Chapter Forty-Seven

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POV Alec

Tonight was the night; tonight Alec was going to experience his first proper school dance. A part of him still couldn't really believe it - his date was the most handsome man he had ever laid his eyes on after all.

He didn't know exactly what Magnus was going to wear but he was pretty sure that no matter what it was, it would most certainly look absolutely stunning on his boyfriend and draw a lot of attention.

For a change he actually also felt pretty confident about his own outfit as well.

The shopping tour his sister had dragged him on two days ago had been extremely nerve-racking and time-consuming but in the end Alec was really happy with the clothes they had chosen even though they were a bit different than the ones he was usually wearing. By instinct he would always automatically go for something very plain and black but Izzy had not allowed him to just buy the first halfway decent looking suit they found like he had originally planned to. Also she had insisted that he was wearing some lighter color tones this time, because otherwise he wouldn't match the winter theme of the dance.

After hours of searching and looking through what felt like a billion different stores they finally found something they both agreed on and Alec had probably never felt more relieved in his entire life.

Right now he was standing in the middle of his room in front of the mirror and tried to put on the dark gray tie that was part of his outfit. The emphasis being on the word trying because he literally had absolutely no clue how to do this.

He was just about to give up when there was a knock at the door.

"Hey, are you ready yet?" he heard Jace ask from the hallway.


"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Alec made a frustrated noise and threw the tie on his bed just as Jace came into the room.

"Having trouble?" he asked.

"No. Why would you think that? I didn't want to wear that thing anyways" Alec said with a huff.

"Yeah, sure. Come on, let me do this" Jace said and grabbed the tie before Alec could protest. "I don't think that Izzy is going to let you leave without that thing."

He was probably right about that.

"Okay fine, whatever." Alec sighed and let Jace do his work. "Where did you actually learn how to do that? I'm pretty sure that dad never taught us."

"I just figured it out myself."


Jace grinned a bit. "No. I watched a Youtube tutorial about it like ten minutes ago."

"Oh. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Probably because you're too busy panicking." Jace seemed to be done and stepped back in order to have a better look at his work. "Yeah I think that's alright."

"I'm not panicking, I'm totally calm" Alec defended himself. "But thank you for your help."

"Not panicking my ass. I heard you pacing up and down your room for almost half an hour now" Jace said and sat down on Alec's bed. "Maybe you should just sit down for a moment."

Alec followed his brother's advice and sat down next to him. For a moment neither of them was saying anything but then Jace broke the silence again:

"This feels pretty different than the last time we went to a school dance doesn't it?"

Alec gave a short laugh. "Definitely."

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