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Each day it was nearing Christmas and before I knew it, it's already five days before the holiday. I couldn't hold in my excitement, mainly because I was working hard on trying to get this gift done in time for my baby.

I haven't picked up a pencil in a while, thinking that I would be rusty but I was shocked to see that I still got it. Since I don't got no picture of Gee, I had to draw him from memory. I remember even the smallest details about him from his brown eyes down to his smile.

The only thing I had to draw with is only just a pencil and an eraser. I went and bought the right frame to put the portrait inside to get it to look all fancy and shit. A smile came onto my face thinking how much he is going to love it.

I was just leaving the store with the frame I bought when a black car slowly pulls over to the side of me. My brows furrowed seeing that the windows were tinted so I couldn't see who it was. All I just do is keep on walking, acting like the person isn't driving all close to me. If there's any problems, I got my gun on me.

Out of my peripheral vision, I see the passenger side's window slowly roll down. "Kasey, I know you see me," that familiar voice says. "I've been watching you."

I stop and look over to see that it's that detective that's behind the wheel with a smirk on his face- Brooks. He pulls over to the side. I start to feel myself get angry from seeing his ass. It's been a while since I've heard from him. Matter of fact, I haven't heard from him since he called my house that night. "What do you want, man? I haven't been doing shit." Which is the honest to God truth.

"It doesn't matter, time is ticking. It won't be long before your yellow ass is sitting behind them bars. I wasn't playing when I said I'm going to have you, Tobias, and every Superior out of here."

I smacked my teeth. "Get on with that shit."

"Get your ass in this car," he says, reaching over and opening up the passenger's side door open.

I gave him a crazed expression. "The fuck I look like hopping in a car with a cop? That shit ain't about to happen, now get the fuck away from me."

"Oh, really? You either get your ass in this car or your aunt gets a call that her nephew is sitting in a jail cell tonight with denied bail."

I let out a groan and hopped inside his warm car. As soon as I hopped in with him, he took off down the street. I had no idea where we're going. After a minute he starts to talk. "I seen that you been on your best behavior since that call that night."

"Can we just hurry up and get to the damn point on why I'm even in here?"

He starts to chuckle darkly. "I suggest you shut the hell up talking to me like that or I can take you to the police station right now."

Sighing, I sit back in the seat, clutching onto the bag that I had bought from the store that had the frame inside.

"Now," Brooks starts. "I had a lil talk with Tobias earlier. Have you heard from him yet?" He asked, glancing over at me before going back to looking at the road.

"Nah, I haven't," I said, honestly. "Why? What you two talk about?"

"Oh, nothing much." He says this too casual making me arch my eyebrows.

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