Chapter Eleven

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POV Alec

“Alec. Hey Alec!” Jace hissed quietly and leaned over to him with his chair. “Come on don't ignore me man that's totally not cool!” 

Alec rolled his eyes and tried his best to just blend his brothers voice out but unfortunately it wasn't just as easy as that. Jace had always been very stubborn and unfortunately Alec’s silence didn't stop him from annoying him further. At the latest when he also started poking his arm with the tip of his pencil Alec lost his temper.

“What?” he hissed, a little bit more aggressive than intended, and brushed Jaces hand away from his arm. “We're not supposed to talk during the lesson, you know that!” 

“Yeah I do but I really need your help with this. I don’t understand a thing” Jace whispered desperately and pointed at the opened math book which was lying in front of him.

Alec sighed deeply. It was Friday morning and the two of them were sitting in class together. In the first half of the lesson the teacher had explained a few more important things about the topic they were currently dealing with and now they were supposed to solve some problems by themselves till lunch break. The rest was homework. 

“Jace, I'm really trying to concentrate here” Alec said, his voice now less harsh than before. “I can explain it to you on the weekend when we're at home though.”

He thought this was a fairly good offer but apparently Jace didn't see it like that. “But I don't want to do something like that on the weekend” he whined. “On weekends you're supposed to have fun and doing maths is the complete opposite of fun.”

Alec shrugged unimpressed.  “Well too bad cause it's either that or nothing. And now please let me work.”

“Alec come on …” Jace started again but Alec didn't hear him out this time. He had enough of this so he raised his hand and cleared his throat in order to draw the teacher's attention on him. Luckily it worked very quickly. 

“Yes, Mr. Lightwood?” Mr. Garroway asked. “Do you have a question about the task?” 

Alec shook his head. “No, actually I just wanted to ask if I could use the bathroom” he said. 

“Oh. Okay. If it's really necessary you're allowed to go of course” Mr. Garroway nodded at him and Alec smiled thankfully. “Thank you. And by the way” he added while he was already walking towards the door, “Jace really needs some help but he's too shy to ask.” 

“Alec!” Jace hissed embarrassed and a few people started giggling. 

“Really?” Mr. Garroway raised his eyebrows and looked over to Jace. “There’s no need to be shy - I'm here to help you after all” he said and walked over to his place. The last thing Alec saw before he quickly whooshed out of the room was his brother giving him a dirty look. Yep, he would totally hate him for this. But Alec didn't care. Jace had been going on his nerves the whole morning now so he definitely deserved it. Also he secretly hoped that Mr. Garroway would actually be able to help him cause otherwise he had to do it instead and he really didn't want to if he was being honest. Not now and not at home either. 

Of course Alec didn't want to be mean and normally he really liked helping other people with their school work but Jace wasn't exactly an easy person to work with. He was stubborn and couldn't concentrate seriously for more than five minutes. Alec had tried to explain stuff to him before and it had always ended in him eventually losing his patience and Jace being upset about it.

Alec sighed and looked down the hallway, wondering what he should do now since he didn't really have to go to the toilet. Should he just keep on standing here and wait a few minutes before going back into the room again? No, that would be weird. 

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