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"What you mean 'really'? You like it, right? Put it on so I can see how it looks like on you."

I bought him a customized black shirt that says 'lil daddy' on the front in big, bold, white letters. He puts it on and the shirt looks a lil baggy on him. A smirk came to my face, seeing him wearing it.

I wanted to get our minds distracted on what will be happening tomorrow. We were still hiding out in Manhattan.

Gee gets to laughing after looking down at the shirt. His laugh is so damn cute to me that it makes me smile. "This is so damn cheesy. I hate you," he says, still laughing. "How you get this?"

"Bought it the other day at some place. This white lady behind the cash register was looking at me crazy after I told her what I wanted on the t-shirt."

"I bet she was. Just know that I'm not ever wearing this in public, Kasey."

"Nah, but you can always wear it around me." I then get to grinning, raising my eyebrows. "If you know what I mean."

"Aight, keep on playing and I will take this shirt off."

"Chill, I'm fucking with you," I said, quickly.

Tobias and Ace left the house not too long ago to get some more guns somewhere even though none of us shouldn't be leaving the house after what just happened.

He got up from off the floor to go into the kitchen. Shortly, he comes back with a package of Oreos and a glass of milk. That's all we ever did since we been locked up in this house, eating junk.

"You would buy me a shirt that says 'lil daddy' on it," Gee says, rolling his eyes playfully.

"Because you are. Aye, it only costed $25. Plus an extra $5 fee to get whatever of my choice printed on there."

"Well I like it. It's cute," he smiled.

He kissed the corner of my mouth.

Then I get to frowning when I realize he don't got a special nickname for me.

Gee looks over at me. "What now, Kasey?" He sighs.

"You don't got no nickname for me."

"Kasey sounds good to me," he shrugs.

Without a care in the world, he dips him an Oreo into his glass full of milk before eating it.

After a while, he speaks again. "Or I could call you annoying ass or a big baby."

I cut my eyes at him. "That's fucked up. Yo mean ass actually think that about me?"

"It suits you. Now you want an Oreo?"

I opened my mouth to which he puts one in my mouth.

I want to enjoy this moment for as long as I can, and not having to think about what's going down tomorrow. Right now, I want it to just be us.

I'm not going to admit this to him, but I'm scared.

Gee looks over at me. "Wow, your ass is actually quiet, I can't believe it."

Wrong Ties (Urban BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now