Chapter Three

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POV Alec 

A few minutes later, on their way back home, Izzy was still teasing Jace about Clary. Alec almost felt sorry for him but on the other hand he could understand his sisters excitement. Jace wasn't exactly a very emotional guy and he had never looked at a girl like that before. Alec didn't really understand why Jace was so impressed by her - she probably looked quite good he guessed but actually he couldn't see the appeal in her - but still he was glad that Jace had met her. Maybe she would be able to make him a little bit more … sensitive. Izzy probably thought the same. 

“I still can't believe it” she said with a grin on her face. “You just fell for her straight away.”

“I didn't fall for her” Jace protested, probably for the seventh time now, but Izzy didn't show any mercy on him: “Come on, just admit it. You thought she was cute” she went on and Jace rolled his eyes. “Maybe.” 

“Uh-hu” Izzy's grin turned into a smirk. “Then I guess you're going to drink quite a lot coffee in the next time.”

“Why didn't you ask her for her number though?” Alec asked. 

Jace shrugged. “I don’t even know her yet.” 

“Well normally that doesn't stop you” Izzy said. “How long did you know Kaelie before you joined her book club? Two minutes?” 

“Is bookclub a codeword for adult stuff I'm not supposed to know about yet?” Max asked suddenly and Alec choked. 

Jace looked horrified and so did Maryse. “I don’t think that this is the right time to talk about this” she said quickly. 

Max pouted but he didn't protest. 

Luckily they arrived at their house again just in that very moment.

“I think we all should get our stuff inside now” Maryse said, obviously trying to change the topic. Even though they wouldn't keep a lot of their old things Alec, Jace, Izzy, Maryse and Max each had one big bag with them in the trunk of the car with their most important stuff. 

“Good idea” Jace said quickly and opened the trunk. 

“Alec, sweetie, could you please go to our neighbour and ask if they want to come over at seven for dinner this evening?” Maryse asked. “I think that would be a nice way to introduce us to them. I’m going to carry your bag for you then.” 

Alec nodded. “Okay. Sure” he said and ignored the embarrassing pet name generously. Sometimes his mother seemed to forget that he wasn't seven years old any longer but seventeen.

Alec turned around and walked to the house to their right, the one where all the cats seemed to live. He wasn't exactly good in talking to strangers and it always made him feel a little uncomfortable but he was determined to do this. ‘How hard can it be?’ he thought and walked up the stairs which lead to the front porch. Their neighbours house looked very similar to their own, build from the same grey bricks and with a large white door at the front. The only difference was that they didn't have a porch like this one. Too bad actually. Alec really liked it. Especially the wooden porch swing which was hanging to his left. One of the cats they had seen earlier - the one with the fluffy grey fur - was lying on it and watched Alec suspiciously. 

“Please don't attack me I just want to ask something” he said and tried to look as innocent as possible. Alec didn't know why but he had always been way more afraid of cats than of dogs. Maybe it was just because he wasn't really used to them. All people he knew either didn't have any pets at all or dogs. He liked dogs. Of course he liked cats as well but he still thought they were kind of scary.

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