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"Who did this to you?" I asked Gee, livid.

It was running me hot seeing him hurt like this, knowing I wasn't there to help him.

I called and told him to meet me at the park since I haven't seen him in some days after our date, and now I know why. He always winced every time he made little movements.

It was dark out so nobody would notice us. The full moon was out in the middle of the sky surrounded by bright, twinkling stars. The playground looked dead at night with the kids not being here playing on it and all. We just sat at one of the benches.

"It's nothing," he mumbled.

"Quit being so damn stubborn and just tell me. You're over here in pain."

"No, because it's my own battle. I already know if I tell you, you're going to do something stupid."

"Gee, I swear if you don't tell me who did this."

He can tell I'm being serious by the way he's caught off guard by my tone. I don't play when it comes to him and that's something he should know by now.

He lets out a sigh. "Javier's cousin and some of his boys did it. It was after that night I was hanging out with you."

"After our date?"

"Yes, that," he emphasized, rolling his eyes. "I was on my way home when they showed up. I didn't have my gun on me and there was a total of four of them. They jumped me and Javier's cousin stabbed me," he explained.

My fist started to ball in anger, already getting up so we can end this now.

"See, this is why I didn't want to tell you. I knew you were going to get mad."

"Why? I just want to have a talk with him using my gun."

I'm so serious. Any Santana member I see is dead to me, especially Javier's ass. His ass has been living for too long. They all needed to die. I was about to walk away until Gee grabbed my arm, pulling me back. "You're not going anywhere. You go over there, and they'll kill you."

I smacked my lips and gave him a dumbfounded look. "Man, look at you. You can't even move without feeling some type of pain in your side."

My baby is over here hurt because of them. That's something I can't let slide for anything.

"I'll be alright. I've been through worse. But I'm telling you that if you go over there, it won't be smart. Why you think I'm working with you? So that we can come up with a smart plan to take them all out, dumbass."

I listened to him. As mad as I am right now, I can't just go over there. It wouldn't be smart. I took a few deep breaths, calming myself and sat back down. "Ain't you mad?"

"What do you think? I'm pissed as hell that I couldn't do anything. Bitch ass niggas tried to kill me. We still have to be smart about this and not act repulsive."

What would I have done without his smart level headed ass? I swear he's the only one that can keep me sane. That's what I admire most about Gee.

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