Chapter Seven

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POV Alec 
Alec was a little bit nervous when he, Izzy and Jace eventually entered the school building together. He immediately started looking for Aline but he couldn't find her in the crowd of students who were running through the corridors. Maybe she was already inside one of the classrooms. Or he just couldn't see her because she was too small compared to the others. 

“Gosh I feel like everybody is staring at us” Izzy whispered and Alec could only agree with her. It wasn't as bad as he had imagined it to be but there definitely were some people looking at them curiously. He tried his best to ignore them and followed his siblings through the corridor. They had no idea where exactly they had to go but Alec guessed that it wouldn't be that hard to find the right class rooms. After all this school was way smaller than the one they had been going to before and he didn't think that it was even possible to get lost here. 

“Well I definitely can't blame them for staring at me” Jace said with a confident smirk on his face and winked at a dark haired girl who was just passing them. She blushed and quickly walked away but not without giving Jace a shy smile before she did so.

Alec rolled his eyes and shook his head about his brothers behaviour. Sometimes Jace could be very narcissistic and it didn't exactly help that he always seemed to be successful when it came to hitting on girls. ‘Well every time except one’ Alec thought with a little grin on his face when he suddenly spotted the red haired girl from the coffee shop standing in the middle of the corridor just a few meters away from them. He remembered how awkward Jace had been around her two days ago and he still found it very amusing if he was being honest.

“Oh Jace look who's over there” he couldn't help but tease his brother a little bit, nodding into the direction the girl was standing. Jace followed his gaze and froze in the middle of the movement when he saw her. 

“Oh fuck” he mumbled. “What the hell is she doing here?”

“It's just a guess and I might put my head above the parapet by saying this but I think she goes to school here” Izzy said, clearly amused as well.

Alec giggled but Jace didn't even pay attention to them and kept staring at the girl from the coffee shop instead.

“I think he's having a stroke or something like that” Alec whispered and Izzy shook her head. 

“Unbelievable” she said quietly. “It's like he's hypnotized or something.” 

“I am not” Jace said. “I just - I didn't expect her to be here that's all.”

“But I guess you're very happy about seeing her again huh?” Izzy teased him. 

Jace shook his head. “No actually I’m not.” 

“C’mon. We know that you find her interesting” Alec said even though he couldn't understand why. Well … actually he had never really understood what Jace found attractive about girls in the first place. 

“No … I mean yes I do but have you seen my hair? I look horrible.” 

Izzy snorted and Alec laughed but then he saw the serious expression on his brothers face and he stared at him instead.

“Are you kidding me?” he asked incredulously. “Not even two minutes ago you were hitting on this girl and acted like you were the most irresistible person alive and now you think you look horrible?”

“Shut up” Jace growled. “I just don’t want to make a fool of myself again … maybe we should just go somewhere else so she isn't going to see us.”

He wanted to turn around but it was too late. The girl had already spotted them and smiled friendly. 
Jace stared at her, until Izzy elbowed him. 

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