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"Why is he here?" I asked Tobias as I watched Gee's nigga cooking some shit in the kitchen while rapping obnoxiously to the song that was loudly playing.

Tobias looks over at him and back at me, shaking his head with a sigh. "He's gonna stay with me for a lil while."

"What? Why?" My shoulders slumped upon hearing the news. I come to his house so I can get away from things, not come here to deal with even more of it.

I already don't like his ass.

"He's got some shit going on so he has no choice but to stay with me. So no, I don't know how long he's going to stay."

I smacked my teeth in response.

"I don't give a damn how you feel about it, Ace. The two of you are going have to eventually get along. Anyways..."

I begin to tune his words out, beginning to look at the TV. It was a conversation I don't feel like hearing really.

"Ace, I know you hear me talking to you."

I just continued to look at the television, not paying him any mind.

I then start to feel him scoot more closer to me on the couch. "This won't change a thing. I'm still going to love on you."

He leans in more closer to my ear, feeling the slight brush of his beard. "I'm still going to give you dick if that's what you want."

I finally break my eyes away from the TV and went to give him a look. "I came here so I can get it now. Can you get the lil nigga to leave or some shit?"

Tobias chuckled. "K, do you want to leave?!" He asked, being petty.

"Wh—no! I know what you nasty ass niggas tryna do!" Then he goes back to loudly rapping to the lyrics.

"Well there goes your answer," Tobias shrugged. "Maybe some other time. I promise I'll make it up to you, papi."

I begin to cross my arms over my chest as I leaned back in my seat.

Now I really have beef with this lil nigga. I can't even get no dick anymore over here because of his cockblocking ass.

"Sup, brother in law. So how my lil baby doing?" I heard him say from behind me.

He came all the way out of the kitchen just to ask me that shit?

I scrunched my face up and only gave him a mug in return. His ass was just looking at me with that goofy ass smile on his face.

I just shot my middle finger up at him as a greeting. He's really testing my patience. He knows what he's doing.

"Why you have to be so damn mean?" Tobias have the nerve to ask.

"He's just doing everything to piss me off. Did you just hear what he called me."

"All I did was ask a question."

"Bro, say another word to me and see if I won't kill you."

It gets quiet for a minute, thinking that he got what I'm saying.

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now