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These past few weeks has been rough for me after Boogie's death. And it wasn't helping that the whole school was talking about what went down at the party and who got killed. I wasn't tryna hear all that shit.

I never felt so angry. I still felt like I was responsible for his death if only I had my gun on me or if I thought more quicker he still would have been around. I been tryna find that Santana but I ain't getting no luck.

Superiors honored Boogie by putting a black bandana over his tombstone and resting flowers near it.

My attention gets snapped once I see Dani slide next to me at lunch with a bag of food. "I got you something," she says, cheerfully.

She knows what I'm going through. Hell, she was there to see it. I just don't like how she's been babying me like I've never been through pain before.

I looked over at her and she has the most widest smile on her face. "I know how much you like burgers. So I got you a double cheeseburger with large fries from down the street."

As much good as that sounded, I didn't have an appetite for no type of food. "Thanks," I lowly thanked, taking the bag of food from her.

She frowned when she saw I wasn't going to open up the bag. "Kasey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong. I just ain't all that hungry."

"You can talk to me. I want to know what's going through your head right now. These past few weeks you have been hurting." She had this look of genuine on her face.

"I don't want to talk about it."

Her attention goes to look somewhere else. I followed her gaze and saw that they were set on a table full of Notorious where Gee was sitting at.

She goes to look back at me. "I bet you'll tell him, huh? Sense that's all who you be talking to."

I smacked my lips. "What the fuck is you talking about, Dani? You trippin' for real."

"No, I'm not. Am I lying? You sit and stare at him, not to mention that you talk to him more than me. You probably tell him everything, things you wouldn't ever tell me."

I couldn't believe what the hell I was hearing right now. I haven't even spoken to Gee since that night at the party. "Now you making assumptions. I ain't tryna hear all of that. What is you so mad for?"

"You always act like you don't want to be around me-"

"Give me a damn break. I just lost my fucking best friend and you wanna sit up here and lie on my name?Man, you fucked up. That's low on some real shit."

Don't tell me this girl is jealous over what I have with Gee. Shit is not that deep. Her overreacting like that out of the blue caught me off guard.

She shot up from the seat next to me and grabbed the bag of food that she once gave me and left, storming out of the cafeteria. I don't even care because she blowing me.

I stared at old pictures of my mom while laying on my bed. My fingers ran over it as I looked at pictures of her in her younger days. She looked so... Happy. I flipped through more and I saw that she was holding me as a baby with the most widest grin on her face.

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