Chapter Fourteen

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POV Alec

Alec tried very hard to suppress it but he couldn't help but be a little bit nervous about having dinner together with Magnus. Of course he was more than happy that Magnus wanted to spend time with him and his brother but he was also afraid that he would embarrass himself in front of him. He wasn't that experienced with cooking yet and today he had tried a completely new recipe. What if he had fucked it up and it tasted absolutely disgusting? It smelled quite good but that didn't have to mean anything ...

Alec didn't want to risk making Magnus (or Max) sick from his cooking so he quickly grabbed a spoon and had a taste of it. Surprisingly it was really good. Alec was relieved and took the pot off the heat.

Magnus and Max weren't back yet and Alec wondered what was taking them so long. However he decided to already set the table.

He had just taken the plates out of the cupboard when he heard the front door falling shut and Max and Magnus entered the kitchen.

"Oh wait let me do this" Magnus said quickly and took the plates out of his hands before Alec could protest. "You already cooked and you were so kind to invite me for dinner so I'm going to do this for you. Just sit down already."

Alec was baffled. "Uh thanks" he stammered. "But that's really not necessary."

"Of course it is" Magnus protested. He had put the plates on the table by now and gently pushed Alec down on one of the chairs when he didn't show any intention of sitting down by himself.

Alec blushed cause for some weird reason Magnus giving him commands like that was doing some very strange things to his body ...

"Where do you have glasses?" Magnus asked.

"Wait I'm going to show you" Max said.

A few minutes later the table was set and Magnus sat down on the chair opposite to him. Max was - as always - sitting next to Alec and he realised just now that there was something different on his brother: his nails were painted black - the very same glittery black Magnus had also used for his nails.

Alec couldn't help but smile. So that's what had taken them so long.

Max saw his gaze and blushed a bit. "Do you like it?" he asked carefully.

"Of course I do. It looks amazing" Alec assured him.

"Thank you." Max smiled happily and they started eating.

For the next few minutes nobody said a word and Alec started to feel slightly uncomfortable. He didn't want Magnus to think that he was boring so he quickly tried to think of something interesting to talk about.

"So ... uh ... what have you been doing today?" he eventually came up with. Not very creative but probably better than nothing, he thought. "I mean before the thing with your cat happened and you came over."

"Oh I was just taking a bath" Magnus answered with a little grin on his face and Alec choked on his food. Magnus taking a bath was something he definitely shouldn't think about while he was eating.

He started coughing and Max had to pat his back in order to calm him down again.

"Well that's ... uh ... interesting" he croaked when he was able to breathe again and hoped that his face wasn't as red as it felt like. Magnus however seemed to realize that he was feeling a little bit awkward so he quickly changed the subject.

"Anyways ... how's school going?" he asked Max and Alec was very grateful that the center of attention wasn't on him any longer. "Any annoying classmates or teachers?"

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