gee, can you please go out with me? I really like you and you should know that. I know you want to say yes," he teased.

"Kasey," I gritted.

"Just say the word and I'll shut up," he dragged on.

Finally having enough of the whispers and the embarrassment, I agreed. "Okay, okay! I'll go out with you! Now can you please shut the fuck up?"

"Good, see you tonight at 7," he smiled.

After he left out, all the cheerleaders was still standing there staring at me like I'm the news of the day. I know they better not say anything or I'll shoot every last of their homes up. "The fuck y'all staring at?!"

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now