Chapter Twenty

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 POV Alec

"How do I look? Is this okay or should I put on something different?" Alec asked insecurely as he looked at his reflection in the mirror.

He had bought his costume together with his siblings on the day after Magnus had officially invited them to his Halloween Party. Of course he had already worn it before to see if it was the right size but now that he was seeing himself in it again he started having doubts about whether this had been a good idea.

Maybe he just refrain from wearing a costume at all but then everybody would think that he was boring and a spoilsport and he definitely did not want that either. He sighed.

"Oh no, don't you dare" Izzy scolded him immediately. She was sitting behind Alec on his bed and he could see in the mirror that she was giving him a threatening glance. "I already told you it looks amazing."

But unfortunately Alec was still feeling like an idiot. "I don't know ..." he said doubtfully. "I mean those pants are really tight."

Izzy smirked. "Oh I do not think that Magnus is going to complain about that."

Alec blushed. "That's not ... he isn't ..."

"Isn't what? Isn't interested in you like that? Please open your eyes, big brother. I can assure you that he is going to love this costume."

Alec turned away from the mirror, giving in. "Okay I will go like that. Are you happy now?"

"Not as happy as Magnus is going to be when he sees you."

"Izzy!" Alec said warningly but his sister just giggled and stood up from the bed.

She was dressed up as fallen angel, wearing a black dress which was reaching down to her knees in the front but was a little bit longer in the back. The dark color contrasted perfectly with her rather pale skin and the dark, red lipstick on her lips. On her feet she was wearing High Heels and the costume even included two black wings which were strapped to her back.

She looked even more amazing than usually and Alec guessed that Simon would probably have a heart attack when he saw her like that.

He just hoped that he didn't look even more ridiculous next to her.

"Can we finally go downstairs now?" Izzy asked, already standing in the door of Alec's room. "Max and Jace are waiting for us."

Alec took one last deep breath, then he nodded.

"Okay" he said, rather feeling like he was on his way to fight a war than to go to a completely harmless Halloween Party.

"Don't forget your bow and arrow" Izzy said with a grin.

Alec rolled his eyes but grabbed the objects nevertheless before following his sister downstairs.

"Wow Alec, you look great" Max said immediately.

"Thank you. But you also do look quite good little wizard" Alec answered.

Max pouted. "I'm not little."

"Come on, let's be real - compared to Alec everybody is kind of small" Jace said. "Nice tights by the way" he added with grin and Alec blushed.

"I'm not wearing tights. Those are completely normal pants."

"Completely normal but extremely tight pants you mean?" Jace asked amused.

"Come on, stop it or Alec is going to disappear into his room again and you have to wait another twenty minutes until I can convince him to come out."

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