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After a few weeks, I was back in school. I swear the whole atmosphere felt so strange to me.

I never knew how much I'm involved in the streets until I stepped foot back into this damn school. Nothing here was for me.

Crazy to think back months ago I couldn't stop getting into fights here. Almost feels kinda strange I'm not about that anymore. I can still give a fuck about the people though.

I'm about to leave out this bitch.

It's lunchtime and I decide that I want to just leave out, not without my baby though.

I stayed outside his classroom until until he came out. The hallway was empty with just us. I lightly pushed him against the lockers so I could press my lips against his.

"I haven't seen yo ass all day," I said once we pulled apart.

He grinned and pecked my lips again. "It's hard when I don't see your annoying ass. I be missing you."

This sense of nostalgia comes over me. I remember when we first met, and he shoved my ass against these very lockers right here. I sighed from the memory.

Gee gives me a strange look with his brows scrunched, confused at my sudden facial expression. "Why the fuck are you looking like that?"

"Remember when you shoved my ass against these lockers when we first met? I thought that shit was so sexy," I licked my lips, reminiscing.

"Because I've never had a Superior come at me before like that. I was about ready to kill you," he said, seriously.

I give him a deadpan expression. "You weren't about to, right? Please tell me you're kidding."

He shrugged his shoulders as we walked out the school together. We were both about to dip out and not come back to school after lunch. Least I got halfway through my day— that's good enough.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, still not letting the conversation go.

He rolled his eyes at me and continues to dodge the fuck outta my question. "You hungry or are we just going to keep on talking about old shit?"

"I am, but I don't plan on going back to school. Wanna skip with me or something?"

"You never want to go to school. I'm surprised you even came today. Are you even going to graduate?"

"I might not," I shrugged. "But I don't care about school though and you know that. Joining with me or not?"

"I'm down, but shit, what we gone do?"

"Do what we always do which is hang. Probably go to your place or something if you want."

"We could go to your place instead. I don't mind that," Gee tells me.

I just agreed because Bias might be out handling some things. But then again, he was there when I left so probably not.

We walked across the street to go to this pizza place that is always filled with high school students like us who always came here to get some pizza during lunch.

When I walked in, we headed straight for the semi packed line. As we waited, I looked around the pizza joint. My mind was all distracted as Gee talked about other things.

That is, until my eyes spotted Dani sitting in the booth talking to her friends. I mentally cursed in my head.

I interrupted Gee's talking. "On second thought, I don't think I want pizza. You want a burger instead?" I didn't give him time to answer before I was lightly pulling his arm to get out of line. "Burger it is."

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now