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Both Gee and I sat back in the seats, eating our food. The heater was on, and music was playing softly in the background. We decided to drive out a bit, but not too far. We're by this cliff that showed the city, which is beautiful at night, I'm not going to lie.

"You still ain't tell me why he locked you in the closet."

"Man, I was just walking past him and I asked him how his day was going and next thing I know is that I'm being shoved into a closet. Why your brother so mean to me?"

"Did you forget that both of you met on bad terms? You pulled a gun out on him—"

"Because he pulled it out on me."

I almost shitted myself.

"And let's not forget that time at the skating rink."

"That doesn't even count because I was high that night."

Which is true.

"And at the hospital," he keeps on going.

Because that's the day I found out he takes dick.

"Okay, okay, I get the shit. Tryna make it seem like I'm the bad person."

"I just know how you can be," he shrugs. "Speaking of Ace, you think they are wondering where we are?" He all of a sudden ask.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Nah, I don't think so. Knowing them, they probably fucking right now as we speak."

"Yeah, probably," Gee says, face scrunched up.

I get done with my food, throwing my trash in the bag. I start to admire him underneath the moonlight that casted through the windshield. My lips went down to kiss him on the forehead then cheek, then lips.

"Kasey, move," Gee says, trying to nudge me away.

"What's wrong? I thought you loved my kisses?"

"I do, but don't you think we had enough of that earlier?"

"It's never enough. Why can't I keep on? Huh?" I playfully pulled down his beanie so that it's covering over his eyes.

He groaned, pulling his beanie back from over his eyes. "You are so annoying for no reason at all."

"I get told that all the time by you."

"Because you are."

"I'm not though."

"Trust me, you are."

"Am not."

"Is too."

"Am not."

"Is too."

"Am not."

Gee huffs. "I'm not about to do this with your childish ass. I swear it's like dealing with a five year old. Not about to get a reaction out of me for entertaining your mess."

"Why so serious all the time?" I laughed.

He wasn't laughing or even so much cracked a smile, tryna put up a lil front. My fingers went to pinch his cheeks making him smack them away with an attitude.

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now