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During the rest of the date, I could tell that Kasey was thinking about what's going to go down tonight.

I can't help but to feel excited because I've been waiting for this moment for the longest.

It's been an hour since Kasey lost that bet. We just made it to Tobias's house, and he has barely said a word.

"Why you so quiet all of a sudden? You had a lot to say earlier."

He goes to unlock the front door and we walked in. The house was quiet, so I figured we have the house all to ourselves.

He smacked his teeth with an attitude. "Man, ain't nobody being quiet—"

I grabbed him by his throat, slightly putting pressure causing him to shut up real quick.

"Don't start all that now. Nah, keep up that same energy. Take off all yo damn clothes."

I give him one more look before letting his neck go. He bit his lip but leads the way to his room as he mumbled shit underneath his breath.

He bold, Imma give him that much.

"I ain't the one who lost the bet," I continued to tease.

I had the upper hand tonight just because I won. Plus, it was bound to happen anyway the moment he admitted that he likes this type of shit.

All in all, I know he's secretly enjoying this.

We make it to his room and he's standing there, hesitating to get undressed.

"Come on."

I get to palming myself through my pants as I watched intently at the scene in front of me. Kasey first took off his hoodie then his shirt that was underneath it.

He was about to drop his pants next until he stopped himself.

"On second thought," he yawned. "I'm tired as hell."

"Uh, uh. You weren't tired when you said bet."

He gives me a look before going ahead and dropping his pants. Then he suddenly stopped again when he got down to just his boxers where I then saw how hard he was

"Take everything off."

So that's what he did. He dropped them next and stepped out of it.

I took off my jacket and shirt being left shirtless then dropped my pants and boxers. I went over to him and gently pushed him down on the bed.

I start to trail kisses from his stomach all the way up to his neck.

"You know how long I've been waiting for this?"

I had to show him that I wasn't going to be the only one getting bitched.

I did top a few times in the past along with fucking some girls. All their pussies were trash anyways so yeah.

"Open yo mouth."

"Why I gotta o—" just when he opened up his mouth to say that I took that opportunity to shove two of my fingers in his mouth to get them just wet enough.

Of course his freaky ass sucked on them. After doing all that, I slowly pushed one in his hole to see Kasey's reaction.

His eyes were closed and mouth slightly agape. I took that as my chance to put in two where he then shifted.

He was quiet for a moment until I begin to move my fingers around to get him ready.

Each time I pushed in; I was opening him up more so he can get used to the feeling. I knew he wasn't in pain for long when a low moan slipped from his mouth.

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