Chapter Forty-Three

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POV Alec

Alec knew that he should be sleeping. After the events of the last few hours his whole body was aching with the need to finally relax but no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't get himself to close his eyes. Since most parts of Magnus' house were completely destroyed Maryse had insisted that he stayed with them overnight and Alec still couldn't believe that his boyfriend was really lying in his bed together with him. A beam of silvery moonlight was illuminating his face and he looked so perfectly beautiful that Alec feared he would disappear as soon as he closed his eyes, like he was just a part of his imagination. He had been so close to losing Magnus today and he still was incredibly scared that none of this was real so he had to make sure that his boyfriend was really here, that he was alive, breathing. Carefully Alec put his hand on Magnus' cheek, not able to resist the urge to touch him any longer. He needed to feel his skin under his fingers, he needed to feel him. Automatically Alec moved closer to his boyfriend and let his hand slide over his body, burning with the need of physical contact. The intensity of his feelings scared him but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to fight against it.

"Magnus" he mumbled softly and leaned so close to him that their noses were almost touching. "Magnus, I need you." He moved his hand up again and softly traced his

boyfriend's lips with his thumb. "Please. I want to kiss you so badly."

It was barely a whisper but Magnus had heard him nevertheless. "Then what are you waiting for?" he asked quietly and as soon as he had opened his eyes Alec closed the last distance between them, bringing their lips together in a feverish kiss.

Magnus seemed to be surprised by his intensity for a moment but his initial confusion quickly turned into passion instead.

His fingers found their way into Alec's hair and he moaned softly against his lips. Encouraged by his reaction Alec put his hands on his boyfriend's shoulders and carefully crawled on top of him, pressing his body into the mattress. Under the curtain of night all of his insecurities didn't seem to exist any longer and he let the impulses of his body take over instead.

Magnus seemed to like what he was doing and he wrapped his legs around Alec's waist, clinging onto him with the same need he was feeling inside of him as well. Alec could feel him everywhere now and he was overwhelmed by relief. There was no way he could imagine something like this. The way Magnus' hot breath felt on his lips, the way he smelled - it was definitely real.

Alec slowly started to relax a bit and moved his lips away from his boyfriend's mouth, leaving a trail of little kisses all over his face and his neck instead.

"Tell me if you want me to stop" he whispered breathlessly while his right hand was slowly wandering further down again.

Magnus let out a little laugh and Alec's heart skipped a beat when he saw his boyfriend's cat eyes glowing in the dark. "Does it seem like I want you to stop?"

"No, not really."

"Then don't."

Magnus' arms were still wrapped around Alec's neck and the way he was looking at him made the other boy shiver.

"I understand how you feel" he said quietly and his fingers were playing with Alec's hair while he was talking. "And I feel the same, believe me. I just don't want you to do something you're not ready for yet. After everything that happened ..."

He didn't finish the sentence but Alec knew what he was talking about. It was true that he wasn't ready for a lot of things yet. His feelings were so intense right now because he had been so scared about Magnus the days before and doing a big step in that condition would be wrong.

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