Chapter Thirty

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POV Alec

As soon as Alec stepped into the shower he knew that this had not been a very good idea. He had thought that having some more distance to Magnus would make his hormones calm down again after their kiss in the alley but apparently he had been very wrong about that. Feeling the hot water tickling on his skin just aroused him even more and thinking about the fact that Magnus was just a few rooms away from him right now did not exactly help either.

"Oh fuck" Alec groaned when he realized that he was actually starting to get hard again and he bit his lip, desperately trying to think of something else, while he was looking for some shampoo he could use. He had no idea why he just didn't seem to be able to control his body functions today but he definitely couldn't do something against it now, here in Magnus' bathroom. His cheeks were burning with embarrassment just by thinking about it.

Eventually Alec just picked one of the various shampoo bottles Magnus had in his shower and sniffed on it after opening the lid.

Jesus that smell was incredible. After hesitating for a moment Alec poured some of the shampoo on his hands and started spreading it over his body and through his hair. Soon he was completely surrounded by that amazing smell and he took a deep breath, feeling his body slowly calming down again.

Relieved he finished his shower as quick as possible before his thoughts could wander off to inappropriate places again and wrapped himself into the towel Magnus had given him. It was warm and fluffy and felt so good on Alec's skin that he would have loved to just leave the bathroom like that, only wrapped into the towel but of course he couldn't do that. Well in theory he could but in reality he was way too shy for something like that in front of Magnus. Also it would probably just end in him catching a cold and he definitely didn't want that so he quickly put on the clothes he had been given from his boyfriend as well.

When Alec saw what was written on the shirt Magnus had chosen for him he blushed a bit but he put it on anyways, hoping that it wouldn't look too ridiculous on him.

Before he eventually left the bathroom again a few minutes later Alec grabbed the bottle of shampoo from the shower and took it with him. He just wanted to ask Magnus where he could buy that stuff and he definitely hadn't expected his boyfriend to react like he did when he smelled the shampoo on his body.

Alec's heart stopped beating and he couldn't breathe properly when Magnus was tracing his sinfully seductive and experienced lips over his skin and he was pretty sure that his knees were about to give in but then his boyfriend suddenly pulled back again and Alec felt oddly disappointed.

He knew that Magnus was probably just trying not to overwhelm him. It was his first relationship after all so it definitely made sense to take things slow. Alec was very touched that his boyfriend was considering his feelings like that but at the same time he also wished that he wouldn't hold himself back just that much. He had loved what he had been doing but he was too shy to ask for him to continue ...

Nevertheless the evening with Magnus was beautiful of course. After preparing the food together - and having a lot of fun while doing so - they were eating together in front of the fireplace. The atmosphere was peaceful and romantic and Alec loved everything about it but still he couldn't help but wish that Magnus would be kissing him again soon. He was desperate to feel his touch on his skin and his hot lips on his mouth. Those beautiful plump lips that tasted so sweet and made him lose his mind ...

During the whole dinner Alec just couldn't get his eyes off of Magnus and at some point he just couldn't take it any longer. He decided to take action and do something but because he was still not feeling brave enough to speak his wish out loud he tried to convey the message nonverbally instead, praying that he wouldn't end up embarrassing himself while doing so.

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