Chapter Forty-One

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 POV Alec

Alec groaned in pain when he crashed against the wall in Magnus's guest room and for a short moment he couldn't breathe properly. Luckily his reflexes were still working though so he was able to break his fall before he hit the floor. Afterwards his back and both of his arms were hurting like hell and Alec was almost certain that he had at least one bruised bone but from all the things that were currently happening this was by far the one that worried him the least.

He had had a bad feeling about all of this from the very beginning but he never would have expected something like that to happen. He had hoped that after catching Thara they could just do the ritual and everything would be fine but within seconds hell had broken loose and Alec was still confused about what exactly was going on.

Apparently Thara was possessed by some kind of demon and had taken down the wards around Magnus's house, letting in a whole bunch of demons and Asmodeus as well. So far everything was clear but he didn't really understand what role Ms. Bane was playing in all of this. There definitely was something she was hiding from them, something big not even Magnus seemed to know anything about ...

Magnus! Immediately Alec looked over to his boyfriend and his blood turned into ice. Magnus was still on his knees but even from the distance he could see that the magical spark inside of him was almost completely gone by now. His cat eyes were not sparkling with life any longer and all color had drained from his face.

He was going to die. The realisation hit Alec like a punch in the face. There had always been a little part inside of him that had hoped Cat was wrong; that maybe there was a chance Magnus could live even without his magic but he could see now that this hope was in vain. His boyfriend needed his magic in order to survive so the only chance they had was to stop Asmodeus somehow before it was too late and to transfer his magic back to Magnus.

At the moment however that seemed completely impossible.

Frozen with horror Alec watched how the man he loved eventually sank to the floor like a drained vessel. He couldn't even scream any longer at this point and his throat was burning like fire. Moreover there was a stabbing pain in his chest that made him feel like he would suffocate at any second.

Seeing Magnus lying on the ground like that, ashen-faced and defeated, was ripping Alec apart and he desperately tried to come up with a way he could help him. Just a few meters away from him Cat, Ragnor and Ms. Bane were still fighting against Thara and they had destroyed a huge part of the furniture in the process. The whole room looked like a storm had just raged inside of it; splinters of wood and shards of glass were spread all over the floor. That gave Alec an idea. It was probably crazy and pretty useless anyways but as soon as the thought had popped inside his head it was as if a switch had been flipped inside of him.

Incredible pain and anger were burning inside of Alec and this mix of emotions was so intense that his fear got pushed into the background, forcing him to jump into action. Without having any control about what he was doing Alec grabbed one of the shards from the floor and ignored the pain he felt when the glass cut into the palm of his hand. It was like a part of him had left his body and he was more or less watching himself from outside of the scene as he approached Asmodeus from behind.

Unfortunately the prince of hell wasn't as distracted as Thara had been tough and he turned around before Alec was able to do something, a sarcastic smirk plastered on his face.

"Seriously?" he asked, clearly sounding amused and looked at the shard in Alec's hands. "Did you really think that you can hurt me with this?"

Alec gritted his teeth and only grabbed the piece of glass even tighter so that he could feel blood running down his hands. For some reason the pain helped him to stay calm. "I think it was at least worth a try."

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