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After I slipped on some black gloves, Ace then handed me the silencer.

"So we really about to kill this nigga?"

Ace nodded his head. "Get his cousin where it hurts. I want it to be you that kills him since you know... He stabbed you and all."

I nodded my head slowly.

Word on the street is that Javier's cousin, Miguel owns a club. It didn't take much to get the club's address.

We were nearing to this location where we knew Javier's cousin, Miguel was going to be at. I've been wanting to kill this nigga since the day he stabbed me.

Now today is that day.

"He's somewhere in the club. You find him and take him out," Ace explained to me as he focused intensely on the road. "I worry about his people."

"Wait, just only you?" I asked.

There is going to be so many Santana members in there.

Ace smacked his teeth. "It'll be more quicker with just us. You go in and out then after you kill him, we dip out quick."

"So you really trust that I can do this?" I asked tightening the suppressor on the silencer.

"Gee, I know you can. All you have to do is go in there and put two in between his eyes. I've seen you do it to niggas before. Besides this is payback for these niggas fucking with us."

I nodded my head.

"It's a war that you have to be ready for."

I can't think of the worse... Just do it.

We eventually pull up into the club's parking lot that Miguel owns that has all the Hispanics.

We all threw on our hoodies as we all walked to the club's entrance where this nigga's bodyguards are at guarding the doors.

We blended in with other people who were coming in as they are barely doing their job.

Nigga hired some lazy ass bouncers.

Walking into the club, there was nothing but flashing different color of lights. It was the usual club vibe with lit people and strippers working all on the pole and serving beverages.

"I'll be at the front near the exit. You go and find him, don't draw no attention to yourself," Ace explained.

I nodded my head. "I got this."

He pats me on the back and motioned for me to go where I split up with my brother where I then start roaming throughout the club to find this nigga.

The music was turned up loud, booming loudly through the club. Different people danced on the dance floor to Outkast.

When I looked off into the distance, I saw that there looks to be the VIP section where Miguel will obviously be at.

I walked near the VIP section and saw the nigga with his hand all bandaged up where Ace must've shot him that day.

He was speaking in Spanish to his niggas that I could not make out for shit.

Some random was on his lap whispering some shit in his ear. Smirking, he motioned for her to get up and to come follow him.

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