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I was around twenty five at the time and I was hanging out with the Superiors at the club. The club was mixed with at the time with both Notorious and Superiors. Everyone was having a good time so there wasn't much that was happening, yet.

"Tobias, are you even listening to me?" One of my hoes snapped her fingers in my face.

The nightclub's purple, red, green, and blue lights flashed repetitively. The DJ was mixing up songs as it blared throughout the club loudly. Women were walking around with mini skirts and dresses on. Guys were having a chugging contest and catcalling girls. Then, there was others who were dancing or hanging out, having the time of their lives.

I wasn't paying attention to all of that, my eyes were too focused on Ace who was across the club in the VIP section looking good as ever. He wore a dark blue jean jacket with a white tank underneath it, dark blue jeans, and some Timberlands, a gold chain danced around his neck, and he has a few rings on his fingers.

The smile he wore on his face was so pure while he talked to Notorious. His straight white teeth showed underneath the lights. Crazy to me anytime I see him, he always has this angry look on his face. But when he smiled, it's so mesmerizing.

"Get out of my face," I said, still staring at him.

I can tell her face dropped. "Excuse me?" Attitude was laced in her voice.

My face scrunched up and I finally looked back at her. "Get out of my face, bitch."

"You know what?" She gets up, putting her clutch in her hand. "Fuck you, Tobias. I never like your hoe ass anyways."

She goes to disappear in the sea of the bodies. I continued to order me more of the drinks. Each time, I was taking shot after shot. I was starting to feel myself getting tipsy.

Ace walked past the bar to go somewhere, but it seemed like he didn't notice me. I looked around to see if anybody would see me follow behind him. Notorious we're doing their own thing and so was Superiors.

I left the bar and went to go follow behind him. I had to push my way past people, still keeping my eye on him. He made a turn to go into this hallway.

The hallway was so much quieter, only the bass of the music playing in the next room. I stayed behind to watch him go into the bathroom.

When I walked in there as quietly as I could and shut the door softly behind me, his back was facing me and he was pissing. Thankfully, nobody else was in here.

I licked my lips and spoke. "You're looking good tonight."

He glanced behind him and his face scrunched. "Man, what the fu- oh shit!" He went back to looking down at himself, making sure he didn't get any piss on the floor.

I stifle a laughter seeing him caught off guard seeing me.

"You weird, man! I'm over here pissing!" He tried to hurry it up.

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