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Finale: Part 1

"Everybody know what they supposed to be doing?" Ace asked as he loaded his gun.

We all said yes as we prepared our guns. After going over the plan so many times, I think it's clear we know what to do. We got our best guns for this whole thing.

"I'm nervous as hell, not going to lie. I need a drink," Tobias says.

My brother smacks his teeth. "Yo stupid ass don't need nothing right now. Besides, you been doing good lately."

Kasey who would have normally said something was unusually quiet. He's barely talked today. Something gotta be on his mind for sure.

I mean, tonight is a big deal but still. I could use this moment to laugh, anything to distract me from being nervous and somewhat lighten the mood.

Ace and I are going after Javier, while Tobias and Kasey settle for Brooks. Hopefully this plan doesn't go to shit. This took a lot for this to be thought out, and this one being the best.

I kissed my pistol before tucking it into my pants. I had two other guns with me just in case I run out of any bullets. This whole thing is going to be messy, so we need as much ammo as we can.

Taking out Javier won't be so easy.

After I get done tucking both of his guns inside my pants, I then went to him. I noticed how much his hands are shaking as he was loading up. My hand goes over his as he looks down at me.

I'm worried because I don't want anything to happen to him.

He goes to put both of his guns down. Sighing, he goes to walk away to sit down on the couch to calm down. His breathing was unnormal, hands are shaking, and I notice that he's sweating a little too. I followed him and went to sit down in his lap.

His hands wrapped around my waist as he buried his face in the crook of my neck, leaving a peck there. My fingers went to run through his hair.

"I don't want anything to happen to you," he muttered into my neck.

"I ain't going to let anything happen to me. It's you that I'm mainly worried about."

It's cute that he's worried about me just as much I am worried about him. He pulls away from my neck to finally look at me. We spent all day yesterday under each other. I can't ever get enough of him.

"But still, you know you my lil baby I can't let anything happen to you. I told you a while back that I'll kill a nigga for you. All playful shit aside, I really am scared on what can happen. I always am." His hand goes to gently squeeze my thigh. "I know I tell you this a lot now, but I love you. No matter what happens to us, I'll still love you."

I smiled from his words. "I love you too, Kasey."

Slowly, I lean in so I can kiss him on the lips. When we pull apart after a while, our foreheads rested against each other.

"Just know that no nigga can ever compare to what I have for you, Gee. You're just that special to me."

We came a long way to when I didn't want anything to do with him, to now loving his stupid ass. He's the one that I can really understand me if no one else can.

"Do what you do best and kill that nigga," I say, chuckling.

His daughter is going to be so devastated, but her father should've minded his own business. He was fucking with the wrong ones. If she got a problem, then she knows what's up.

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