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Thanksgiving has passed and it's now nearing Christmas time. I never really cared about Christmas or why people get so excited about it. To me, it was always just another day.

"Look! We're under a mistletoe," Kasey said, holding up a random leaf above us.

We were outside in this cold ass weather, on our way to this corner store so I can buy me some snacks. Of course he followed me.

"You know that's not no damn mistletoe," I said, rolling my eyes at his goofy ass. I went to smack the leaf from out of his hand. Nigga tries to find multiple ways to have an excuse just to kiss me.

He frowned as he looked down at the leaf on the ground. "Why you always gotta be so mean?" He asked, looking back up at me.

Swear he acts like a child sometimes. "Kasey, grow up."

"Your short ass needs to be the one doing all the growing."

Then he starts cracking up like that weak ass joke was funny. Shit was played out hearing that I'm short on the daily.

"Thought you did some?"

"Aight, aight, I'm sorry," he says after a moment of laughing. "My bad, baby. You forgive me?"

I shook my head no.

He leaned over to give me a few kisses all over my cheek causing me to squirm. "Fuck off of me!" I faked complained.

Kasey gets done finally giving me kisses. "How we ain't going out already? No nigga can make you smile as much as I do."

I looked away from him so he wouldn't see me smile. Nigga got me smiling like I'm a teenage girl. But then I quickly snapped out of it so I could get back to focusing on what I was doing.

"Can I get me some head again as an early Christmas present?"

I started to groan and looked back, seeing him smiling from ear to ear. One thing I can say is that there isn't a day where he isn't happy such as energetic, completely opposite from how I be.

I found it cute, I never met no one like him before.

"Now what kinda question is that? I told you that was a one time thing." I hardly ever gave guys that I messed around with in the past head. I don't know what came over me that night. Since it happened, Kasey's ass wouldn't stop talking about it.

We make it to the store, and I opened the shop's door causing the bell above it to ringed. I head straight into the snack aisle.

"Why you gotta lie for? That definitely isn't going to be the last time." Then he does this weird ass thing where he looks into space and sighed in satisfaction. "I'm just waiting for the day we hunch."

The fuck is a hunch?

"How many times do I gotta tell you that isn't happening? I'm not even dating you anyways," I laughed.

"We will soon though. Looks like you need some of this dick to fix that fucked up ass attitude."

I was quick to grab his hair, pulling his head over closer to me. "Who you talking to like that?" I gritted in his ear.

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now